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There's a spare spot in my car for someone if they want to come on a road trip with me to the Arthur River trial :banghead::thumbsup:

I can't do overnighters but if it's a fine weekend I might try and do a day trip. Is this the long weekend? Ie the first weekend in June? That might be a bit close - a little more than a week away?

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There's a spare spot in my car for someone if they want to come on a road trip with me to the Arthur River trial :banghead::thumbsup:

I can't do overnighters but if it's a fine weekend I might try and do a day trip. Is this the long weekend? Ie the first weekend in June? That might be a bit close - a little more than a week away?

It's less than 2 weeks away, so not this coming weekend but the next. I am most likely heading down Friday arvo or early Sat mornng and coming back Sunday sometime.

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There's a spare spot in my car for someone if they want to come on a road trip with me to the Arthur River trial :rolleyes: :banghead:

I can't do overnighters but if it's a fine weekend I might try and do a day trip. Is this the long weekend? Ie the first weekend in June? That might be a bit close - a little more than a week away?

It's less than 2 weeks away, so not this coming weekend but the next. I am most likely heading down Friday arvo or early Sat mornng and coming back Sunday sometime.

Sheesh, where do the weeks go?! You're a brave lady doing an overnighter, I kinda like the comforts of home :thumbsup:

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There's a spare spot in my car for someone if they want to come on a road trip with me to the Arthur River trial :bottom::laugh:

I can't do overnighters but if it's a fine weekend I might try and do a day trip. Is this the long weekend? Ie the first weekend in June? That might be a bit close - a little more than a week away?

It's less than 2 weeks away, so not this coming weekend but the next. I am most likely heading down Friday arvo or early Sat mornng and coming back Sunday sometime.

Sheesh, where do the weeks go?! You're a brave lady doing an overnighter, I kinda like the comforts of home :thumbsup:

Shhh, I'm really quite terrified!! :banghead: 2 nights away in the cold without a proper shower or loo! Biggest thing I'm scared of though is driving all that way and not being able to find the place and the people! :rolleyes: :confused:

I should get organised soon, no idea what to take besides warm clothes and blankets!

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Shhh, I'm really quite terrified!! :banghead: 2 nights away in the cold without a proper shower or loo! Biggest thing I'm scared of though is driving all that way and not being able to find the place and the people! :rolleyes: :confused:

I should get organised soon, no idea what to take besides warm clothes and blankets!

I think you'll be fine as long as you have a GPS. And LAYERING your clothes will keep you warm as well as wearing a hat.

I used to go on fishing and camping trips years ago, but that was in NZ, I'm too afraid of big spiders and snakes here :thumbsup:

Edited by Golden Rules
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Ozjen!!! :thumbsup:

Who made that for you? Very clever!! Is that felt work? How big is he/she and does it have a name?!!

I think we should have a pic of Giz next to 'it' :banghead:

It was my weekend project, couldn't afford the ones I saw on the internet so decided to give it a try and that way I could make it look more like Jenna (that's why it has the two white spots on the back of the neck).Googled on the internet to see how they did it and what I needed and then went from there, I am quiet happy with my first attempt but I can see plenty of room for improvement with my next one. Yes it is felting, mind you I broke 10 needles the first night so went out and bought a whole pile more and have only broken one since, so I'm getting the idea. Gizmo is my next project, had trouble finding the little noses and eyes and then when I found them the lady in the shop gave them to me for free, not just one set, I think I had about 10 or more sets, it was so nice of her. Now I know they are the right size might have to go back and get the rest as they were a good price even paying for them. Size wise its about the size of a CD case.

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Ozjen!!! :thumbsup:

Who made that for you? Very clever!! Is that felt work? How big is he/she and does it have a name?!!

I think we should have a pic of Giz next to 'it' :banghead:

It was my weekend project, couldn't afford the ones I saw on the internet so decided to give it a try and that way I could make it look more like Jenna (that's why it has the two white spots on the back of the neck).Googled on the internet to see how they did it and what I needed and then went from there, I am quiet happy with my first attempt but I can see plenty of room for improvement with my next one. Yes it is felting, mind you I broke 10 needles the first night so went out and bought a whole pile more and have only broken one since, so I'm getting the idea. Gizmo is my next project, had trouble finding the little noses and eyes and then when I found them the lady in the shop gave them to me for free, not just one set, I think I had about 10 or more sets, it was so nice of her. Now I know they are the right size might have to go back and get the rest as they were a good price even paying for them. Size wise its about the size of a CD case.

Lovely I am half blind but I thought it was real at first

Its beautiful, new business coming up!


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Ozjen, it sounds like you had a fabulous time!! I think I have to get to a retrieving session sometime seeing as it's such a great spectator sport. Maybe something I might be interested in when I get my puppy ....... *daydreams of puppies being born*

Yep, was even thinking that if I didn't already have so many things to do on weekends I would have to find a gundog breed to try retrieving, do you think I could discuise Jenna as a gundog breed? 'Cept of course I wouldn't be any good handling dead things, although I would have fun shooting the shotgun. :laugh:

Hey, by the way what has happened to all the DOLers who were doing Tracking? Haven't seen any of you for a few weeks. :laugh:

Yeah I dont think I will be coming back this season, firstly I had a reaction to seafood one friday night and I was feeling to sick go on the saturday, then I got flu, then there was a trial so no training and this saturday hubby and I slept through the alarm. Mason's allergies are also really really bad at the moment and I dont think it would be such a good idea to take him into the forrest with all the plants and grasses there. We have also been invited by our chairman to do extra obedience classes, it will be like every 2nd saturday at 9am, only 4 of us out of like 500 members got chosen so i feel special :) They picked people who have the potential to trial with their dogs.

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Ozjen!!! :laugh:

Who made that for you? Very clever!! Is that felt work? How big is he/she and does it have a name?!!

I think we should have a pic of Giz next to 'it' :)

It was my weekend project, couldn't afford the ones I saw on the internet so decided to give it a try and that way I could make it look more like Jenna (that's why it has the two white spots on the back of the neck).Googled on the internet to see how they did it and what I needed and then went from there, I am quiet happy with my first attempt but I can see plenty of room for improvement with my next one. Yes it is felting, mind you I broke 10 needles the first night so went out and bought a whole pile more and have only broken one since, so I'm getting the idea. Gizmo is my next project, had trouble finding the little noses and eyes and then when I found them the lady in the shop gave them to me for free, not just one set, I think I had about 10 or more sets, it was so nice of her. Now I know they are the right size might have to go back and get the rest as they were a good price even paying for them. Size wise its about the size of a CD case.

I had no idea you were so talented! You've been hiding your light under a bushel??!! :laugh:

For a first attempt, you have done really really well! Can't wait to see Giz's :)

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Ozjen!!! :laugh:

Who made that for you? Very clever!! Is that felt work? How big is he/she and does it have a name?!!

I think we should have a pic of Giz next to 'it' :)

It was my weekend project, couldn't afford the ones I saw on the internet so decided to give it a try and that way I could make it look more like Jenna (that's why it has the two white spots on the back of the neck).Googled on the internet to see how they did it and what I needed and then went from there, I am quiet happy with my first attempt but I can see plenty of room for improvement with my next one. Yes it is felting, mind you I broke 10 needles the first night so went out and bought a whole pile more and have only broken one since, so I'm getting the idea. Gizmo is my next project, had trouble finding the little noses and eyes and then when I found them the lady in the shop gave them to me for free, not just one set, I think I had about 10 or more sets, it was so nice of her. Now I know they are the right size might have to go back and get the rest as they were a good price even paying for them. Size wise its about the size of a CD case.

I had no idea you were so talented! You've been hiding your light under a bushel??!! :laugh:

For a first attempt, you have done really really well! Can't wait to see Giz's :)

I think its great Ozjen! Pls post pics as soon as you have done Gizmo's.

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Thanks for the lovely comments everyone, hopefully the one of Gizmo will turn out well too, just trying to decide how I'm going to pose him, he's not a showdog so don't think a stack shot will suit. A couple of friends have requested Shelties so I guess I better get lots of practice in. Didn't do a great deal of reading before this one so have to do more research on different effects and the best way to go about it.

SparkyTansy, I'm not very creative but this was so easy although I did break 10 :laugh: needles the first night and had to rush out after tracking on Saturday and buy myself a supply, Saturday night I only broke one, or was it two. But I guess when you sit up till 3.30am each night you forget to follow the rules of felting and therefore bust your needles. Not broken any the last couple of nights, so definaitly getting better and in bed by 12.30. Tonight is going to be an early night. :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the lovely comments everyone, hopefully the one of Gizmo will turn out well too, just trying to decide how I'm going to pose him, he's not a showdog so don't think a stack shot will suit. A couple of friends have requested Shelties so I guess I better get lots of practice in. Didn't do a great deal of reading before this one so have to do more research on different effects and the best way to go about it.

SparkyTansy, I'm not very creative but this was so easy although I did break 10 :laugh: needles the first night and had to rush out after tracking on Saturday and buy myself a supply, Saturday night I only broke one, or was it two. But I guess when you sit up till 3.30am each night you forget to follow the rules of felting and therefore bust your needles. Not broken any the last couple of nights, so definaitly getting better and in bed by 12.30. Tonight is going to be an early night. :laugh:

What exactly have you used for the felting? Have you used any of Jenna's hair at all??!! :rofl:

Gee you'll be overdue for an early night :)

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Thanks for the lovely comments everyone, hopefully the one of Gizmo will turn out well too, just trying to decide how I'm going to pose him, he's not a showdog so don't think a stack shot will suit. A couple of friends have requested Shelties so I guess I better get lots of practice in. Didn't do a great deal of reading before this one so have to do more research on different effects and the best way to go about it.

SparkyTansy, I'm not very creative but this was so easy although I did break 10 :laugh: needles the first night and had to rush out after tracking on Saturday and buy myself a supply, Saturday night I only broke one, or was it two. But I guess when you sit up till 3.30am each night you forget to follow the rules of felting and therefore bust your needles. Not broken any the last couple of nights, so definaitly getting better and in bed by 12.30. Tonight is going to be an early night. :laugh:

What exactly have you used for the felting? Have you used any of Jenna's hair at all??!! :rofl:

Gee you'll be overdue for an early night :)

No haven't used any dog hair yet, but plan to further down the line once I'm more familiar with it all. At the moment I'm just using pure wool although if I went around my house at the moment I'm sure I'd get enough dog hair as Jenna is moulting bigtime. Yes, looking forward to my bed was a big day at work today as work put on a morning tea for me to celebrate 15yrs with the company. Not keen on being the centre of attention so abit stressful although it was very nice.

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