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Where are all the bloody dog shows gone!! Just have six to do for his title and I am going to struggle to get them in this year by the looks of it!!

Must taper off now till xmas!

There are always less shows after the Royal... although there should be at least 4 in Nov/Dec and possibly a couple in Oct so you should be able to get to 6 :crazy:

Thanks Mirawee just got the Canine news, are a few more than I thought but wont do the country ones as I cant stay overnight, but should be able to sqeeze them in!

Lab Rat hat books sounds great I am off to research it ( My son and DIL have a love of kelpies and have two)

PD888 yourr hubby!! sounds like a covert!! Please make sure the kids come and say hello if they are at a show or if the want some info for a school project I love helping kids with info on the breed

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I really want to do Bunbury twice and Albany! ;)

I was supposed to go to training tonight but I piked out cause its too cold. :mad

Wondered where you got to - I needed someone to do some SFE for me!! :( It wasn't too cold actually. Unless you were on the receiving end of an unfortunate incident like Amy involving your jacket :crazy:

Well Toby is being a bit of a prat atm so I knew I was going to drive all the way down, be freezing, have my dog play up, be in a bad mood and drive all the way home :rofl: . I can do SFE practice Sunday ;)

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I haven't got mine yet...we are always a few days later. Yep it should be Brookie cause he won Top Obedience Dog :rofl: Can't wait to get mine.
Is that Brookie I spy on the cover of the Canine News :D

Woohoo go Brookie!! :laugh: He must grace the cover at least every second publication :rofl:

Millie has her very first mention in the Canine News :eek: I had to show her her name printed :laugh:

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Don't mention the jacket :laugh:

No wasn't very cold, I lugged some sandbags which warmed me up and didn't feel cold until I'd finished training. Need to go on a fitness program to run trixie - just about had a bloody heart attack from too much running!!! Maybe some Zunba is in order lol

I would love to try ZUmba, but as I am not even continuing with agility with Mason due to a lack of co-ords and me tripping and falling over him in beginners class repeatedly I dont think I am a good candidate for Zumba!! :laugh:

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Forgot to report back (did it on Facebook :D)

It was SO MUCH FUN!! :D I am a complete unco and my legs weren't going where they should half the time but loads of fun and we certainly worked up a sweat! :laugh::laugh:

There was only about 9 of us there so would be good to see a few more next week! :rofl::rofl::eek:

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Millie has her very first mention in the Canine News :( I had to show her her name printed :D

Kyzer too :D Jumping Dog - LOL sounds silly.

Amy, we will have to do Wed night Zumba soon me thinks! And anyone else who wants to join us ;)

PD888 - how did Zumba go the other night? Is it worth us going along? :(

Yep definitely! Can probably do it not this Wednesday but the one after.

Forgot to report back (did it on Facebook :D)

It was SO MUCH FUN!! :D I am a complete unco and my legs weren't going where they should half the time but loads of fun and we certainly worked up a sweat! :laugh::laugh:

There was only about 9 of us there so would be good to see a few more next week! :eek::rofl: :D

:D :rofl: Yep I want to do it!

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Millie has her very first mention in the Canine News :rofl: I had to show her her name printed :laugh:

Kyzer too :rofl: Jumping Dog - LOL sounds silly.

Yep Ruby too! Companion Dog - like she wasn't already one to me, though :laugh:

Millie had an entry under trial results :eek:

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Yep I saw Rubys :rofl: I was showing OH's sister Kyzer's title and Ruby's, she was giving me that 'crazy dog lady' look and backing away slowly :laugh::rofl:

There were only trial results printed for 2 agility trials, Cloverdale, which we didn't enter and Gosnells, where we bombed :laugh: Typical!

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Amy, we will have to do Wed night Zumba soon me thinks! And anyone else who wants to join us :laugh:

PD888 - how did Zumba go the other night? Is it worth us going along? :rofl:

i would love to but i work nights :laugh: tuesday night if they want t change it is fine lol

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I would love to try ZUmba, but as I am not even continuing with agility with Mason due to a lack of co-ords and me tripping and falling over him in beginners class repeatedly I dont think I am a good candidate for Zumba!! :laugh:

That's a shame I thought you were really enjoying agility

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Hi all. I have a mixed message sombre/happy post tonight.

We are having Lilly pts tomorrow :o she is just not comfortable or mobile and has very little/no quality of life. It's been a long time coming and I just wanted to thank everyone for thier support the last couple of months. :D It seemed to us that every year beyond 10 was a gift as she died on the operating table then and they were able to bring her back.

I feel guilty but at the same time I am excited about seeing Lincoln next week and going to Adelaide. :laugh:

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I still haven't got mine!!! ;) Only bills in the post box :( Can you bring yours to the weekend trials so I can have a look see please?

I haven't got mine yet...we are always a few days later. Yep it should be Brookie cause he won Top Obedience Dog :( Can't wait to get mine.
Is that Brookie I spy on the cover of the Canine News :D

Woohoo go Brookie!! :laugh: He must grace the cover at least every second publication :D

Millie has her very first mention in the Canine News :) I had to show her her name printed :o

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Hi all. I have a mixed message sombre/happy post tonight.

We are having Lilly pts tomorrow :o she is just not comfortable or mobile and has very little/no quality of life. It's been a long time coming and I just wanted to thank everyone for thier support the last couple of months. :D It seemed to us that every year beyond 10 was a gift as she died on the operating table then and they were able to bring her back.

I feel guilty but at the same time I am excited about seeing Lincoln next week and going to Adelaide. :laugh:

Big hugs Valley, its not a nice decision to have to make but if she is suffering it is the right thing to do and she will be forever grateful to you.

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Its such a hard decision but the most selfless thing we can do. It's the price of owning a pet but what a gift they give to us... Thinking of you :laugh:

Hi all. I have a mixed message sombre/happy post tonight.

We are having Lilly pts tomorrow :D she is just not comfortable or mobile and has very little/no quality of life. It's been a long time coming and I just wanted to thank everyone for thier support the last couple of months. ;) It seemed to us that every year beyond 10 was a gift as she died on the operating table then and they were able to bring her back.

I feel guilty but at the same time I am excited about seeing Lincoln next week and going to Adelaide. :o

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I would love to try ZUmba, but as I am not even continuing with agility with Mason due to a lack of co-ords and me tripping and falling over him in beginners class repeatedly I dont think I am a good candidate for Zumba!! :laugh:

That's a shame I thought you were really enjoying agility

I was really enjoying it and will probably go back next year, its also really difficult as there is something in Carine that sets Mason's allergies off big time and I cannot bath and dry him after 9 when we get home at night, I am hoping that by early next year he may have had a big improvement and not be so affected by his allergies. On sundays when we attend class I bring him home and bath him ( saying that we have had so many things on on a sunday that we have not been to class in ages), but we did have a lesson last weekend and we will be doing a club comp next sunday :o

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ValleyCBR - zen hugs - its never easy.

For everyone else, my boss, having a 6 mnth mini poodle, is looking for a level 2 obedience class. I can't help, my club has beginners and everyone else (all 5 of us - anyone for a small class? We're very supportive of each other!) mostly due to lack of instructors.

She's done a great job of rearing her pup so far, the breeder is really impressed!

Silly question alert - what are these levels in obedience, anyway??


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ValleyCBR I am so sorry but at the same time think you are giving Lilly a rare gift that only one who loves and truly understands and wants what is best for their companion can give, this is the greatest and most unselfish act we can give.

Hugs and focus on HOW Lilly lived her life and all the wonderful times she gave you and your family.

J xox

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