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Christine, my local obedience club has four levels of obedience - with level one being really basic (eg teaching your dog to sit) and level 2 is just the next level up (eg making your dog wait/stay while you walk away).

Level four makes the dogs sit and stay for a LONG time, I am always impressed!! :rofl:

What area is your boss in?

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Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me, I am trying to find out if there is any cheapish accomadation in Bunbry for the 2 champ shows in October, or if anyone could house 1-2 adults and 1 child, and 3-4 dogs who will be in their dog trailer, I would be entrirely grateful :rofl:

Oh and on the agility note, my daughter has made some makeshift jumps out in the backyard and she has had all 3, yes all 3 dogs going over it and they love it. No collars or leads, may be I might have to start getting my backside into gear and start all 3 in agility ;) I'm sweating just thinking about it,haha

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Valley - I am so sorry your family has to say goodbye to your beautiful Lilly, its one of the hardest things to have to do :laugh:

I will be thinking of you all tomorrow :rofl:

Take care and enjoy your visit with Lincoln

Ooh, where did you get the book from?

And if Diva is anything like she was today when I ride her tomorrow I will definitely get to sleep in on Saturday! One of the worst rides I have ever had on her :laugh:

Mirawee, I walked into a book shop in Bunbury that also does the ABC shop thing to order a DVD (the young guy who did the trek across Mongolia etc.) and there it was on the shelf - staring at me!!!! I had to buy it, although I dont think Ill be getting a Christmas or Birthday present now :( It was a bit exxy, but I have been looking for a Tony Parsons book forever!

How exciting! I have 2 of his first books....they're now rare books on ebay ;)

Oh, Bedazzled - how lucky are you to have two of his first books!! I might haved to search ebay for them I think!!

WX, the ABC bookshop is where I found it. Was the only one, but Im sure they would order more in!!

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Hi Golden Rules,

not too far from Sir charles gairdner hospital - pretty much the same street as Prix d'amour used to be in. We got lots of stories about magpies flying off with bits of stucco from the famous building! (and stories about Rose and her poodle - apparently it used to run away all the time)

So that makes it - damn my lack of geography - central perthish?? A little bit from central perth towards to the coastal direction.

I've only lived here for, lets see, 20 odd years? :rofl:


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Hi Golden Rules,

not too far from Sir charles gairdner hospital - pretty much the same street as Prix d'amour used to be in. We got lots of stories about magpies flying off with bits of stucco from the famous building! (and stories about Rose and her poodle - apparently it used to run away all the time)

So that makes it - damn my lack of geography - central perthish?? A little bit from central perth towards to the coastal direction.

I've only lived here for, lets see, 20 odd years? :(



OK, so Mosman Park or thereabouts? Sorry, no idea about obedience clubs over that way but I am sure there will be one close by!!

Someone else here may be able to help.

Haven't heard about Rose for such a long time - she seems to have dropped off the media's radar the last few years ;)

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Hi all. I have a mixed message sombre/happy post tonight.

We are having Lilly pts tomorrow :laugh: she is just not comfortable or mobile and has very little/no quality of life. It's been a long time coming and I just wanted to thank everyone for thier support the last couple of months. :laugh: It seemed to us that every year beyond 10 was a gift as she died on the operating table then and they were able to bring her back.

I feel guilty but at the same time I am excited about seeing Lincoln next week and going to Adelaide. :(

:rofl: I'm so sorry vCBR, thinking of you during this time ;) Pass on hugs to her from all of us here.

Edited by RubyStar
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Hi all. I have a mixed message sombre/happy post tonight.

We are having Lilly pts tomorrow ;) she is just not comfortable or mobile and has very little/no quality of life. It's been a long time coming and I just wanted to thank everyone for thier support the last couple of months. :( It seemed to us that every year beyond 10 was a gift as she died on the operating table then and they were able to bring her back.

I feel guilty but at the same time I am excited about seeing Lincoln next week and going to Adelaide. :rofl:

So sorry to hear about Lilly, valley CBR, sending you and your family cyber hugs at this difficult time . Fly high with your angel wings Lilly, old girl.

Hope Lincon does you proud at the Royal, Valley CBR.

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The Welcome Inn is where everyone stays in Bunbury.

Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me, I am trying to find out if there is any cheapish accomadation in Bunbry for the 2 champ shows in October, or if anyone could house 1-2 adults and 1 child, and 3-4 dogs who will be in their dog trailer, I would be entrirely grateful :rofl:

Oh and on the agility note, my daughter has made some makeshift jumps out in the backyard and she has had all 3, yes all 3 dogs going over it and they love it. No collars or leads, may be I might have to start getting my backside into gear and start all 3 in agility ;) I'm sweating just thinking about it,haha

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Can those "in the know" in regards to registered names and stuff please clarify something for me!

Now I was under the impression that AI at the end of a dog's name meant Artificial Insemination (or along those lines), is this right?

So why would my Associate Registered dog, whose parentage cannot be proved, have AI after her name?

When I did my online entries for the Royal and entered in Millie's registration number, it came up as MILLIEMOO (AI), I thought it weird but then just disregarded it as maybe that was a special marker for the Royal entries that she is an associate dog :rofl:

But the other day I received Millie's CCD certificate back and once again, it says MILLIEMOO (AI). What the?!?! ;) What does this mean?? And yes it is displayed in brackets, which is the other odd thing.

Edited by RubyStar
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Hi all. I have a mixed message sombre/happy post tonight.

We are having Lilly pts tomorrow ;) she is just not comfortable or mobile and has very little/no quality of life. It's been a long time coming and I just wanted to thank everyone for thier support the last couple of months. :( It seemed to us that every year beyond 10 was a gift as she died on the operating table then and they were able to bring her back.

I feel guilty but at the same time I am excited about seeing Lincoln next week and going to Adelaide. :rofl:

Thinkin of you valley big hugs for you and lilly tomorrow.

rubystar i thought it meant artificial insemination too but not sure

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Hi all. I have a mixed message sombre/happy post tonight.

We are having Lilly pts tomorrow :laugh: she is just not comfortable or mobile and has very little/no quality of life. It's been a long time coming and I just wanted to thank everyone for thier support the last couple of months. :laugh: It seemed to us that every year beyond 10 was a gift as she died on the operating table then and they were able to bring her back.

I feel guilty but at the same time I am excited about seeing Lincoln next week and going to Adelaide. :(

Oh Han,

I'm so sorry. It's the hardest decision to make, isn't it, but you know you are doing the right thing. Sometimes the best way we can show our love for them is to let them go peacefully. Hugs to you & your family for tomorrow :rofl:

Don't feel guilty about longing to see your boy; life goes on, as much as sometimes we wish it wouldn't, and it would be so wrong not to enjoy every moment of life we can with our doggy mates who are still here - treasure them and make the most of every minute we have them ;)

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I also thought that it mean artificial insemination, actually I'm pretty sure it does. My boy has AI after his name as does all of his littler brother and sisters. I owuld give Dogswest a call as they must have it wrong in their database.

Can those "in the know" in regards to registered names and stuff please clarify something for me!

Now I was under the impression that AI at the end of a dog's name meant Artificial Insemination (or along those lines), is this right?

So why would my Associate Registered dog, whose parentage cannot be proved, have AI after her name?

When I did my online entries for the Royal and entered in Millie's registration number, it came up as MILLIEMOO (AI), I thought it weird but then just disregarded it as maybe that was a special marker for the Royal entries that she is an associate dog :thumbsup:

But the other day I received Millie's CCD certificate back and once again, it says MILLIEMOO (AI). What the?!?! :rofl: What does this mean?? And yes it is displayed in brackets, which is the other odd thing.

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vCBR, so sorry to hear about Lilly :dancingelephant: Big :dancingelephant: to you.

Bedazzled, how many times has Brookie been top Obedience dog now? He is a legend definitely :dancingelephant:*

Tiggy, I live in Upper Woop Woop (pretty sure I am further out than Bedazzled LOL) and I got mine the same day the metro people did!

RubyStar, maybe they know somethinig you don't :dancingelephant:

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vCBR, so sorry to hear about Lilly :dancingelephant: Big :dancingelephant: to you.

Bedazzled, how many times has Brookie been top Obedience dog now? He is a legend definitely :dancingelephant:*

Tiggy, I live in Upper Woop Woop (pretty sure I am further out than Bedazzled LOL) and I got mine the same day the metro people did!

RubyStar, maybe they know somethinig you don't :dancingelephant:

I'd love to live in woop woop to :thumbsup:

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