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Forgot to add another 3 weeks to that total, to get the DVD back from amypie :)

Might grab it from you tomorrow night if that's ok? ;)

:confused::(:) :)

Yep no problems, I should be able to give them allllll back tomorrow :D

ETA: yep that blurb was from Susan Garrett's website RE 2x2 weaves DVD

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ANY Dolers doing the Million Paws Walk this weekend ? I know the Wei people are anyone else ?


Yes, I'll be there right at the beginning, not doing the walk though, it's usually too crowded! :(

Naughty Jenna! Hey it might be that Chocolate and Raisins are some of the only things she is not allergic to! :) Did she eat much of it?

Beans ended up at the vet last night :) I couldn't put my finger on it, but something wasn't right, she was cuddly, she was quiet and as time went on she started squealing if Cider went to pull on her or when she tried to lay down or get up.

Couldn't find what the problem was ? gastro from eating the chocolate, less likely a blockage or a pulled muscle somewhere from doing something - little darling wasn't very cooporative for the vet.

Can rule out a blockage so she is on boring food and reduced exercise for a few days and will see what happens.

Poor Beans, give him an extra snuggle and cuddle for me :confused:

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We dont do the walk we just go for the socialisation and breed education to the public bit! My two walk at a cracking pace and get stroppy when we go slow, you know they get so fit and toned when we walk HOW COME I dont ! ??


I am just eager to meet DOLers, I can strike a few off my list now and all have been super to meet, funny when you know a name and then meet the person, its always different! lol

We are taking Leila. If we see you we'll definately stop to meet you and the doggies.

Im now worried that it could be a major mission! OH and Leila both hate walking slowly so now I'm hopefully the monster doesnt go crazy because of frustration. She will already be crazy just because of all the dogs and people.

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Do you want me to post your dvd back or hang onto it until I see you next?

Hang onto it, no rush :rofl: Agility right from the start is my bible now. :rofl:

It's a great book :) . I think I'm up to chapter 4.

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Here is my big boof with his bandage:

I don't want to curse myself here but I am surprised at how good he has been not chewing on it!

He looks cute. Is his other foot shaved to?

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Here is my big boof with his bandage:

I don't want to curse myself here but I am surprised at how good he has been not chewing on it!

He looks cute. Is his other foot shaved to?

No he just has a very short coat over his legs and head. :rofl: Shaved :) Please Tiggy he's a show dog! :rofl:

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No use to me - my end goal is to buy the same car as yours so they won't fit in mine either :rofl::)

They look cool though, which way don't they fit? Does one fit okay?

One fits easy and according to my measurements two should have fit :rofl: . I can fit one of my 36" crates in sideways so will keep doing that.

What sort of car do you have? Would they fit in a Holden station wagon - not the new smaller shape?

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Hi Tiggy

I don't take her to club training sessions as such but I do get her out after Kyzer's training on Tuesdays and Thursdays to do some basics like flat work, line ups, stays etc. I have been doing some jump grids and jump sequences at home with her (low height) and she picks it up quickly, we can do start line lead outs and things now, I'm teaching her to go out ahead in a straight line too. I set up a curve of jumps the other day and was leading out to the end of the curve and releasing the dogs to jump over the jumps in the curve to get to me, well Trixie picked it up every quickly indeed, but Kyzer still can't do it, I did break it right down but he was still confused, poor boy. :cry: We'll try again later.

She's also learning the 2o2o contact end behaviour and once she's driving into that I'll start back chaining it (she hasn't really been over an a frame or dog walk properly yet, just doing contacts on the end). She can jump incredibly high and has a long stride on her so not game to do running contacts (and has no fear of heights and thought it was great fun to run up the a frame at home and leap off the side when I left it up once). Also she's going to be speedy by the looks so I need her to do 2o2o to give me a chance to catch up ;)

I don't do anything off lead at a club because she is a runner and will do crazy zoomie laps of K9 and run after other dogs (in a playful manner but she might get her head bitten off) so until I figure out how to keep her close she is staying on lead :rofl: might bring out the long line next time we go. She loves to feel the wind in her ears :( She thinks she's a Greyhound.

Obedience we haven't done much apart from practising line ups and stays, still trying to figure out how I'm going to teach things, don't really want to use luring much if I can help it. Got a heap of DVD's I'm getting around to watching :( . We were going to a club but I found it works better for her to do the same things in shorter bursts without as much luring. I really want her to think for herself as much as possible.

All in all I am enjoying teaching her things at our own pace really, she loves to train (as evidenced by the way she screams when locked inside for Kyzer's turn then as soon as I open the door she bolts out and waits near the jumps with much excitement in her eyes :rofl: ) and tugs like crazy which is a nice change, she'll happily work for praise and a wrestle, also absolutely bonkers over any type of food, I think once she matures she'll be good fun to train and trial. :)

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No use to me - my end goal is to buy the same car as yours so they won't fit in mine either :cry::)

They look cool though, which way don't they fit? Does one fit okay?

One fits easy and according to my measurements two should have fit :rofl: . I can fit one of my 36" crates in sideways so will keep doing that.

What sort of car do you have? Would they fit in a Holden station wagon - not the new smaller shape?

Tiggy has an Astra Wagon RM :rofl:

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What sort of car do you have? Would they fit in a Holden station wagon - not the new smaller shape?

I have an Astra Wagon like amypie said, I better watch her I think she wants to steal it :thumbsup: . The wagon part is probably the same size as the new Holden Sports wagon. I'm pretty sure the crates would fit in the older holden station wagons. The crates are 30" though, not sure if they're big enough for Whippets.

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:thumbsup:Beans is a girl :laugh:


But what sort of a name is Beans for a girl anyway?! :shrug:

Her real name is Jenna - and her Pedigree name is Jelebean Classic - as a baby she had so many yippee beans that the name Beans stuck :rofl:

I will often run an agility course sometimes calling her Beans and sometimes calling her Jen - I have been asked before by a judge if I had forgotton which dog I was running :)

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Here is my big boof with his bandage:

I don't want to curse myself here but I am surprised at how good he has been not chewing on it!

He looks cute. Is his other foot shaved to?

No he just has a very short coat over his legs and head. :laugh: Shaved :thumbsup: Please Tiggy he's a show dog! :)

Thank goodness u=you didnt shave him I would have competition in the Xolo class.

he looks very proud of his new leg! lol


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:thumbsup:Beans is a girl :laugh:


But what sort of a name is Beans for a girl anyway?! :shrug:

Her real name is Jenna - and her Pedigree name is Jelebean Classic - as a baby she had so many yippee beans that the name Beans stuck :rofl:

I will often run an agility course sometimes calling her Beans and sometimes calling her Jen - I have been asked before by a judge if I had forgotton which dog I was running :)

That's actually pretty cute and I'd kinda guessed she must have been 'full of beans' or something :rofl:

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