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Western Australian Thread


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We can use the K9 grounds during the day, right? Ptolomy? Anybody? :)

Mas, cool, let me know then. I want to head to K9 though as that is where the trial is on the weekend and I'll lose most of my day on travel if I don't train close to home because I don't get home from TAFE til after 1pm. Want to train as close as possible to that time while it is still warmest part of the day, plus I have agility that night so need a decent break between both sessions! If the drive to K9 doesn't put you off, you are most welcome to join me :rofl:

Members can use the grounds whenever they are unlocked as long as they don't interfere with any organised event :rofl:

Good to hear CC that your first session went well :D

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Well we had our training session with Kathy Kopellis McLeod this morning and it went very well indeed, so thanks for the recommendation everyone :D

She says it is fear related, and to keep him away from off-leash areas for now whilst I work on calming him down around other dogs. He was actually ok with her big husky she brought along, but we came across a std poodle while out and he reacted more typically towards that, which was good as she gave me pointers for helping him. I'll take him along to her 'reactive rover' classes and should hopefully start to see some improvements with him soon. She said he was actually a well mannered dog over all, just scared when dogs get in his face.

Be warned - I may be on the look out for willing people and calm dogs to help socialise him too :D

That's great to hear it went well CC :)

Dougal offers his non threatening body language anytime if it helps! :rofl:

I would offer Mason's services but he is way too over the top, your dog would hate him lol :rofl:

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I am finding that I am getting more enthusiastic about obidience then agility now. :rofl: I am also considering suscribing to Front and Finish magazine.. :D I spent most of last night and today watchin youtube clips of people doing obidience.

Think I might nickname you "Tiggy" :):rofl:

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We can use the K9 grounds during the day, right? Ptolomy? Anybody? :D

Mas, cool, let me know then. I want to head to K9 though as that is where the trial is on the weekend and I'll lose most of my day on travel if I don't train close to home because I don't get home from TAFE til after 1pm. Want to train as close as possible to that time while it is still warmest part of the day, plus I have agility that night so need a decent break between both sessions! If the drive to K9 doesn't put you off, you are most welcome to join me :)

I will see how my day goes, I may train/walk Mason in the morning if its not raining at that time though as it always looks like rain at any minute lately!!

It better not rain, I want some warmth to the day to train in dammit! Was first forecast as 22 degress for Sat but now I think it will be 18, phew.

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I am finding that I am getting more enthusiastic about obidience then agility now. :rofl: I am also considering suscribing to Front and Finish magazine.. :D I spent most of last night and today watchin youtube clips of people doing obidience.

Think I might nickname you "Tiggy" :):rofl:

I just never really watched/trained/understood obidience until recently. :D Plus you have to admit heeling with the red kids feels great :)

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Wow so many posts, so many beautiful pics and wins, well done to all, love the baby pics!

Just a few photos of the EKKA, WOW is all I can say and the Durack shows Double wow, so big and so many beautiful dogs, we were next to a Chessie at the Ekka, and met so many lovely people both on DOL and off!

Gave out that many breed info packs I ran out!!



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Bummer RS!! I have fridays off we could have done something!!

but tomorrow definitely not!!

Photos of james.. i dont have many left because i lost a lot of my photos when my OH accidentally threw out our old computer without me taking off the photos first... so i only have the ones on Photobucket left :) :D

Not puppy but this onei s cute






I also have NO cute ones of Ari as a puppy... but i do have a really cute on of my Tansy girl born in 1992


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Wow so many posts, so many beautiful pics and wins, well done to all, love the baby pics!

Just a few photos of the EKKA, WOW is all I can say and the Durack shows Double wow, so big and so many beautiful dogs, we were next to a Chessie at the Ekka, and met so many lovely people both on DOL and off!

Gave out that many breed info packs I ran out!!

Your boy looks impressive! Well done. :)

Do you know which Chessie? Was the handler American? If he was you were next to Lincoln's dad. :D

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I also have NO cute ones of Ari as a puppy... but i do have a really cute on of my Tansy girl born in 1992


OMG look at those ears!!! :D How adorable!

Oh not fair, my puppies were ugly :)





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Wow so many posts, so many beautiful pics and wins, well done to all, love the baby pics!

Just a few photos of the EKKA, WOW is all I can say and the Durack shows Double wow, so big and so many beautiful dogs, we were next to a Chessie at the Ekka, and met so many lovely people both on DOL and off!

Gave out that many breed info packs I ran out!!

Your boy looks impressive! Well done. :)

Do you know which Chessie? Was the handler American? If he was you were next to Lincoln's dad. :D

OMG yes he had an accent and I said thats a Chessie !! I was so proud as its only coz of Linc that I have ever seen one!! I have a pic somewhere I shall post, lovely softly spoken man blonde hair! and Beautiful dog!

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Wow so many posts, so many beautiful pics and wins, well done to all, love the baby pics!

Just a few photos of the EKKA, WOW is all I can say and the Durack shows Double wow, so big and so many beautiful dogs, we were next to a Chessie at the Ekka, and met so many lovely people both on DOL and off!

Gave out that many breed info packs I ran out!!

Your boy looks impressive! Well done. :D

Do you know which Chessie? Was the handler American? If he was you were next to Lincoln's dad. :rofl:

OMG yes he had an accent and I said thats a Chessie !! I was so proud as its only coz of Linc that I have ever seen one!! I have a pic somewhere I shall post, lovely softly spoken man blonde hair! and Beautiful dog!

That is such a crazy coincidence WZ! :rofl:

I :) at that second pic of Ruby RS where she has a double chin. She must be like one of those models that are like " I was fat and unpopular in hich school" :D

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Yes VCBR, she always did have and always will have stupid ears :rofl:

This is one of my favourite photos of Kyzer too :D


OMG that chunky monkey photo of Ruby :rofl: :D Just as well she didn't stay that way :) How cute though.

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Yes VCBR, she always did have and always will have stupid ears :rofl:

This is one of my favourite photos of Kyzer too :D


OMG that chunky monkey photo of Ruby :rofl::) Just as well she didn't stay that way :) How cute though.

No way look how tiny he was :D

I would still think Ruby was cute if she was fat ;)

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