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RS Fluffies do grow up to be pretty stunning :o






Really truly drop dead gorgeous they are..


I just love Corgi's, I would get one over another lab just to be different but OH would rather have another lab, Mason has a corgi in his class called Tristan and he is sooo cute!

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I really love corgi's and I think they make the cutest babies also. I fell in love with Cardigan corgi's when i was younger but I have found the pembrokes growing on me also.

i am just about over my dogs today... well... just the grey one. :laugh: the spotty boys are angels in comparison.

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just brought myself a clicker :laugh: now to test it out so i get her to do a command click then treat is that right?????

then how do i eventually fade it out??? how does she know the click means she is doing it right should i sit with her click and treat for a while before intergrading it into training??? tahnks for advice

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just brought myself a clicker :) now to test it out so i get her to do a command click then treat is that right?????

then how do i eventually fade it out??? how does she know the click means she is doing it right should i sit with her click and treat for a while before intergrading it into training??? tahnks for advice

I used to wait for Mason to do the behaviour on his own and then click and treat, for eg the sit, i waited until he was sitting, clicked treated and said good sit - I lured him for the drop though and then clicked and treated.

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just brought myself a clicker :) now to test it out so i get her to do a command click then treat is that right?????

then how do i eventually fade it out??? how does she know the click means she is doing it right should i sit with her click and treat for a while before intergrading it into training??? tahnks for advice

I used to wait for Mason to do the behaviour on his own and then click and treat, for eg the sit, i waited until he was sitting, clicked treated and said good sit - I lured him for the drop though and then clicked and treated.

thanks :cry: will try it out when she hasn't just had a meal rofl

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Sophie got into a paddock with goats and chased one around :rofl:

Dinner :cry:

:) No she didn't eat it

She's holding up her right hind leg today and I'm praying she didn't do her cruciate :D , she did her left one about 4 years ago

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I just get them to first figure out what the clicker means... simple click treat instantly. wait til they are looking to you for the treat when they hear the click then start asking for behaviours. I started with "touch" with spartan.

I taught Ari how to place her front legs for show training by using the clicker. We never got to the back feet though :)

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I just get them to first figure out what the clicker means... simple click treat instantly. wait til they are looking to you for the treat when they hear the click then start asking for behaviours. I started with "touch" with spartan.

I taught Ari how to place her front legs for show training by using the clicker. We never got to the back feet though :)

that would be handy :cry: if she is focused she walks into it with only minor adjustments but if not in the mood i need to place all four feet rofl :rofl: cheeky little tyke :D

tiggy i hope your girl is ok

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Emery I conditioned my lot to the clicker by watching tv with a container of yummy food in my lap. Everytine someone on screen smiled I would click and treat all the dogs no matter what they were doing. This made the clicks a bit unpredictable so they just learnt click noise = I get some food. Until they knew that I wasn't asking for any behaviors or clicking for anything specific. However they do quickly learn to pay attention and stay nearby if you are holding a clicker.

Edited by valleyCBR
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Emery I conditioned my lot to the clicker by watching tv with a container of yummy food in my lap. Everytine someone on screen smiled I would click and treat all the dogs no matter what they were doing. This made the clicks a bit unpredictable so they just learnt click noise = I get some food. Until they knew that I wasn't asking for any behaviors or clicking for anything specific. However they do quickly learn to pay attention and stay nearby if you are holding a clicker.

thanks valley lots to learn just had another breeder email a big lot of info on clicker and she said she will help me on sat/sun so that is good i will understand it yet lol

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I am like a kid waiting for Xmas - I don't know how many times I have looked at my watch today and the time seems to be going so slowly.

9am tomorrow and I am going to be one very happy vegemite.

I also have a new washing machine and air conditioner arriving tomorrow - they say good things happen in threes :laugh:

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