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Western Australian Thread


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I've only ridden a horse twice in my life, and it was the most terrifying experience as I had no idea what I was doing! But for some reason, I would love to know how to ride a horse as I still consider it fun... even though walking like you have something shoved up your bum for the following few days after riding isn't the best feeling :thumbsup: Not sure where I saw it advertised and it was a while back, but there was like a horse riding camping trip thing where you ride all day, camp out, ride the next day, etc. Would be fun!

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I know everyone is going to think I am an idiot but Lincoln loves tracking smells on the ground and I figure instead of telling him off I will do some training with it so he knows it's appropiate in certain times andnot others. Anyway the point of that is anyone know a place I can buy a tracking harness in Perth without having to order online?

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CBR, talk to Mason's Mom - she has one she can sell you :thumbsup:

Sounds good. :D Anyone have a book about tracking they want to sell also? :confused: (And save me an order from book depository!)

I can give you the little booklet they gave us at Tracking.

What else do you need?

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CBR, talk to Mason's Mom - she has one she can sell you :thumbsup:

Sounds good. :D Anyone have a book about tracking they want to sell also? :confused: (And save me an order from book depository!)

I can give you the little booklet they gave us at Tracking.

What else do you need?

Thats about it! I already have a dog that loves to put his nose to the ground and snuffle along. :D So now I need to learn!

Wazzat this thread: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=185342 has pics of tracking harnesses.

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CBR, talk to Mason's Mom - she has one she can sell you :thumbsup:

Sounds good. :D Anyone have a book about tracking they want to sell also? :confused: (And save me an order from book depository!)

I can give you the little booklet they gave us at Tracking.

What else do you need?

Thats about it! I already have a dog that loves to put his nose to the ground and snuffle along. :D So now I need to learn!

Wazzat this thread: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=185342 has pics of tracking harnesses.

If you want me to post it to you, just PM me your address! :D

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Most trail riding places in Perth have shut down to insurance. The only one I really know of now is this mob: http://www.academyequestrian.com.au/ although there may be others still :D

RS, a good friend and I went on a ride up in the Snowy Mountains in Victoria (Man from Snowy River country :eek:) :D Was meant to be a camp out thing but since we ended up being on the only people we just rode out from base each day which was fine for us as it meant we had better beds and real toilets and showers :thumbsup:

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Most trail riding places in Perth have shut down to insurance. The only one I really know of now is this mob: http://www.academyequestrian.com.au/ although there may be others still :D

RS, a good friend and I went on a ride up in the Snowy Mountains in Victoria (Man from Snowy River country :eek:) :D Was meant to be a camp out thing but since we ended up being on the only people we just rode out from base each day which was fine for us as it meant we had better beds and real toilets and showers :thumbsup:

That would be a lovely holiday - trekking through the snowy mtns! When I was a teenager, all I wanted to do was go on one the riding holidays down near Pemberton with the Muirs - a week or so out moving cattle. Dont know if they still do it but I would still love to do it. That or the big muster theyre having around now over east. You get to ride along with the muster during the day, but then unfortunately get taken back to "camp" at night time. Wheres the fun in that?? Would much rather rough it under the stars and eat whatever the real drovers are eating! And it costs the earth - mostly insurance I suppose!

Strange, since our darling old mare was PTS about three months ago, all Ive wanted to do is go riding!!


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A group ride would have been awesome - i can't believe how many have shut down now :eek: I went riding with my MIL only a few years ago. She got off her horse to lead it cos it didn't want to go in the right direction, and she couldn't get back on!!

Mirawee that "bitza" is just beautiful :thumbsup:

Mas I am sorry to hear about the ear infection - i am sure it will clear up soon. don't forget it still really is a season change so this time of year is tough on all of the poor allergy dogs (spartan is struggling at the moment to get on top of his ear infection).

Valley contact the tracking club i think they sell harnesses directly. They have a website with contact details. I really want to try tracking with Ari but because i missed the tracking days cos she was in season, and now she is having a phantom and can't concentrate for more than a few seconds, i can't really give it a go. When her phantom is over I might start some practice with her so Valley maybe we should get together and givee it a go?then one of us can be a tracklayer.

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club i think they sell harnesses directly. They have a website with contact details. I really want to try tracking with Ari but because i missed the tracking days cos she was in season, and now she is having a phantom and can't concentrate for more than a few seconds, i can't really give it a go. When her phantom is over I might start some practice with her so Valley maybe we should get together and givee it a go?then one of us can be a tracklayer.

Awww have you and vCBR ditched the retrieving idea? I thought we were all going to meet up and train :thumbsup:

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theres a place up my way that does it called Rons Riding Ranch... No idea how good they are or anything

i don't mind rons only because you don't have to have a guide but you do have a time limit :S nice bush tracks needed a bit of pruning last time but we hve walked, trotted, cantered galloped and even jumped some of the horses at rons had a great time, especially wehn my husband fell off and the horse bolted after the reins snapped rofl never forget the look on his face

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theres a place up my way that does it called Rons Riding Ranch... No idea how good they are or anything

i don't mind rons only because you don't have to have a guide but you do have a time limit :S nice bush tracks needed a bit of pruning last time but we hve walked, trotted, cantered galloped and even jumped some of the horses at rons had a great time, especially wehn my husband fell off and the horse bolted after the reins snapped rofl never forget the look on his face

Lol my husband knew my horse for years and he still would not get on him, his nephews were good polo players and used to take him riding on the farm, they would bolt off at a gallop and of course hubbys horse would follow and he fell off, never ridden again since :D

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