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Western Australian Thread


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Can anyone recommend me a vet in the Scarborough/Innaloo/Osborne Park area?

Likewise a basic group training course... :mad I have been to the RSPCA ones before, but unsure how much they have changed in 8 years. :D

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CBR, talk to Mason's Mom - she has one she can sell you :thumbsup:

Sounds good. :laugh: Anyone have a book about tracking they want to sell also? :thumbsup: (And save me an order from book depository!)

I can give you the little booklet they gave us at Tracking.

What else do you need?

Thats about it! I already have a dog that loves to put his nose to the ground and snuffle along. :thumbsup: So now I need to learn!

Wazzat this thread: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=185342 has pics of tracking harnesses.

Mine is like the style 2 one I can bring it to the show on July 3rd if you like ?


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I know everyone is going to think I am an idiot but Lincoln loves tracking smells on the ground and I figure instead of telling him off I will do some training with it so he knows it's appropiate in certain times andnot others. Anyway the point of that is anyone know a place I can buy a tracking harness in Perth without having to order online?

You can use any type of harness for tracking including the car harnesses. Personally I found that the car harness was inclined to slip more on Jenna and the tracking one sold at tracking although slightly big sits better on her. The tracking ones are more a strap across the chest and one around the body leaving the legs more free movement and encouraging the dog I suppose to lean into the harness more as it tracks. Many of the trackers also add the wool seatbelt cover things to the chest strap for added comfort.

Keep the harness only for tracking and only put it on just before a track as it helps mark the behaviour you are seeking. At tracking we don't even put it on at the car, it is put on within a couple of feet of the actual track and taken of immediatly at the end of the track.

Why not contact Trackwest and see if you can still join for this season, it doesn't take dogs long to learn, Jenna may have been in tomorrows trail if she hadn't come into heat. They might even let you join them tomorrow following a few tracks to see if you are interested. I can't wait to get back.

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theres a place up my way that does it called Rons Riding Ranch... No idea how good they are or anything

Think he closed down Rach, although he hung out longer than the rest. Use to love going horse riding when I could afford to although I never liked my body the next day after being on a horse for a long riding session :thumbsup: .

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A certain WA DOL member had a birthday this week, not mentioning any names but she handles naughty Aussies, Laphunds, horses and the odd cute Kelpie. :thumbsup:

I didn't mention any names so I can't get told of for telling. :thumbsup: Guess who?????

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Happy Birthday Mirawee!

I emailed the tracking club last night and will be going to watch for a bit before my riding lesson and be able to buy a harness (but thanks for the offer WZ).

ST we should do some tracks :thumbsup: Are you doing the Royal? Want to bench togther? :thumbsup:

RS I haven't given up retrieving but I have put it on hold because it seems so hard and obidience, tracking and of course his showing stuff are enough for now.

Happy birthday Mirawee!!!

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A certain WA DOL member had a birthday this week, not mentioning any names but she handles naughty Aussies, Laphunds, horses and the odd cute Kelpie. :eek:

I didn't mention any names so I can't get told of for telling. :hug: Guess who?????

Yes I did see that mentioned on Facebook too :hug: , but Ive been a bit crook this week and have only just managed my OHs birthday!!

So, :laugh: :cool: :rofl: Mirawee!!!

Hope you had a good one!


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:eek: Mirawee!!!!!!

Valley yes I am doing the royal :rofl: I am the one responsible for the benching form this year so i'll need to get you to sign it before i send off my entry :hug:

I feel Lincoln had recovered enough to start show training so I can do it Tuesday if you like? :laugh: I got the cutest head shot of Lincoln this morning, I will have to upload so you can see his handsome face!

The Perth Royal will be Lincoln's second Royal as I am doing Adelaide with his breeder :cool: (we are meeting halfway between our houses)

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Thanks for the birthday wishes :eek: OzJen, you going to post a picture of my prezzie? :rofl:

And vCBR that is a lovely photo :laugh: I really need to get some more of my guys. Wonder if the weather will be good enough at Winter Festival as they won't be clean before then :cool:

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That's a gorgeous shot CBR! More more more!! :cool:

The rest are blurs :laugh: I decided to go outside this morning before work to take pictures... MISTAKE! My fingers froze solid the light at 7.30am is no good and they were all blurry cause I was shivering so much! This one was before I went put. :eek:

Mirawee luckily my boy is brown so the dirt just blends in!

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That photo is beautiful valley!!

I'll see how i am going and let you know - i have a busy work week next week.. grr

I clipped spartan tonight. He was being sooooo good too. Bath tomorrow and for James too, then James clip, and Ari bath and nails :cool:

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Lincoln hasn't had a bath since the Western Classic weekend. :cool:

Whenever suits you for the paperwork ST. :eek: I am do excited about the Gun Dog Club so I can't believe Colin Barnett is opening it! Because Lincoln is the first dog does that mean he will meet Lincoln!

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Great shot of Lincon, never get tired of seeing photos of everyones furkids. Taking shots outside at 7:30am when its soooo cooold :) give me a nice warm bed.

This is Mirrawee's birthday present, hopefully she has a good photo of her stunning cake to post too it was very special, tasted good too. :o


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