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Sounds like there are lots of WA DOLers planning on doing the ET next year ;) I am another one who wants to do it but will see what happens in 12 months :)

CC, Yay to your furkids being home :D The all look lovely (love the commando jacket!). Your cat is probably more annoyed at your for deserting her rather than the change :p Siamese (well all cats really) are good at holding grudges!

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I'm not sure at the pace you need to do to the ET at, but I think you'd have to be a super duper power walker to walk it! People normally bike it, if they're unfit like me and could never make it jogging! The fit people tend to jog it, but I think you'll find the majority bike it!

We are starting out with walks and building them up, then progressing to the bikes. I like this idea, as it gets me some walking time in throughout the year because I hardly ever exercise and am in desperate need of some!!

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I read a really good website about the requirements for the ET a while ago. You wouldn't be able to walk it. You have to keep a certain pace the whole time and keep up with others doing that pace (for example if your dog stops to toilet you have to work harder to ensure you catch up)

but remember it isn't all done at once! They have a break (vet check and willingness/obedience test i think?) in between.

I'll see if i can find the link to the ET rules.

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I had planned to do the ET this year & the dog was fit & bike ready but the days didn.t match & he will be to old to do it now.

It is seriously easy once both are working as partners.

Luckily for me bike riding is part of my guys fitness routine & rabbits/roos & the likes are normal distractions.

I will now work on my other dog in the next few years to ET title

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I'm not sure at the pace you need to do to the ET at, but I think you'd have to be a super duper power walker to walk it! People normally bike it, if they're unfit like me and could never make it jogging! The fit people tend to jog it, but I think you'll find the majority bike it!

We are starting out with walks and building them up, then progressing to the bikes. I like this idea, as it gets me some walking time in throughout the year because I hardly ever exercise and am in desperate need of some!!

I worked it out at 6 minute kilometers which you would have to be reasonably fit to do, you can bike and run a leg or run all or bike all!


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I think from memory you have to bike it all or run it all. Work on about 10kms per hour. You also need to keep a reasonable steady pace. Some times they will tell you to speed up a little or slow down. It is in three stages, 6, 6 & 8kms from memory with something like 15 minutes between each leg. Dogs get heart rate and pads and temp checked at each leg and any to high or sore feet get vetted out.

Ours cruised it in, the ground was pretty hard, some stoney bits, some sandy bits but we knew it would be so trained on gravel and gravel over sand.

The vet actually asked me if my dog ever got excited as her heart rate was less in the middle vet in than it was before she started. She also fell asleep when her head was resting in his hand.

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I'm not sure at the pace you need to do to the ET at, but I think you'd have to be a super duper power walker to walk it! People normally bike it, if they're unfit like me and could never make it jogging! The fit people tend to jog it, but I think you'll find the majority bike it!

We are starting out with walks and building them up, then progressing to the bikes. I like this idea, as it gets me some walking time in throughout the year because I hardly ever exercise and am in desperate need of some!!

I worked it out at 6 minute kilometers which you would have to be reasonably fit to do, you can bike and run a leg or run all or bike all!


so sorry wazzat it is 1am and i am reading this so are you saying you need to walk a kilometre every six minutes?? i do a 5k walk in 10-15 with the dog depending on the pace i walk cracks hubby up.

i walk from my house you have a rough idea where that is to my mum's in bellevue which is about 12 k in about 30 mins i wonder why i always get told to slow down rofl hmmmm (and that was 8 months pregnant rofl)

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Emerey I would check your distance as I have run for many years ( retired now) and I ran a sub 4 min kilometere pace (which is faster than average) and when I won major Fun Runs in Perth I was at 45 mins for 12 km even the men dont run 30 mins for 12 K.

Its not a great distance you need to cover in training its regular runs over differening distances with soem fartlek ( speed bursts) thrown in

Basically the ET is run in three sections 8 km then 15 minute break, 6 km then 20 minute break, 6 km then 15 minute break. In the breaks the dogs must undergo a vet check and the entire test including vet checks has to be completed in 2 hours and 35 minutes.

Also the body temperature of the dog can not exceed 40 degrees, taking off the last 15 mins this means 10k per hour ( and with that you must allow for any breaks ( toilet or repairs etc) and the

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I trained Lara up for the ET - over about 3 months we started with just 1km the first night because thats all my butt could take on the bike seat :angel: .

The day of the ET and my ex came with us and he ran the first 2 legs (yep he was a long distance runner and triathlete) so it was a walk in the park for him and I did the last 6km leg on the bike. Lara handled it easily.

CC so glad you have your kids home. 14 more days for us - so this time in 2 weeks I will be lined up at the door :heart:

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wazzat you didn't finish your sentence!! Given the time I am inclined to think you may have fallen asleep on your keyboard!!

Ptolomy was your ex a member of the CAWA? Only i read in the rules that you have to be a member to be a runner and so that was why I ruled out my OH to do the ET... even though he would have been perfect at it!!

Also... are you entered in the GDC show?

Edited by SparkyTansy
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Also... are you entered in the GDC show?


Um when is it - we are entered in a show this weekend but her ladyship is in season, my hydrobath motor isn't working, the boxes from the move keep multiplying every time I turn my back and I haven't chatted to my stand in handler to see if she was planning on going or not.

Hmm it doesn't sound too hopeful does it :laugh:

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wazzat you didn't finish your sentence!! Given the time I am inclined to think you may have fallen asleep on your keyboard!!

Ptolomy was your ex a member of the CAWA? Only i read in the rules that you have to be a member to be a runner and so that was why I ruled out my OH to do the ET... even though he would have been perfect at it!!

Also... are you entered in the GDC show?

:laugh: lol I have been having trouble sleeping with a sore neck!! I went off and never came back must have posted it......

was going to say any other little mishaps!!

Edited by Wazzat Xolo
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Yeah Ptolomy i saw you didn't appear to be entered but i was sure that valley told me you were. Maybe I was mixed up with another show? This is the show being held and UWA our 65th anniversary show. It's a shame really as it's an international UK judge. :laugh:

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Hmm, i think when OH gets a bike him and Mason can do the ET, I will stay at home and eat more chocolate lol :champagne:


I think I will use the excuse that I am in training for the ET too to eat more chocolate :birthday:

Walking the troops again tonight :laugh:

Edited by RubyStar
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Yeah Ptolomy i saw you didn't appear to be entered but i was sure that valley told me you were. Maybe I was mixed up with another show? This is the show being held and UWA our 65th anniversary show. It's a shame really as it's an international UK judge. :champagne:

Nope I didn't enter that one - I think there was something else on and I didn't need much of an excuse not to head to the other side of the river :laugh:

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Also... are you entered in the GDC show?


Um when is it - we are entered in a show this weekend but her ladyship is in season, my hydrobath motor isn't working, the boxes from the move keep multiplying every time I turn my back and I haven't chatted to my stand in handler to see if she was planning on going or not.

Hmm it doesn't sound too hopeful does it :champagne:

Happy to handle her if you still want to go ahead with showing her.

I want to do ET too, just wondering if someone who is registered as a handler only would be able to run a dog? I also have to wait till Lincoln turns two since Toby is scared of bikes and I seriously doubt I could run that far! :laugh:

I didn't think Ptolomy is entered in the GDC ST, maybe your confusing the royal? :thumbsup:

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