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yes the debate between show and working lines is a very live one!! I don't love the working line ES... they have been bred very specifically to work, are more highly strung than the show lines and to me, just not a true english... their 12 o'clock tails don't thrill me either :o I really like it when there are breeds where you can not really tell the difference between work and show... chessies, Weimaraners, GSPs, Viz, tollers... apart from chessies there are subtle differences between those breeds, but it's not like looking at the setters and not being able to pick that they are the same breed!

:laugh: I agree 100% I would find it very hard to own a dog that was not dual purpose, it saves a lot of debate. :cheer:

Labs can be dual purpose, but you can always still tell the differences between show and true working dogs.... such a shame, though. I like a Lab that is a mix between the two if that makes any sense :rofl:

Kadnook used to breed dual purpose dogs, look on Blackboys website at Kadnook He's a Huntzman, he is the spitting image of Bronson and did well in the show ring but was from very field lines.

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I really like it when there are breeds where you can not really tell the difference between work and show... chessies, Weimaraners, GSPs, Viz, tollers...

In theory there is no difference between a working and a show toller however, my kids are kept very very lean which makes them look different :laugh: to some of the tollers being shown, particularly in the ES.

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yes I was going to write labs, because there are some examples of duel purpose, but i haven't seen that many...

I think that the bar that chessie people set themselves is admirable and is something that could/should be done in so many breeds

it's easier to keep dogs dual purpose in a (realitively) small breed though. This is probably where Tollers and Chessies have an advantage. I am fairly certain that curly coats and flat coats are supposed to be dual purpose too. :laugh:

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:laugh::o That is a classic!

"Hey Man, this music is reaaally cooool!!" Bop bop bop (I can just see the head bobbing back and forth! :rofl:

I also love this pic!!

House is soo quiet without Mason today - fetching him at 5 from the dermatologists. I had picked out his name like 2 or 3 weeks before he came home, once I had picked him at 7 weeks I knew it was the perfect name for him :cheer:

I am really starting to like english setters now - the show ones

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yes I was going to write labs, because there are some examples of duel purpose, but i haven't seen that many...

I think that the bar that chessie people set themselves is admirable and is something that could/should be done in so many breeds

it's easier to keep dogs dual purpose in a (realitively) small breed though. This is probably where Tollers and Chessies have an advantage. I am fairly certain that curly coats and flat coats are supposed to be dual purpose too. :laugh:

Advantage over what?

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yes I was going to write labs, because there are some examples of duel purpose, but i haven't seen that many...

I think that the bar that chessie people set themselves is admirable and is something that could/should be done in so many breeds

it's easier to keep dogs dual purpose in a (realitively) small breed though. This is probably where Tollers and Chessies have an advantage. I am fairly certain that curly coats and flat coats are supposed to be dual purpose too. :laugh:

Advantage over what?

Being able to nip it in the bud when people go off making thier own little divisons and breeding away from the orginal standard. It's easier to police someone who is doig the wrong thing when you have about 5,000 dogs compared to the probably 5,000,000 labs out there. :o

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yes I was going to write labs, because there are some examples of duel purpose, but i haven't seen that many...

I think that the bar that chessie people set themselves is admirable and is something that could/should be done in so many breeds

it's easier to keep dogs dual purpose in a (realitively) small breed though. This is probably where Tollers and Chessies have an advantage. I am fairly certain that curly coats and flat coats are supposed to be dual purpose too. :laugh:

Advantage over what?

Being able to nip it in the bud when people go off making thier own little divisons and breeding away from the orginal standard. It's easier to police someone who is doig the wrong thing when you have about 5,000 dogs compared to the probably 5,000,000 labs out there. :o

Quite true. And while on the topic of all the Labs out there, I was trolling the DOL puppy adverts for Labs last night, and it saddened me by how many listings there were. You can't pick the good from the BYB types in most cases until you delve deeper, so if I do go another Lab, it most definitely be from a breeder here in WA that I personally know.

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Trixie was going to be Ebony right up until about 2 weeks before she came home, it just didn't feel right!

Kyzer was always going ot be Kyzer, don't know why, it just came to me!

FREE TO GOOD HOME: 1 Manchester Terrier

She is driving me crazy, this week I have been working later than usual and she has destroyed Kyzer's heated bed and yesterday I found the DVD remote chewed up :o She had also been to the toilet in the house because she obviously didn't like the idea of going out in the rain :laugh:

Guess who was out at 10pm last night walking dogs to tire them out a bit!

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Did the walking work? :o

I can't believe little Trixie could do so much damage for a little lady!

My girls destroyed their blanket yesterday while home alone, but everything else, including yard, still in one piece :laugh: They must have played so hard in the rain yesterday that they slept like little babies all evening in front of the heater :cheer: No peep out of them until I got up this morning at 7.30.

Dad wants a black Lab and has picked out the name Ebony for her :rofl:

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Yes, she has strong jaws for a little one! :rofl: Of course... she could be getting framed! :cheer::laugh:

I guess I'll find out if the walking worked when I get home from work! First thing tomorrow I'm taking them to the oval and I'm going to make them run until they won't run any more :o

The rain combined with my sandy backyard is making one hell of a mess too! There is a sandy muddy trail from the dog door through the house.

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Thanks for the comments on that photo of James - it is very cute. i have a range of them done by Blues & Boots (DOler) who looked after James while Ari was in season. I was missing him a lot, so she did a series of photos for me to illustrate the fun he was having. I also have one of him being "examined" with a stethescope by her housemate (both are vet students), one in the car (in the drivers seat!), one with his best mate Eli (LH weim). it was all very cute and made me just miss him more!!

Amypie i feel your pain... Ari is three this year... and only a few weeks ago for about a week i came home to:

2 x destroyed beds

2 x destroyed PS2 games (never touched before!)

1 x destroyed PS2 (day after the game destruction she thought she'd finish the job - youshould have seen her poo after THAT one!! black, blue and green bits of plastic everywhere!)

1 x Destroyed PS2 Controller (ditto above - same day as PS2)

1 x destroyed Xbox game (only two days old she took it right out of the player!)

I also don't have a lounge left in my house which hasn't got a chewed corner.

She's also chewed bits of metal horizontal blind and the string from the blind cord before this...

She broke out of her metal crate once

She destroyed the bedding, carpet remnant and tray (granted plastic so fair game) of another crate also

She can't be outside during the day because she'd destroy teh retic and dig...

I went out and bought two new beds (nice, tough ones but ones that spartan and James want to lie in so she can't rip them up) and bought a new baby gate so that she can be behind it during the day in an area where there are no blinds (left up), tiled, no access to furniture, carpet, or anythign remotely chewable (although had concerns she might attempt to eat through the plaster). I also bought her a brand new nylabone which she loves.

WE have started 6km walks and back to obedience again which we hope will phase out her destructive behaviour. God i hope she settles a bit after her litter... i've never had a weim so destructive and as i said before my boys grew out of their destructive phase after 16 months...

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Amypie i feel your pain... Ari is three this year... and only a few weeks ago for about a week i came home to:

2 x destroyed beds

2 x destroyed PS2 games (never touched before!)

1 x destroyed PS2 (day after the game destruction she thought she'd finish the job - youshould have seen her poo after THAT one!! black, blue and green bits of plastic everywhere!)

1 x Destroyed PS2 Controller (ditto above - same day as PS2)

1 x destroyed Xbox game (only two days old she took it right out of the player!)

I also don't have a lounge left in my house which hasn't got a chewed corner.

She's also chewed bits of metal horizontal blind and the string from the blind cord before this...

She broke out of her metal crate once

She destroyed the bedding, carpet remnant and tray (granted plastic so fair game) of another crate also

She can't be outside during the day because she'd destroy teh retic and dig...

I went out and bought two new beds (nice, tough ones but ones that spartan and James want to lie in so she can't rip them up) and bought a new baby gate so that she can be behind it during the day in an area where there are no blinds (left up), tiled, no access to furniture, carpet, or anythign remotely chewable (although had concerns she might attempt to eat through the plaster). I also bought her a brand new nylabone which she loves.

WE have started 6km walks and back to obedience again which we hope will phase out her destructive behaviour. God i hope she settles a bit after her litter... i've never had a weim so destructive and as i said before my boys grew out of their destructive phase after 16 months...

Hmmm I feel quite pathetic now, you definitely win :rofl::laugh:

Amypie, Banjo would be happy for Trixie to come and live here :cheer:

I'll PM my address, just go pick her up :o

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