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train Ruby or Millie to weave through your legs :laugh: that is everyones favourite trick of maizys

Done that :confused: OK I will list Ruby's very small repertoire of tricks so please add something new for me!

- Leg weaving

- Closing the door

- Shake

- High Five

- Crawl

- Take a Bow

- Spinning in circles

- Putting her paw on my leg as I raise each leg

- Walking backwards between my legs

- Started teaching her to catch a treat off her nose, but she's a shocking catch :laugh:

Edited by RubyStar
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you can't tell me she doesn't know roll over! lol

Nope :eek: I know, I know, it's one of the first tricks people teach their dogs! Not me :cry: I went to teach it way back when, but did the crawl instead :confused:

OK, she kinda knows it, but doesn't. Her version of roll over is roll onto my back for a belly rub, and doesnt go all the way over :laugh: If I ask her "do you wanna tickle?" she rolls onto her back for me :laugh:

Edited by RubyStar
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i have always wanted to teach maizy to speak. but im afraid if i do she wont shut up lol

Oh I started that one a couple of years ago. She did it, but I stopped doing it, so no idea if she can still do it! My guess is a big fat no!

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tuesday nights show training with michelle and helena and also agility down the bottom i am thee on tues for show training. Oh you are out near the mother in law lol if you could get the train to near midland i could pick you up could drop you home no worries but would mean a real early morning to drive and get ya and get organised :eek: sorry :D

Were you undercover last night Emery - we were there with the feral three :eek:

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I don't tend to teach my dogs tricks LOL. Varda knows a couple and none of the others have been taught any! Another one I have seen and like though is the owner sneezing and the dog grabbing a tissue/hanky and bringing it to the owner :eek: I couldn't teach Varda that one as she thinks tissues are the best treat and can eat one in about 2 seconds - and a hanky wouldn't last much longer :eek:

How wet did it end up being at Canine last night? I got a call just as I was about to leave saying it had started raining so not much point in making the effort to drive down.

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It stopped raining at 7 so training could have gone ahead I suppose. I didn't bother heading down and then found out it wasn't on anyway.

I am definitely glad I didn't go then! I would have been a bit annoyed if I had driven an hour and it had been totally cancelled LOL

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It stopped raining at 7 so training could have gone ahead I suppose. I didn't bother heading down and then found out it wasn't on anyway.

I am definitely glad I didn't go then! I would have been a bit annoyed if I had driven an hour and it had been totally cancelled LOL

I kept checking the website for details of it being cancelled but they put nothing up!! A friend went down and checked then let me know. I was gonna go anyway and just gatecrash Ptolomy's training session undercover but didn't think that would be overly appreciated :eek:

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It stopped raining at 7 so training could have gone ahead I suppose. I didn't bother heading down and then found out it wasn't on anyway.

I am definitely glad I didn't go then! I would have been a bit annoyed if I had driven an hour and it had been totally cancelled LOL

Some training went on as there was gear set up and they were still going when I left - just before 9.

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It stopped raining at 7 so training could have gone ahead I suppose. I didn't bother heading down and then found out it wasn't on anyway.

I am definitely glad I didn't go then! I would have been a bit annoyed if I had driven an hour and it had been totally cancelled LOL

Some training went on as there was gear set up and they were still going when I left - just before 9.

Well poo!! My source just said there were no lights on so didn't venture all the way down :thumbsup:

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