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I found out today that the Xolos are possibly on the Thursday 30th, as thats any other breeds not listed are on!!

Hopefully may see you there LabRat, their first show is July 3rd then the winter Festival.

Be good to see you again,,




So WX - have your kids been "in" a show yet, or is that still to come in July??

Looks like I wont get to Perth to watch another dog show for some time! Bummer......... :o

Im looking forward to the Ridgie show in September though and the Royal. Think Ill be there on the Thursday, we head up on the bus - shame they dont go every day, so I have to be happy with their day! I will get to see whatever groups are on the Thursday.

We have been enjoying the "spring" weather down here with lots of bushwalks :) ........ Although I really wish it would rain, its getting quite scary with little feed and littler water in the tanks :cheer:


Gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................I so wanna go to the Winter Fest!!!! I think I may have to bribe someone to swap shifts with me so I can get there! Somehow I think it would mean I would have to work my birthday to get the two day swap I want! The things you do to get to a dog show.. :o

Oh good Xolo - I would like to see your two at the Royal, would be very good PR! "Any other breed not listed" is a bit slack of them tho isnt it????? :p

I hope to catch up Xolo, when my roster runs to having RDOs during the week! I will keep you posted!


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So who is entered in the agility tomorrow? If I hadn't been neglecting my house so much I would pop down to watch, but I think I have to have a dog-activity free day, as much as I don't like the idea :eek: Had an obedience trial this morning then instead of coming home to mow the lawn, I spent the arvo at mum and dad's just relaxing, and conveniently stayed for dinner ;) before coming home to relax on the lounge tonight. Don't get to do the relaxing thing all too often so I am going to enjoy tonight of nothing :D

Amypie is in agility. I am at K9 with Lincoln but not showing or competeing, just spectating. :)

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I found out today that the Xolos are possibly on the Thursday 30th, as thats any other breeds not listed are on!!

Hopefully may see you there LabRat, their first show is July 3rd then the winter Festival.

Be good to see you again,,




So WX - have your kids been "in" a show yet, or is that still to come in July??

Looks like I wont get to Perth to watch another dog show for some time! Bummer......... ;)

Im looking forward to the Ridgie show in September though and the Royal. Think Ill be there on the Thursday, we head up on the bus - shame they dont go every day, so I have to be happy with their day! I will get to see whatever groups are on the Thursday.

We have been enjoying the "spring" weather down here with lots of bushwalks :eek: ........ Although I really wish it would rain, its getting quite scary with little feed and littler water in the tanks :)


Gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................I so wanna go to the Winter Fest!!!! I think I may have to bribe someone to swap shifts with me so I can get there! Somehow I think it would mean I would have to work my birthday to get the two day swap I want! The things you do to get to a dog show.. :D

Oh good Xolo - I would like to see your two at the Royal, would be very good PR! "Any other breed not listed" is a bit slack of them tho isnt it????? :(

I hope to catch up Xolo, when my roster runs to having RDOs during the week! I will keep you posted!


Just the male, I am hoping the female Taha daha will be a mother !!

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So who is entered in the agility tomorrow? If I hadn't been neglecting my house so much I would pop down to watch, but I think I have to have a dog-activity free day, as much as I don't like the idea :rofl: Had an obedience trial this morning then instead of coming home to mow the lawn, I spent the arvo at mum and dad's just relaxing, and conveniently stayed for dinner :rofl: before coming home to relax on the lounge tonight. Don't get to do the relaxing thing all too often so I am going to enjoy tonight of nothing :)

Amypie is in agility. I am at K9 with Lincoln but not showing or competeing, just spectating. :thumbsup:

Lovely to meet lincoln today valleycbr sorry smurf was a grumpy bum he is a sok but doesn't know how to interact with other dogs once playing he is fine just approaches in the wrong loud manner sorry if he upset lincoln.

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So who is entered in the agility tomorrow? If I hadn't been neglecting my house so much I would pop down to watch, but I think I have to have a dog-activity free day, as much as I don't like the idea :rofl: Had an obedience trial this morning then instead of coming home to mow the lawn, I spent the arvo at mum and dad's just relaxing, and conveniently stayed for dinner :rofl: before coming home to relax on the lounge tonight. Don't get to do the relaxing thing all too often so I am going to enjoy tonight of nothing :)

Amypie is in agility. I am at K9 with Lincoln but not showing or competeing, just spectating. :thumbsup:

Lovely to meet lincoln today valleycbr sorry smurf was a grumpy bum he is a sok but doesn't know how to interact with other dogs once playing he is fine just approaches in the wrong loud manner sorry if he upset lincoln.

Your dog was fine I am just a bit sensitive of Lincoln cause he is a bit sore and didn't want him to get worked up barking. Your pup was so cute! Just wanted to snuggle her! She looks tiny!

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So who is entered in the agility tomorrow? If I hadn't been neglecting my house so much I would pop down to watch, but I think I have to have a dog-activity free day, as much as I don't like the idea :rofl: Had an obedience trial this morning then instead of coming home to mow the lawn, I spent the arvo at mum and dad's just relaxing, and conveniently stayed for dinner :) before coming home to relax on the lounge tonight. Don't get to do the relaxing thing all too often so I am going to enjoy tonight of nothing :)

Amypie is in agility. I am at K9 with Lincoln but not showing or competeing, just spectating. :thumbsup:

Lovely to meet lincoln today valleycbr sorry smurf was a grumpy bum he is a sok but doesn't know how to interact with other dogs once playing he is fine just approaches in the wrong loud manner sorry if he upset lincoln.

Your dog was fine I am just a bit sensitive of Lincoln cause he is a bit sore and didn't want him to get worked up barking. Your pup was so cute! Just wanted to snuggle her! She looks tiny!

oh smurf isn't mine he is a rescue that my friend saved. she brought him down to start getting him used to being around other dogs. Kelari loves snuggles and got heaps today by everyone she went baby of breed in both shows and was seriously considered for baby in show. was a great day. :rofl:

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:rofl: tiggy so did you end up ordering your K9Pro leads speaking of leads :) .

No not yet I've been good :laugh: . I have a bad habit of booking my credit card up with doggy purchases so I'm trying to actually save for things :) .

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I was showing a work collegue a picture of the xolos (from zita photographys site) and she said what unusal but striking dogs! Another collegue was interested and that when we mentioned hairless he was coming to look at a pic of chinese cresteds, but he was intrigued by them too...

I heard someone at the show on the weekend call the axalotos (?sp) cause they cant announce xolos.

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and me XD I am sure she wont mind me posting it hahaha


Rach you got the fat side of me !! where is the one where i look like Elle mcpherson ?

Dont worry I cant find it either! lol

I loove your face, the laugh was because we were told to look up and DO NOT look down, its hard to walk and just look up with two dogs who were a bit unsure of a few Perthitesand

skateboarders, odd people and all sorts to dodge!!

It was a great day and THANK YOU to Rach we all raised a fair bit of dosh for animal rescue ( APS)


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They get looks wherever they go funnily enough! I tell you if you had a complex or were a bit funny about being seen then they would be not a breed for you!

Its why I had the word Xoloitzcuintle embroidered on all their coats ! lol

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