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Who is going to be at the agility trial on the 22nd?

Both the Aussie girls are in, Banjo was always coming along and Varda will now be coming as someone wants to meet a Lappy. Wonder if I should bring Kinta too or leave her at home alone :laugh:

Do we want to bring food supplies for humans?

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Who is going to be at the agility trial on the 22nd?

Both the Aussie girls are in, Banjo was always coming along and Varda will now be coming as someone wants to meet a Lappy. Wonder if I should bring Kinta too or leave her at home alone :o

Do we want to bring food supplies for humans?

I probably am. Is that Midland or the B&A one? Cause on of those days I think I am toller handling too :laugh:

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aw no takers for Ari? she is really good at cuddling, keeping my boys under control (even if they don't need it) and would make an excellent fitness partner, providing you can walk/run for longer than 6km because that proved very easy for her (but i was struggling when i got home!). She has really nice teeth, because she chews so much crap, and she's never been ill a day in her life!! See, there is lots to love about Ari!!

(i just realised I could just about put off anyone thinking about buying a weimaraner, but i am very honest when i say that the 4 i have had prior to this have NEVER been this bad :laugh:)

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Who is going to be at the agility trial on the 22nd?

Both the Aussie girls are in, Banjo was always coming along and Varda will now be coming as someone wants to meet a Lappy. Wonder if I should bring Kinta too or leave her at home alone :rofl:

Do we want to bring food supplies for humans?

MEEEEEEEE! Yes, I think I feel a bit of baking coming on!

I probably am. Is that Midland or the B&A one? Cause on of those days I think I am toller handling too :o

It's the Dogswest Fundraiser one

(i just realised I could just about put off anyone thinking about buying a weimaraner, but i am very honest when i say that the 4 i have had prior to this have NEVER been this bad :cheer:)

Sure.......... :laugh::crazy:

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aw no takers for Ari? she is really good at cuddling, keeping my boys under control (even if they don't need it) and would make an excellent fitness partner, providing you can walk/run for longer than 6km because that proved very easy for her (but i was struggling when i got home!). She has really nice teeth, because she chews so much crap, and she's never been ill a day in her life!! See, there is lots to love about Ari!!

(i just realised I could just about put off anyone thinking about buying a weimaraner, but i am very honest when i say that the 4 i have had prior to this have NEVER been this bad :rofl:)

If I just had the boys I would take her as boys can always do with being whipped into shape :laugh: but I think Lilly would kill her :o

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I just want to add... about the working vs show thing with English Setters, that I know that some show bred ES can work, but they are in no way ever going to be as effective as the field bred types, whether they can set a bird or not. James sets birds, flies, ducks, spiders - you name it... but he'd never be up to par with the field ES. There are also some breeders out there who breed duel type ES which i am quite aware of, but again, they can do what they need to do but they'd never ever be as good as a field type llewellin setter, which are world renowned for being the very best in that field of work, particularly in the US.

Just the same as the Show bred ES have gone one way with looks, temperament etc, field bred have gone another... it's the way of the world and it's just the way it is now... i have a preference for show bred ES because they, i feel, are closer to the original ES that Edward Laverack sought to breed, despite some of the lack of the working brain.

The breeds i was talking about that are not so different between working and show are the ones that are still similar in looks between field and show... like this guy...


Sorry i just wanted to make that point... back to regular programming now!! :laugh:

Edited by SparkyTansy
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ST, that is the issue in most breeds isn't it. Dogs aren't bred for both looks and working ability.

I wish I had time to do herding with Banjo though. His is show bred for generations yet is so very keen on herding sheep. He couldn't care less about the horses though for which I am very thankful!

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certainly is mirawee - as if the OES that show would ever be equipped to work day in day out with teh coat they carry now... and despite so many who say that the coat would naturally strip, it's completely naive to say that over the generations of breeding OES for profuse coat to suit the show ring, that they'd be ok unbrushed in a field with sheep for days on end.

Still, Charlie likes to herd various objects (usually the other dogs) and i'd love to see him with some sheepies :laugh: i'd only do it once he was clipped though!! Again i don't doubt he carries that instinct but he'd be exhausted if he was in full coat, droving sheep!

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First of all apologies to all the non-showies who are falling asleep.

I think we have to look at the standards. if you read the Chessie breed standard you will see what an emphasis is places on working ability as much as possible. You only have to look at the American Chessie Club magazine to see why the breed has managed to stay dual purpose, there are some articles at the front about health, interpreting the standard, achivements by Chessie people/Chessies then they have 4 pages of show results, 6 pages of retrieveing results, 2 of obidience and rally, 1 of agility and 1 page withh tracking and dock dogs. Showing isn't given the greatest emphasis, sports are.

You can look at a picture from a Chesapeake club show in 1900 and see not much variance to the Chessie Specialty in 2009.

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Strauss will be :) + Lexi and if thats a showing day then SoggyBear will be too - need to check my K9 Mag

Woohoo! Toller puppy cuddles :laugh:

vCBR, and how do you assess working ability in the show ring? Just coz the standard says they have to have it doesn't mean it can be judged LOL. I wouldn't mind if all working bred dog had to have a working titles in order to get their show title :p

Oh and lots of show bred kelpies have herding titles... that doesn't mean that if you want a serious sheepdog you get a showbred dog though!

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Strauss will be :) + Lexi and if thats a showing day then SoggyBear will be too - need to check my K9 Mag

Woohoo! Toller puppy cuddles :laugh:

vCBR, and how do you assess working ability in the show ring? Just coz the standard says they have to have it doesn't mean it can be judged LOL. I wouldn't mind if all working bred dog had to have a working titles in order to get their show title :p

Oh and lots of show bred kelpies have herding titles... that doesn't mean that if you want a serious sheepdog you get a showbred dog though!

No it's the way the standard of the Chessies realtes everything back to working ability. It explains coat is like this because, feet because, shape because... You can't asses working ability but you cas asses the ability of the dog to do the traditional work (i.e correct waterproof coat, bite/jaws can hold a large bird, shape, i.e strong hidquarters for swimming in icy water, plains are level so the dog can hold the bird and see, no exxageration that would hinder work ect) which is what every good Chessie judge should do. A US judge that was recently over here judging Goldies picked her BIS as the dog she would most like to take hunting because physically he was built for it. This is how Chessies should be judged too.

You should come down on the 22nd ST and meet Strauss and watch agility so you can see how it works and if that is something you would be interested to do with Ari.

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Thanks for the comments on that photo of James - it is very cute. i have a range of them done by Blues & Boots (DOler) who looked after James while Ari was in season. I was missing him a lot, so she did a series of photos for me to illustrate the fun he was having. I also have one of him being "examined" with a stethescope by her housemate (both are vet students), one in the car (in the drivers seat!), one with his best mate Eli (LH weim). it was all very cute and made me just miss him more!!

Amypie i feel your pain... Ari is three this year... and only a few weeks ago for about a week i came home to:

2 x destroyed beds

2 x destroyed PS2 games (never touched before!)

1 x destroyed PS2 (day after the game destruction she thought she'd finish the job - youshould have seen her poo after THAT one!! black, blue and green bits of plastic everywhere!)

1 x Destroyed PS2 Controller (ditto above - same day as PS2)

1 x destroyed Xbox game (only two days old she took it right out of the player!)

I also don't have a lounge left in my house which hasn't got a chewed corner.

She's also chewed bits of metal horizontal blind and the string from the blind cord before this...

She broke out of her metal crate once

She destroyed the bedding, carpet remnant and tray (granted plastic so fair game) of another crate also

She can't be outside during the day because she'd destroy teh retic and dig...

I went out and bought two new beds (nice, tough ones but ones that spartan and James want to lie in so she can't rip them up) and bought a new baby gate so that she can be behind it during the day in an area where there are no blinds (left up), tiled, no access to furniture, carpet, or anythign remotely chewable (although had concerns she might attempt to eat through the plaster). I also bought her a brand new nylabone which she loves.

WE have started 6km walks and back to obedience again which we hope will phase out her destructive behaviour. God i hope she settles a bit after her litter... i've never had a weim so destructive and as i said before my boys grew out of their destructive phase after 16 months...

You make my Labs sound like angels! :)

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Who is going to be at the agility trial on the 22nd?

Strauss will be :) + Lexi and if thats a showing day then SoggyBear will be too - need to check my K9 Mag

Will Strauss be coming to the obedience trial on the 21st? :p

There always seems to be baked goods on offer at the agility trials. I need to hurry up and get Ruby ready to trial so I can join in the festivities :laugh:

Edited by RubyStar
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Will Strauss be coming to the obedience trial on the 21st? :)

I don't think so - I think that will be all too hard. Mum was saying that today at Quarantine he was feral and "drive" wasn't an issue with this child :laugh: .

If he is at home I can always race home and get him after the trial, but he may be at Rockingham.

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I received my Quarantine bill yesterday $1382.00 :) but what got me was a charge for

FFS examination, audit, assessment or other per 1/4 hour - quantity 3 = $120. So it was $120 for a 45 minute examination of a 12 week old puppy. 45 MINUTES!!!!!

I have been cheeky enough to ask them what is done during this time as the AQIS website says something about 30 minutes is average. Unfortunately anybody who imports doesn't have a leg to stand on you pay it or you don't get your dog.

Sitting here shaking my head 45 minutes!!!!!

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:) The cheek of it! Lilly went into the vet on Monday, was checked over, had a abcess drained a little with a syringe, was given antibiotics and 2 courses of tablets and was 20 mins tops accoring to my dad (which he was unimpressed with). When Lincoln went into the vet for his post flight checkup in Perth he was 15 mins tops.
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