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Second year mirawee :( He's a good boy! If I don't get mine by Monday I'll have to go in and get another copy.

vCBR, so sorry to hear about Lilly :D Big :o to you.

Bedazzled, how many times has Brookie been top Obedience dog now? He is a legend definitely :(*

Tiggy, I live in Upper Woop Woop (pretty sure I am further out than Bedazzled LOL) and I got mine the same day the metro people did!

RubyStar, maybe they know somethinig you don't :rofl:

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Safe journey over the bridge Lily, and big, big hugs Valley.......

Rubystar, Im certain AI does stand for Artificial Insemination.....What Id like to know is what is Sporting Register??? Are these Working Dog Assoc. registered dogs??? I recognise a few of the names, like Marionvale.

I live in Woop Woop South :o and I got my K9 news of Friday too!!

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Rubystar, Im certain AI does stand for Artificial Insemination.....What Id like to know is what is Sporting Register??? Are these Working Dog Assoc. registered dogs??? I recognise a few of the names, like Marionvale.

Forgot to say - AI definitely does stand for Artificial Insemination :o Interesting on an Associate dog!

Sporting Register is for dogs registered in a working registry. Not sure if it is only WDA dogs or others as well. Because Associate Register dogs now need to be sterilised, registered working dogs obviously couldn't go into the AR if they were going to be bred! Plus it means that they get a prefix on their name not just a single word name :D

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Rubystar, Im certain AI does stand for Artificial Insemination.....What Id like to know is what is Sporting Register??? Are these Working Dog Assoc. registered dogs??? I recognise a few of the names, like Marionvale.

Forgot to say - AI definitely does stand for Artificial Insemination :o Interesting on an Associate dog!

Sporting Register is for dogs registered in a working registry. Not sure if it is only WDA dogs or others as well. Because Associate Register dogs now need to be sterilised, registered working dogs obviously couldn't go into the AR if they were going to be bred! Plus it means that they get a prefix on their name not just a single word name :D

So is this a recent thing mirawee?

Did or are you going yo HOTY ? Was it this weekend?I know someone else who was going!

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So is this a recent thing mirawee?

Did or are you going yo HOTY ? Was it this weekend?I know someone else who was going!

SR has been around for a while, although I don't know exactly how long since it isn't something that actually affects me :o

HOY was today and tomorrow. I didn't go today as Diva didn't work well yesterday (went and watched and ended up helping prep and warm up a friend's horse though ) However since she was fairly good when I rode today I will do Intermediate HOY tomorrow... particularly since there are only 4 horses in her section :D

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So is this a recent thing mirawee?

Did or are you going yo HOTY ? Was it this weekend?I know someone else who was going!

SR has been around for a while, although I don't know exactly how long since it isn't something that actually affects me :o

HOY was today and tomorrow. I didn't go today as Diva didn't work well yesterday (went and watched and ended up helping prep and warm up a friend's horse though ) However since she was fairly good when I rode today I will do Intermediate HOY tomorrow... particularly since there are only 4 horses in her section :(

Ive only just noticed it, probably coz I was going through the lists looking for everyones dogs :D Didnt help though coz I dont know anyones real names!!

Good luck for tomorrow - hope the weather is good for you all! Keep an eye out for a little bay Arab mare form Bridgetown!!

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:( Run free Lilly! Hugs to you, Hannah :hug:

Ive only just noticed it, probably coz I was going through the lists looking for everyones dogs ;) Didnt help though coz I dont know anyones real names!!

You will see Ruby in there on page 39 :o

I will have to contact DogsWest then, I am thinking the AI is a mistake!! But it is in brackets as well, I thought AI dogs weren't in brackets? Regardless, it's wrong. What wally entered that into the system!!! :eek:

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Lincoln was shown in Vic this weekend and on Saturday he got RUBOB but was apparently a bit cheeky and on Sunday he got Reserve Dog and was an angel ;) . :(

So now if/when Lincoln gets his Ch. title I know that he at least beat another dog in the ring. :eek:

Go Lincoln :o

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You will see Ruby in there on page 39 :rofl:

I will have to contact DogsWest then, I am thinking the AI is a mistake!! But it is in brackets as well, I thought AI dogs weren't in brackets? Regardless, it's wrong. What wally entered that into the system!!! :D

I found Ruby last night - but I guess I was looking for Millimoooooooo :love: ...Is she in there??

Wandy is assoc. registered and she has AR after her rego number....Zola dam and sire where both AI'd, they both have AI after their names in brackets. So I would think DW have made a mistake!!

Lincoln was shown in Vic this weekend and on Saturday he got RUBOB but was apparently a bit cheeky and on Sunday he got Reserve Dog and was an angel :laugh: . :p

So now if/when Lincoln gets his Ch. title I know that he at least beat another dog in the ring. :)

Well done Mr Lincoln :p :laugh: ..Thats great stuff Valley!! When are you off for a visit?? And when do you get to bring him home??

Poor tough ridgeback was cold this morning, so had to have some jammies on when she got out of bed :rofl: Followed by a nice warm brekkie!!!

I now have a draw full of doggy coats - 4, maybe 5 for the RR and 1 for the Kelpie. Although she refuses to be seen in it, as its a hoody :rofl:

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And my brag is that Diva won her first rug today :rofl: Not that she really deserved it as she went from Angel Diva outside the ring to PMT Diva inside :laugh:

Well done mirawee :) good one Diva! Which class?? I think my friend wouldve been in a Galloway class if there was such a thing :laugh: Dont know about horse classes!

Enjoy your lovely new rug!

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Well done mirawee :) good one Diva! Which class?? I think my friend wouldve been in a Galloway class if there was such a thing :laugh: Dont know about horse classes!

Enjoy your lovely new rug!

Intermediate Show Hunter Galloway of the Year :laugh: Bit of a mouthful :rofl: There were several different classes on today - I didn't notice a bay purebred arab though. Oh and rug is a nice wool show rug :champagne:

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Yay, go Lincoln :)

And go Millie Moo too since I know her news :rofl:

And my brag is that Diva won her first rug today :champagne: Not that she really deserved it as she went from Angel Diva outside the ring to PMT Diva inside :champagne:

Well done Diva :laugh: - bet your glad you went now

and yay for Milliemoo :laugh:

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Thanks guys, yes Milliemoo got 1st place in novice obedience today :laugh: 197/200.

LabRat, Millie's CCD title should be in the next Canine News. She is however somewhere in there for her first place at the June 12th trial :laugh:

ETA: Congrats mirawee with Diva!! :)

Edited by RubyStar
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I found out today that my aunty, my cousins, a second cousin and my mum and dad are all coming to watch Toby at the Royal :laugh: And I was thinking of withdrawing him. Better step up my training :laugh:

:) I am seriously thinking about withdrawing Ruby and just taking Millie :rofl:

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Louis had his first 'reactive rover' class today and all went well :) It was all kept nice and calm and no dogs forced to do anything they or owners didn't feel comfortable with - Louis even sniffed the bum of the 'non-reactive' dog they had there to help out :eek:

Can anyone recommend a vet NOR, near Cottesloe - I know there is one in Claremont - does anyone have any experience of this one? Louis has been more obsessive than usual with licking his feet over the past few days and I'd like to take him to a vet near to where we're moving to rather than one local to where we are now.

Also what is Whiteman Park like? 2.5 hectares of fully fenced dog park sounds good :(


Cheers :)

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