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Go Buzz :laugh: Seems like it was a successful weekend for us DOLers :rofl:

Tiggy, those photos make me jealous - wish I was outside enjoying the sun :rofl:

I work Tuesday to Saturday so I feel sorry for myself Saturday when I'm at work and you guys are out enjoying the sun :rofl:

Sorry for your loss ValleyCBR, Run free Lilly!
Here's my Moo!


That is the cutest photo ;) And look at all your goodies!

Teensy brag from me - Buzz was Baby in Group again today so was pleased with that - two weekends in a row! :rofl: Gorgeous weather at K9 today - had a lovely day with friends :rofl:

Nawww good boy Buzz. I go 'awwwww' everytime I see your avatar PD :rofl:

Hahahah look at Sophie doing tha frog, very cute. My dogs are probably outside soaking up some rays, they have no lawn though, poor deprived sandy dogs.

My lawn had top soil over it at the minute which is a pain in the butt, it sticks to wet paws :rofl:

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:rofl: Ptolomy so do I need to rush out today and stock up on chocolate and wine for your visit :laugh: .

;) thanks for the offer - but we will stop off and stock up on "supplies" on the way to the accommodation :rofl:

If your heading to Adelaide then don't pack your pearly whites :rofl:

I returned last night from the show & it was mud city .

Hopefully when i head back wednesday it will have dried out a bite & i can wash the mud spots out of my clothes & reclaim my white shoes

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:rofl: Ptolomy so do I need to rush out today and stock up on chocolate and wine for your visit :laugh: .

;) thanks for the offer - but we will stop off and stock up on "supplies" on the way to the accommodation :rofl:

If your heading to Adelaide then don't pack your pearly whites :rofl:

I returned last night from the show & it was mud city .

Hopefully when i head back wednesday it will have dried out a bite & i can wash the mud spots out of my clothes & reclaim my white shoes

Thanks for the heads up! How did you go?

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sorry I did confuse myself, but yes I get it now ;)

I am glad you two do cause I don't get it anymore :rofl: I would be so lost if I had to show in a breed with lots of dogs. :laugh:

hehehehe i am only just beginning to understand rofl. i have had the steward yelling third and final for me o go back in and i haven't realised i am supposed to be in the ring rofl.

can you tell i haven't gotten very far very often rofl

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:rofl: Ptolomy so do I need to rush out today and stock up on chocolate and wine for your visit :laugh: .

;) thanks for the offer - but we will stop off and stock up on "supplies" on the way to the accommodation :rofl:

If your heading to Adelaide then don't pack your pearly whites :rofl:

I returned last night from the show & it was mud city .

Hopefully when i head back wednesday it will have dried out a bite & i can wash the mud spots out of my clothes & reclaim my white shoes

Hey thanks for the heads up - I am assuming that it is muddy on the road outside the show area and not inside??

Pssst Bedazzled - we better throw in those black trackie pants afterall :rofl:

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Ah ok, thanks for the warning RS - one to avoid then ;)

It just depends if you have it to yourself or not ;)

Mas1981 can probably tell you a good story that happened to her there. Something along the lines of there were these dogs lunging and being fairly aggressive to Mason through the fence as she approached the gate, and the dumbass owners were telling her to hurry up and bring her dog in and let it off lead already because her dog being on lead was what was making their dogs act the way they are. I'm not that cluey on doggy behaviour, but it was my understanding that the one feeling intimidated and perhaps aggressive, if any, would be the one ON lead, not the ones off! :eek: She did what any sensible person would do, walk away!

Yip thats basically the whole story and I have not taken him back there even though its literally a 5 min drive from our house :) I do take him to the park and just walk him onlead in the non- offlead areas though which is lovely :)

Loads of work for Mason and I to do this week, our club comp is on sunday morning bright and early, I am trying to focus on my heelwork and sit stays.

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Yip thats basically the whole story and I have not taken him back there even though its literally a 5 min drive from our house ;) I do take him to the park and just walk him onlead in the non- offlead areas though which is lovely ;)

Loads of work for Mason and I to do this week, our club comp is on sunday morning bright and early, I am trying to focus on my heelwork and sit stays.

Ok thanks Mas1981, good luck for sunday :eek:

How far do you have to drive out of Perth to find deserted dog friendly beaches :) Louis hasn't had a free run since we left Scotland over 2 months ago and he loves having a good run. Until he is more comfortable with off-lead dogs I can't take him to the beaches round here :)

Any other ideas for a very quiet place I can let him stretch his legs?

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Yip thats basically the whole story and I have not taken him back there even though its literally a 5 min drive from our house ;) I do take him to the park and just walk him onlead in the non- offlead areas though which is lovely ;)

Loads of work for Mason and I to do this week, our club comp is on sunday morning bright and early, I am trying to focus on my heelwork and sit stays.

Ok thanks Mas1981, good luck for sunday :eek:

How far do you have to drive out of Perth to find deserted dog friendly beaches :) Louis hasn't had a free run since we left Scotland over 2 months ago and he loves having a good run. Until he is more comfortable with off-lead dogs I can't take him to the beaches round here :)

Any other ideas for a very quiet place I can let him stretch his legs?

If you are really desperate you can use the 20 acre bush block next to my house. :D

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What breed do you guys think this is, I think Rach may be utilising one in the future! lol

Hairy Xolo :eek:

I was thinking it might be that for a trick question but Xolo's have up ears right?

They are up if they are taped many that are sown are and some go up by them selves, this one wasnt a show dog so the breeder kept them down.

Almost normal hey guys lol!!

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What breed do you guys think this is, I think Rach may be utilising one in the future! lol

Hairy Xolo :eek:

I was thinking it might be that for a trick question but Xolo's have up ears right?

They are up if they are taped many that are sown are and some go up by them selves, this one wasnt a show dog so the breeder kept them down.

Almost normal hey guys lol!!

Yes I doubt I would have picked it if another person had posted it :)

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