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I am like a kid waiting for Xmas - I don't know how many times I have looked at my watch today and the time seems to be going so slowly.

9am tomorrow and I am going to be one very happy vegemite.

I also have a new washing machine and air conditioner arriving tomorrow - they say good things happen in threes :laugh:

Aww I bet, how exciting to have him home at last!!!

BTW I meant to ask if you are going to be doing another bulk order of i-squeaks?

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Sophie got into a paddock with goats and chased one around :laugh:

Dinner :laugh:

Lol I bought Mason some dried goat treats today :laugh:

From A&D??

Yip. I am sending hubby back on Monday to get me some treat balls ( i forgot to get) if they have more goat I can ask him to buy the lot and make a plan to get it to you if you like?

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I am like a kid waiting for Xmas - I don't know how many times I have looked at my watch today and the time seems to be going so slowly.

9am tomorrow and I am going to be one very happy vegemite.

I also have a new washing machine and air conditioner arriving tomorrow - they say good things happen in threes :thumbsup:

I bet you won't be able to sleep tonight. I'm excited for you :D .

:D :laugh: :D :laugh::):laugh:

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Sophie got into a paddock with goats and chased one around :laugh:

Dinner :laugh:

Lol I bought Mason some dried goat treats today :D

From A&D??

Yip. I am sending hubby back on Monday to get me some treat balls ( i forgot to get) if they have more goat I can ask him to buy the lot and make a plan to get it to you if you like?

I'd love to buy some goat, puhleeeeease?! :laugh: If you buy extra and want to sell it on, I would love to buy some off you. I will never get a chance to make it down there in the near future.

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I am like a kid waiting for Xmas - I don't know how many times I have looked at my watch today and the time seems to be going so slowly.

9am tomorrow and I am going to be one very happy vegemite.

I also have a new washing machine and air conditioner arriving tomorrow - they say good things happen in threes :laugh:

WOOHOOOOOOO!!!! Can't wait to meet the little man!!! :laugh:

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Apparently they only culled one goat this week - Zoe is picking up the goat bones on her way down to me tomorrow. Its a case of ringing each day and if they have goat racing in and buying what they have.

Zoe is coming down tomorrow and is bringing her camera. The poor boy is going to be a bit inundated - he will come home to find 8 dogs at home - after being in solitary confinement for 30 days - I hope this doesn't do his head in.

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I'm so tired, so I'm piking on agility training tonight :laugh: It's amazing what a bit of sunshine and fresh air does to you. Went and did a bit of training today (those on my facebook will know what "excitement" we got up to down at the K9 :laugh:) then came home and did a few chores, then got the clicker out and started working on a few new things. My girls polished off neary 1kg of treats today :D :laugh: I'm not concerned, Ruby is looking a little ribby at the moment so it won't hurt her. The dogs are sooooo stuffed from all the training that they are dead to the world in front of the heater and haven't bugged me for their dinner once (this never happens!!) They can go without it if they stay asleep, but Millie should really get some, it was Ruby who got most of those treats :D

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Yes I do plan on doing another bulk i-squeak order in September/October.

I've finally suffered my first i-squeak casualty. From those originals I ordered from the bulk CR order we did on DOL around 18 months ago (not the recent i-squeak order), a small blue one finally bit the dust. Which is good though because I was just about to rip the squeaker out of one for trials! Don't have to now :laugh: All the ones from the recent order that I got are still in their plastic bags :D Ohhh that reminds me, I saw i-squeaks for sale in a Melbourne pet shop :laugh: But it was a stupid pet shop that sold puppies (with people cooing over them :laugh:), so I walked right out. The large was about $15 from memory.

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Yes I do plan on doing another bulk i-squeak order in September/October.

My dogs are weirdos they didn't like the i-squeaks. Banjo is in love with his orbee on a rope. He thinks it's the best thing ever.

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I am like a kid waiting for Xmas - I don't know how many times I have looked at my watch today and the time seems to be going so slowly.

9am tomorrow and I am going to be one very happy vegemite.

I also have a new washing machine and air conditioner arriving tomorrow - they say good things happen in threes :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :D

Hope all the introductions go well for Strauss - Enjoy having him home :thumbsup: :D :D

The Corgis are just :)

Thanks for the socialisation offers, I'll give him a bit of time with the training and then I'll take the willing victims volunteers up on their offer :D

So fed up of house hunting for a rental and being showing shabby houses that they expect shed loads of $$$'s for :rofl: Anyone know anyone in the real estate business round Perth :rofl:

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I'm tired to :laugh: . RS I admire your commitment to training. I'm such a lazy bugger :laugh: but then I go through super motivated spells :laugh: .

I rarely have super motivated spells. I just chug along, mainly with mediocre motivation! I can be a little grumpy with my dogs if they keep doing the wrong thing, and I hate being like that :D I've gotten so much better with that attitude, but still needs work! I do sometimes think why do I bother torturing myself, but then I have breakthroughs like I think I had today that keeps me going :) I need a truck load of motivation and a semi-trailer load of skill if anybody can deliver on the weekend? :D

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I'm so tired, so I'm piking on agility training tonight :laugh: It's amazing what a bit of sunshine and fresh air does to you. Went and did a bit of training today (those on my facebook will know what "excitement" we got up to down at the K9 :laugh:) then came home and did a few chores, then got the clicker out and started working on a few new things. My girls polished off neary 1kg of treats today :D :laugh: I'm not concerned, Ruby is looking a little ribby at the moment so it won't hurt her. The dogs are sooooo stuffed from all the training that they are dead to the world in front of the heater and haven't bugged me for their dinner once (this never happens!!) They can go without it if they stay asleep, but Millie should really get some, it was Ruby who got most of those treats :D

I spoke too soon! I can see out of the corner of my eye a couple of Labs eyeballing me.... I know what those stares mean and the second I get off the lounge they will be up in a flash!

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Yes I do plan on doing another bulk i-squeak order in September/October.

I gave the dog one of his i-squeaks from the back of the car when I let him out at the park today ....... and he dropped it somewhere after I had walked at least half the park ...... so we had to trudge all the way back for the i-squeak. The things we do for our dogs!!!

I would like to order a couple more with the next order if that's OK, seeing as I'll have an extra mouth to feed, and mind to entertain :laugh:

So fed up of house hunting for a rental and being showing shabby houses that they expect shed loads of $$$'s for :laugh: Anyone know anyone in the real estate business round Perth :laugh:

Hmmmmm, didn't anyone tell you about rentals in Perth? Massive shortage. Overpriced.

What area are you looking in?

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My dogs are weirdos they didn't like the i-squeaks. Banjo is in love with his orbee on a rope. He thinks it's the best thing ever.

Must be in the name... my Banjo couldn't care less about the i-squeaks either. In fact none of mine but I have only attempted to play with them indoors! They like their fluffy and tuggy toys better :scared:

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