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What sort of car do you have? Would they fit in a Holden station wagon - not the new smaller shape?

I have an Astra Wagon like amypie said, I better watch her I think she wants to steal it :thumbsup: . The wagon part is probably the same size as the new Holden Sports wagon. I'm pretty sure the crates would fit in the older holden station wagons. The crates are 30" though, not sure if they're big enough for Whippets.

Okay thanks for that.

I will have a little measure of the other crate I have and see what I come up with.

Rommi is a dainty girl Whippet, but Lewis is a bit boofier.


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Yup Lexi's other name was Roslin and I think it came up when I volunteered to set up a website for Ptolomy :thumbsup: . Although that appears to just have been her puppy name now I read the website back - but it did very much confuse me at the time :laugh::shrug::):rofl: .

Don't mind me :rofl: .

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Trixie sounds like she's going really well :thumbsup: and you sound like Miss Professional :) .

:laugh: No I am no where near professional, I just have a more of an idea of the end goal this time which is handy, I am still very much a noob :shrug:

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What sort of car do you have? Would they fit in a Holden station wagon - not the new smaller shape?

I have an Astra Wagon like amypie said, I better watch her I think she wants to steal it :laugh: .

So..... where do you keep your car keys..? :thumbsup::shrug:

I think Beans suits her more than Jenna does :rofl: Roslin though, that doesn't suit Lexi at all :)

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:mad:) Good to see that a serious sportster like Ptolomy gives her dogs absurd nicknames that make the judges wonder :D ;) ..........Makes me feel a little less funny about all my dogs nicknames!

I read somewhere recently that you should give your pup ONE SHORT name and stick to it....Pfft, wheres the fun in that :rofl: . My girls have at least five other names that I use regularly and they are always being morphed into some other stooopid name! And they dont seem to have any troubles knowing which name belongs to whom!

VCBR, Muppet does suit Lincoln! Sheesh I could hardly tell him and Rowlf apart :):mad


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yes i certainly have some interesting names for mine... except Ari... she doesn't really have one yet!

Spartan also goes by the name Swan, Spartonia, Swanson and Swansonite...

James is Jimmy, cricket, and most recently Jibba!

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Sure does Soggybear - cos she likes to stand out in the rain :rofl:

At least we finally have rain :( Although my guys actually aren't a big fan of going out in it... unless they can run outside and bark at thunder :cry:

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Sure does Soggybear - cos she likes to stand out in the rain :cry:

At least we finally have rain :( Although my guys actually aren't a big fan of going out in it... unless they can run outside and bark at thunder :(

YAY :rofl::cry: RAIN!!!!!! How much have you had so far Mirawee??? Weve had only 4mm overnight, but its a start. Bloody well better keep raining over the next few days or Ill be sending a letter of complaint somewhere.................!

Zola hates the rain of course. She will stand on the verandah and shake like shes wet - even though not a drop has fallen on her :cry: . She is soooo blonde! Wandy on the other hand doesnt really care, and like your mob she loves to bark at thunder! Not quite the thing youre after late at night when youre trying to sleep!

So........... did you want me to send you that recipe :cry:


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I got woken up at 5am this morning by a very loud noise (that I first thought was an earth quake :rofl: ) which was thunder, then I couldn't get back to sleep because every time I started too drift off a huge lightning flash would light up the room :cry: The rain was fairly bucketing down but our weather station has flat batteries so I don't know how much we got :(

ETA: Jandakot got 8mm and that's not far away from us

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I got woken up at 5am this morning by a very loud noise (that I first thought was an earth quake :cry: ) which was thunder, then I couldn't get back to sleep because every time I started too drift off a huge lightning flash would light up the room :cry: The rain was fairly bucketing down but our weather station has flat batteries so I don't know how much we got :(

ETA: Jandakot got 8mm and that's not far away from us

The storm came over us right on 4am, and yes the rain sure came down! When I went out the back door this morning - everything under my huge patio was wet, right up to the back door mat. :cry:

I had one very worried little kitten to pacify. If only he would take a leaf out of the dogs book and just sleep through it all :rofl:

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I'm not usually, it was really loud! Woke OH up too so it wasn't just me, although I was already restless because I bought a new wool doona and it works a bit too well and I kept waking up sweating! :( Just can't win!

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Bichoncrazy- No idea sorry but welcome to DOL!

I was woken by a dream I was in the shower that seemed to real :( I had left my window open and it was raining on my head :rofl: .My dogs were fine in the storm, the older two cuddled togther and the little one went in his crate. :cry:

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Just read there was 20mm of rainfall in Mt Lawley and 25.2mm in Bickley.

Don't you hate it when you're not expecting rain and you leave the windows open! At least my head didn't get rained on :(

Sorry BichonCrazy I don't know anyone with Bichons at all. Someone might be able to advise when the next show is on so you can go meet some (if there are some in WA) Welcome to DOL.

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