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12mm for us :( According to BOM anyway.... lots according to me coz our puddles are reforming and the ground is wet for more than 5mm depth :rofl:

I woke up to thunder around 5am... got up and shut the bedroom door before the dogs decided to go out an bark at it. Although they must be getting used to being locked in during thunder storms as they didn't run straight out.

[so........... did you want me to send you that recipe :(

You are coming next weekend aren't you? I will be chasing cows on Sat arvo (on my horse :cry:) Well assuming that we don't get so much rain that it is cancelled (cattle truck can't get in to the grounds if it is too wet). Although looking at the latest forecast not as much rain is expected in the next week as it was yesterday :cry: Ie not much rain now until Monday and even then not much :cry: I hate showing in the rain and have a big horse show this weekend and possibly another on Sunday so it just shows how desperate we are for rain that I am willing to show in the wet!

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I woke up at 5am to the sounds of nails clacking their way into my bedroom on the wood floors, which is very unusual because the girls know they can't wander the house at night, bed time means bed until morning. It was Millie. I thought she must wanted to go to the toilet so I walked to the back door, her following, when I saw a flash of lightening and heard thunder. Ahh I see now, wasn't toilet she wanted, although when I opened the door Ruby was happy to run outside into the rain :rolleyes: Millie just couldn't settle so I locked them both in the bathroom so I could go back to sleep, one of only two rooms in the house that has a door :o:rofl:

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For Bichon breeders or people to talk with i would suggest Rick & Katherine Berwick Dupanche Bichons.

They attend most shows if not judging.

They are one of the handful of breede/exhibitors of this breed

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12mm for us :rolleyes: According to BOM anyway.... lots according to me coz our puddles are reforming and the ground is wet for more than 5mm depth :rofl:

I woke up to thunder around 5am... got up and shut the bedroom door before the dogs decided to go out an bark at it. Although they must be getting used to being locked in during thunder storms as they didn't run straight out.

[so........... did you want me to send you that recipe :p

You are coming next weekend aren't you? I will be chasing cows on Sat arvo (on my horse :D) Well assuming that we don't get so much rain that it is cancelled (cattle truck can't get in to the grounds if it is too wet). Although looking at the latest forecast not as much rain is expected in the next week as it was yesterday :rofl: Ie not much rain now until Monday and even then not much :o I hate showing in the rain and have a big horse show this weekend and possibly another on Sunday so it just shows how desperate we are for rain that I am willing to show in the wet!

Yeh not this weekend, but the following one 22/23 May! Have fun chasing cows on your horse - which horse?? The rain down here has been kinda disappointing, only that bit overnight, nothing so far today :)


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So you havent had anything down there yet R'n'L?

I hate watching the weather these days, they promise stuff that never seems to arrive! Im sick of looking out onto dead grass and clover that was doing so well!

But I am glad I only have 3 sheep to sustain.....Must be super frustrating for all the 'real' farmers, I feel for them :rolleyes:


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Storm hit us full bore just before 5am. I was kept up by a shivering Muddy and also Elle pacing up and down the hallway. Don't know how much rain we got but I think it's a lot!

The lightening was pretty impressive, I thought. It lit up the whole room and for a second it looked like the middle of the day.

BichonCrazy here's the section of DOL with Bichon breeders in WA


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I must have slept through most of the storm. It was the dog that woke me, not the storm, and for the few minutes I was awake at 5am, there was very light rain and only a handful of small thunder and lightening. Maybe the real show happened once I was asleep again, cos most of under my patio was wet when I got up at 7. I'm glad I've decided to get a doggy door installed to give the dogs run of the back room as well as the backyard instead of the large kennel I was going to get, now that I've seen not much of under my patio remains dry at all!

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There hasn't been much rain here during the day at all (Nedlands though, not home) :) I was so excited about the thought of at least a week of rain and now there is no rain due until Tuesday and that is only a "few" showers. You guys are lucky having any grass... we had a small bit of green which died off again within a week :D

Lab_Rat, Diva goes team penning :rofl: She does everything :p She is doing show horse/hunter, dressage and led classes on Saturday, probably more show hunter on Sunday (she was naughty last week :o ) then gets to chase cows the weekend after, then do her first official dressage test the weekend after that :rolleyes: I also have a go on a friend's experienced campdraft horse at Team Penning (both horses do 3 goes, each go is for 2 minutes unless you pen the cattle quicker) so that I can have a go without frying Diva since she is so young... it is so fun to have a horse turn after a cow without you having to tell them :rofl:

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That sounds like so much fun Mirawee! Our mare - who we lost recently - was a natural on cows, didnt know it though until my sister took her to a campdrafting weekend a few years ago :eek: We did use her on the farm, but in a yard of cattle she took on a completely different persona - like she was channelling some super cow-horse, it was beautiful to watch!

I would love to get back into riding again, but wont be getting another horse - will have to make friends with someone who has a nice wide sensible beast ;) ...

Well the 4 mm we had here seems to have soaked in quite well in the paddock, I dont believe it but it actually looks like the pasture has come back from the dead. Of course we need a hell of alot more so it doesnt die in the arse again :( The sky was looking quite dark and looming when I went out with the dogs to feed sheep before......C'mon rain, anyone know a rain dance??

Thankfully weve not had any thunder - scares the bejesus outa me :cry: , which then freaks out big-bad-tough-red-lion-dog :rofl:


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Oh and Lab_Rat... when were you going to come and visit me? I keep forgetting :rofl:

Well Im heading up to the Big Smoke on the Saturday, going to the All Breeds show (is that when you will be team penning??) on my way to big bothers place.

Maybe late Monday arvo?? ...Not doing the Kelpie visit this time, dont want to get myself tooooo over excited :cry:

So perhaps on my way back down to Perth after I tear myself away from the beautiful Llamas ;)


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Is there a DogsWest allbreeds show on saturday!?

At the DogsWest grounds?

I'd love to go.. means I'd get to drool over all the Bichons.. :(

Please, tell me if there is or isn't!


No shows on this weekend unless you want to drive to Geraldton!

Next Sat is a all breeds show starting at 12.30pm in the arvo at DogsWest grounds.

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I know.. but theres bound to be atleast one Bichon at the 22nd of may show.. right? :(

No, not really. The show on the 22nd is a small local judges show, the one the weekend after is interstate judges and more likely to have multiple Bichons, even then if there isn't many being shown thats not a given, the best way to know is to contact WA breeders.

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