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I had the opposite guys, the nightmare dog as my first, was interested in everything else but listening to me, so that made the next dog so much easier :)

I had a similar expirience! Lilly is an absolute cow! She would (and still won't :( ) listen to a word I say even for food and my dad only has to look at her sideways and she would be pulling out the tricks!

Jack my pet shop border collie was really the easiest dog in the world to train! He was so eager to please me and was very highly motivated for praise/tug/ball! I could also do something 10 or 15 times in a row (i.e ask him to weave) and he would happily do it. It's a shame he passed on way too early. ;)

After Jack I was so not ready for Toby! He likes food ok I guess, he isn't really pat or tug or even toy motivated (until I discovered iSqueaks but thats mostly at home). He is a little bit neurotic and shuts down when he is stressed, which is easy to trigger. But as a pet he is so easy! He is a lounge dog and has seriously low exercise requirements. He hasn't destroyed anything since he stopped teething even if he was left home alone all day!

But then Lincoln is better to train then Toby but will never be as smart and able to do things over and over as Jack. So beware RS! :eek: Your next dog mught be worse then both :eek:

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i saw you ladies was going to come over and say hi you had just put thedogs into a sit stay walked away from them then up then were leaving i assume as the lights went out i was in my car cutting up bait i got there late. will have to come say hi next tuesday. i need advice on ow to train my stubborn pig headed girl ;)

okay that is my vent before she makes me cry sorry.

It was ACWA's AGM so we trained earlier than normal. Unforuntately that will be our last Tuesday undercover session as next Tuesday we will both be in Adelaide :eek: for a few days.

But do come up and say hi if you see us again :) and introduce us to your pigheaded girl. I think we all have sessions like you must have had last night so we all know where you are coming from - hang in there - and if things don't improve - red wine helps :eek::(

Edited by Ptolomy
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But then Lincoln is better to train then Toby but will never be as smart and able to do things over and over as Jack. So beware RS! :) Your next dog mught be worse then both :eek:

As I will most likely be changing breeds, I suspect this will be the case as the learning curve for training a new breed I imagine will be steep! Or I could just get another nightmare Lab again :( Well I exaggerate when I say nightmare. Ruby was actually quite a good puppy, only destroyed a few things, but I perservered every week regardless of weather taking her to training class to have her only be interested in other dogs and not me and my food and it reduced me to tears on numerous occasions. I actually would love the challenge of another Lab puppy (as I didn't get to train Millie as a baby), so we'll see what the future holds for me!

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It was ACWA's AGM so we trained earlier than normal. Unforuntately that will be our last Tuesday undercover session as next Tuesday we will both be in Adelaide :eek: for a few days.

But do come up and say hi if you see us again :) and introduce us to your pigheaded girl. I think we all have sessions like you must have had last night so we all know where you are coming from - hang in there - and if things don't improve - red wine helps :eek::(

My girls inform me you didn't come and get them out of the car to train them while I was at the AGM ;)

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So how was the ACWA AGM? Given the weather and the pretty colours over Canning Vale way on the BOM radar I stayed at home and worked a horse instead (wasn't raining at home) :)

Emery, spend some time trying to work out what motivates your girl :( It will be worth it. Luckily all of mine now are fairly food motivated LOL.

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So how was the ACWA AGM? Given the weather and the pretty colours over Canning Vale way on the BOM radar I stayed at home and worked a horse instead (wasn't raining at home) :)

Yes I am dying to know to considering I was thinking about puppy agility next term for Lincoln :(

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emery stick with it as mirawee says take some time to work out what motivates her. I have a similar issue to you with Ari, she is incredibly distracted especially initially and takes a good 20 minutes to really settle in her surroundings. She watches everything intently and if she is really concerned about something, that's about it for the training session.

On Monday I got the first glimpse of what could be with her if I work really hard to keep her focus.

I was spoiled too - Tansy was the first dog i really trained and she could do anything. Sparky not so much with me but she did well for my mum. Spartan again was really an easy dog - only had to show him something once and once he had it that was it... however being a stubborn bugger of a setter, he doesnt always listen at home and he was a difficult puppy... James on the other hand - smart in his own way, stubborn as a setter can be, but an absolute joy to live with. Ari - well she takes the cake ... smart, distracted, stubborn... she needs that extra work that I haven't done with her except in the showring... i'm actually a pretty lazy trainer... i should work on that!

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When I taught Zola to stack, she would always pick up one on her back legs and put it forward! Or she wouldnt put it down at all.....So we sould have this back leg shaking thing going on, me hanging on, her moving it around :) . Apparently her dad did it as well LOL!

Bahahahahaha yes she does this i can get the perfect stack need to move one foot and she wont put it down it cracks me up as its normally her front foot so looks like she is pointing :(

i saw you ladies was going to come over and say hi you had just put thedogs into a sit stay walked away from them then up then were leaving i assume as the lights went out i was in my car cutting up bait i got there late. will have to come say hi next tuesday. i need advice on ow to train my stubborn pig headed girl :eek:

okay that is my vent before she makes me cry sorry.

It was ACWA's AGM so we trained earlier than normal. Unforuntately that will be our last Tuesday undercover session as next Tuesday we will both be in Adelaide :D for a few days.

But do come up and say hi if you see us again :mad and introduce us to your pigheaded girl. I think we all have sessions like you must have had last night so we all know where you are coming from - hang in there - and if things don't improve - red wine helps :eek: ;)

Mental note to self take red wine to training rofl. She was so stubborn last night reminds me of when her mother used to come into season so will keep an eye out she may not be far off. Some days she is great others well like last night hair pulling out adventures hehehehe. Most people love her and she turns the charm on for them most don't believe me when i say she is a cow but she really is. She has just been brought inside for breakfast and hubby was outside grooming the male rotti, she was carrying on like a pork chop barking whining and scratching at door she was none to pleased to be inside whilst he was out there ;) jealous much :eek:

So how was the ACWA AGM? Given the weather and the pretty colours over Canning Vale way on the BOM radar I stayed at home and worked a horse instead (wasn't raining at home) :D

Emery, spend some time trying to work out what motivates your girl :rofl: It will be worth it. Luckily all of mine now are fairly food motivated LOL.

Thanks mirawee i will keep trying to find out what she likes. food only works for a few seconds, at hoem she will tug with a soft toy but not the rope, loves squeaking squeaky toys but didn't really work outside the house, cat toys hmmm sometimes lol, reminds me of a fish forgets what she likes rofl

emery stick with it as mirawee says take some time to work out what motivates her. I have a similar issue to you with Ari, she is incredibly distracted especially initially and takes a good 20 minutes to really settle in her surroundings. She watches everything intently and if she is really concerned about something, that's about it for the training session.

On Monday I got the first glimpse of what could be with her if I work really hard to keep her focus.

I was spoiled too - Tansy was the first dog i really trained and she could do anything. Sparky not so much with me but she did well for my mum. Spartan again was really an easy dog - only had to show him something once and once he had it that was it... however being a stubborn bugger of a setter, he doesnt always listen at home and he was a difficult puppy... James on the other hand - smart in his own way, stubborn as a setter can be, but an absolute joy to live with. Ari - well she takes the cake ... smart, distracted, stubborn... she needs that extra work that I haven't done with her except in the showring... i'm actually a pretty lazy trainer... i should work on that!

She is like that too at shows i let her run it out or play with a friends older dog so she is less energetic and more focused on me

Hubby groomed the older male rotti (zeus) last night with the fuminator here is the aftermath on my carpet rofl. got over a bag of hair.

Its my new black shiny rug :eek:


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Unforuntately that will be our last Tuesday undercover session as next Tuesday we will both be in Adelaide ;) for a few days.

Woohoo, exciting! Bring home the goods Ptolomy & Bedazzled :):mad

Emery hang in there, she's still a baby really and is just getting to that fun (LOL) stage of adolescence, as Ptolomy said we all have bad training days, ones when we want to strangle our dogs, or is that just me... :D

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Unforuntately that will be our last Tuesday undercover session as next Tuesday we will both be in Adelaide ;) for a few days.

Woohoo, exciting! Bring home the goods Ptolomy & Bedazzled :):mad

Emery hang in there, she's still a baby really and is just getting to that fun (LOL) stage of adolescence, as Ptolomy said we all have bad training days, ones when we want to strangle our dogs, or is that just me... :D

Oh no i definatley wanted to strangle her last night or leave her at the grounds and go home alone, geting towards the car to get some extra treats she started pulling backwards and choking herself and she loves the car go figure

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So how does a furminator work??? What is the actual tool?? I saw a video at City Farmers the other day, and wondered what the actual mechanism is that removes the hair??

its like a metal comb with teeth which pick up the loose, dead hair from the coat as you brush with the *what's the word rofl* same as shaving lol go with the way of the coat

Ok disclaimer i am sleep deprived and brain isn't working lol or i am having a bad blonde brain fart moment. i love it to remove the dead yucky coat leaves them sleek and shiny :mad

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Well kinda.... If you can imagine a number 10 clipper blade (short) without the cutting blade and put that on a handle. Its good for shortish double coated dogs...labs, kelpies etc. Its an old groomers trick fancied up and works really well!

So how does a furminator work??? What is the actual tool?? I saw a video at City Farmers the other day, and wondered what the actual mechanism is that removes the hair??

its like a metal comb with teeth which pick up the loose, dead hair from the coat as you brush with the *what's the word rofl* same as shaving lol go with the way of the coat

Ok disclaimer i am sleep deprived and brain isn't working lol or i am having a bad blonde brain fart moment. i love it to remove the dead yucky coat leaves them sleek and shiny :mad

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