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Western Australian Thread


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:laugh: so Ptolomy were you practising UD with no lights and plenty of dried liver spread everywhere. Can't trust the lightening at the Royal :thumbsup: .

What regular lightning flashes don't give you enough light to see to do UD? :eek: Sorry couldn't help myself :o

I can't believe I have my first agility trial since the Nationals this weekend... and I didn't get to train the Tuesday before :bottom: Hopefully OzJen and J are good owners and give their dogs a big run on Saturday (but NOT Sunday morning!)

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tuesday nights show training with michelle and helena and also agility down the bottom i am thee on tues for show training. Oh you are out near the mother in law lol if you could get the train to near midland i could pick you up could drop you home no worries but would mean a real early morning to drive and get ya and get organised :laugh: sorry :eek:

Were you undercover last night Emery - we were there with the feral three :thumbsup:

yes ptolomy i was there in the big dog class rofl even though she is still a pup :o i saw the toller and aussie and wondered if it was your toller :laugh: man i wish my dogs were that well trained rofl. better start training hahahahaha question do you use a clicker or not??

agility was on last night too :bottom:

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:laugh: lighting even :thumbsup: . Well there is lightening too when the lights decide to fail :bottom: . That was the lightening coming out of me when I thought we might have to do UD and Open on the same night :eek: . Edited by ness
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yes ptolomy i was there in the big dog class rofl even though she is still a pup :eek: i saw the toller and aussie and wondered if it was your toller :o man i wish my dogs were that well trained rofl. better start training hahahahaha question do you use a clicker or not??

agility was on last night too :bottom:

Yep the 2 red kids were mind and the Aussie was Bedazzleds. I had the clicker out and was using it as front presents have gone wayward :thumbsup: and I also had Soggybear out and was clicking and treating bits with her. We had a chair out in the middle of the ring and needed to make sure she was confident that the chair wasn't going to get her :laugh:

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ok first of all R&S i think you should teach ruby bang bang (you know where you do the shoot gun hand signal and then fall flat on their backs) I loe that one!!

Secondly i've been inspired with obedience and even though Ari sux at the moment and Spartan has a fair few bad habits, i am determined to get up to par with my training... does anyone have any good books that really help the beginner with healing close, non-sloppy sits, focus exercises etc?

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I wagged training too, was refreshing the website and couldn't see anything about it being cancelled but was in a tired grumpy mood anyway :bottom:

As for tricks, Kyzer knows a few, 'bang' play dead one, roll over, shake, spin, in your bed, puts paws on my feet when I lift them, jumps up into my arms, used to do bow but forgot how somewhere along the way :laugh: and he also does 'where's Trixie' which I regret teaching him because if I'm trying to get her to do something and I have a treat he starts offering it and bopping her with his paws which gets her rather confused :eek::thumbsup:

Trixie only knows roll over :laugh: What a fail :o

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Trixie only knows roll over :eek: What a fail :bottom:

An even bigger fail is neither of my dogs know roll over :laugh:

I haven't taught poor Millie any tricks. From the day she came to me, I just taught her obedience stuff :o I did some free shaping with her last night, first time actually, with the lid off the kibble bin. Just wanted her to interact with it in some way. Took her a bit to take her eyes off me but when they flicked to the lid on the floor, C/T! She started looking at it more and then progressed to nudging it with her nose :thumbsup: The highlight was when she stopped looking at me and hopped up with this lightbulb kind of look in her eyes to say hmmm well I know I have to do something! We'll see where it takes us next time. I'm hoping to shape her into putting her 2 front paws on it.

Edited by RubyStar
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ok first of all R&S i think you should teach ruby bang bang (you know where you do the shoot gun hand signal and then fall flat on their backs) I loe that one!!

Secondly i've been inspired with obedience and even though Ari sux at the moment and Spartan has a fair few bad habits, i am determined to get up to par with my training... does anyone have any good books that really help the beginner with healing close, non-sloppy sits, focus exercises etc?

I make all these commitments to do stuff then never get time :bottom: Maybe I should spend the summer months when it's too hot to go out and train doing indoor tricks :thumbsup: I have a while up my sleeve then to stop being so lazy :laugh:

Edit: I don't really know of any books but there are a few DVD's around that are good. My faves are Patty Ruzzo and Chris Bach :eek:

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want to talk about Fail amypie?

I couldn't even teach spartan to shake, nor James... they jsut never got the concept!! James barely knows sit (well, he knows it just that he chooses when to do it). Ari can do most of it but when food is on offer she overdoes behaviours and keeps offering different ones in order to get the food... for example... i taught her "paw" then I taught her "other one"... she now does both at the same time in the hope of getting the treat faster, and she does this in combination with a "drop" just in case i ask her for that behaviour as well. So.. Ari's trick is prempting what I ask her :thumbsup:

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yes ptolomy i was there in the big dog class rofl even though she is still a pup :o i saw the toller and aussie and wondered if it was your toller :laugh: man i wish my dogs were that well trained rofl. better start training hahahahaha question do you use a clicker or not??

agility was on last night too :bottom:

Yep the 2 red kids were mind and the Aussie was Bedazzleds. I had the clicker out and was using it as front presents have gone wayward :thumbsup: and I also had Soggybear out and was clicking and treating bits with her. We had a chair out in the middle of the ring and needed to make sure she was confident that the chair wasn't going to get her :laugh:

ok i will get me a clicker the golden was being clicker trained and is so much moer focussed than my spirited rotti but i dont want to break her spirit so i let her get away with a bit rofl. oh the chair is scary is it :eek: i was watching helena work her border collie before training started boy am i jealous i hope i can get my dogs to that level :rofl:

oh thats bedazzled. my friend and i met her in better pets and gardens and my friend did some tricks with her dog wish i had of known it was her rofl would of said hi she did give us some pointers though :D and he is so adorable :D

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Being puppy clucky makes you take a trip down memory lane to help ease the pain of not being able to get a pup... not sure if it eases it or makes it worse! I love this girl so much :thumbsup:


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So very cute RS :thumbsup:

Oh, and if we had all gone to training I have about a minutes video on my phone of 4 week old Aussie pups :eek: I need to go and organise a visit soon I think :laugh:

I need to place puppy Ruby photos side by side to an Aussie puppy photos and see which one makes my heart beat faster :bottom:

Can't wait to see the video! Maybe you should upload it? :o

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Being puppy clucky makes you take a trip down memory lane to help ease the pain of not being able to get a pup... not sure if it eases it or makes it worse! I love this girl so much :thumbsup:


Is that Ruby puppy??? No wonder they use them in ads!

You can have a (Goldie) puppy fix soon enough :bottom:

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I need to place puppy Ruby photos side by side to an Aussie puppy photos and see which one makes my heart beat faster :bottom:

Can't wait to see the video! Maybe you should upload it? :laugh:

Personally Lab puppies are cuter than Aussie puppies :eek: But for me I wouldn't own a Lab but would consider an Aussie :thumbsup:

Will show you in person next time I see you... since neither pups nor videos are mine I won't upload them :o

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Yep that's Ruby puppy, wasn't she a stunner? :laugh: (Still is, but I may be biased though :laugh:)

I'd so love her to be in some print ads or commercials :o She photographs well normally, and she can be a little poser :rofl:

Awww mirawee why wouldn't you own a Lab over an Aussie? :thumbsup::eek: I want both!!

GR - yaaaaay I can't wait for Goldie puppy cuddles :bottom:

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