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Thans Wazzat :) more of a reason for me to head straight to the brand new hydrobath in Cockburn then :laugh:

GR ta for that information although i'd feel so guilty using their free hydrobath!!! particularly as i am not a customer...

LOL, I am not a customer either but they don't mind! :)

Oh I forgot about theirs! I've never actually used it but remember you mentioning it a few times :D Maybe when it's warmer I may venture there after a Riverside trip.

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ST you just gave me insparation for making Toby's weekly allergy baths that much easier ;)

Out of everything I do for the allergies the bathing is the biggest chore, we sometimes need to bath him 2x a week!! Until we own our own place, no hydrabath for us, I dont dry Mason with a dryer as it just makes his skin even dryer than it already is!

Last night the vet recommended at least once a week until his allergies settle and "foot baths" every other day :laugh: spoiled boy :eek: We found out insurance dosn't cover immunotherapy and after speaking to the vet last night (who has severe allergies herself so has so much sympathy for alergic dogs :eek: ) we decided to try changing his diet and upping baths and doses of Polaramine and see if that helps.

What insurance are you with? Did they give a reason as to why they wont cover the immunotherapy?? I know a lot of people dont like Petplan but I can't complain, I have paid my $100 excess for Mason's allergies and they have paid for the rest of his treatment - around $4000 this year as he ws back and forth to the normal vet several times, then he had reactions to the ear drops, then the tests and immunotherapy.

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ST you just gave me insparation for making Toby's weekly allergy baths that much easier :bottom:

Midland BP&G have had a hydrobath for ages :laugh: I like having my own though with built in dryer :laugh:

So we can all come to your place to use yours after they get to have a swim in your dam? :eek:

I have a friend bringing her two up for a full wash and blow dry the weekend before the Royal :eek: They will also get to have a play in our fully fenced 1 acre paddock (fence is mesh 1.45m high) before their wash as she doesn't let them offlead when out and about as their recalls aren't that good ;)

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Just back from the Adelaide Royal where Bedazzledx2 gorgeous boy Brooklyn won UD :D .

Scoota worked well too but both boys really struggled with articles tonight (as did a number of the other dogs).

Back again tomorrow night for Open.

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Waiting to board for Adelaide. Will pass on everyones well wishes. :eek:

all the best to you all have a safe trip, play nice and make us all proud, and

KEEP YOUR DOGS in your EYE Sight!


Will do. I am sitting here watching the west Aussie superstars that are currently sitting on first and third.

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Scoota won Open. Brookie was stresed and sat up in the drop stay.

Go boys though they did WA proud and was so nice to see some quality work with quality handling. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it and hope one day to have a dog work as nicely and to handle as nicely in the ring.

Was nice to see you both Ptolomy and Bedazzledx2 - I think I better not leave quite so long until we catch up again :eek: .

And lovely to meet you ValleyCBR - wish you all the best with the showing.

Edited by ness
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