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Naughty Jenna! Hey it might be that Chocolate and Raisins are some of the only things she is not allergic to! :thumbsup: Did she eat much of it?

Hmm - so far she hasn't reacted outwardly - buts its the liver/kidneys I worry about :rofl: probably only 5cm worth.

So the move has been interesting with Cider stealing mums bumbag and emptying its contents, and Scoota helping himself to my clothes off my shelf and bringing them to me waiting to be rewarding - never a dull moment!

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My "superstar" indulged in an entire container of 4Legs yesterday out of my training bag :D Bad dog, but but handler for leaving them there!!

My superstar showed her agility skills by somehow getting from the middle of the dinning room table a HUGE fruit and nut toblerone while I was at the shop for a mere 20 minutes and mum was still in bed. When I came home I discovered a gift tag on the floor so went looking for what it should have been attached to and found Beans (yes the allergy child :) ) thoroughly engrossed in her winnings. Yes I know chocolate and raisins are a NO NO :)


On a more serious note, is she ok??

I know the most that would come out of Ruby's eating adventure would be she would be getting no dinner that night and more poos - yep, she had me up at 1am whining to go out, made a mad dash for the grass and was actually a little bit constipated!!

We've had a good run, 3 or so years and this is the first mishap of it's kind :thumbsup:

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My dogs must be little angels :thumbsup: , although the other day my Dad was walking out the the barbeque with cheese slices in his hand and Banjo jumped up and grabbed the cheese :) , he was so fast I didn't even see him do it just saw half a cheese slice left in my Dads hand :rofl: . I told my Dad it was his fault for swinging his arms too much :) .

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Mine are pretty good, especially since they're typical food crazy Labs, but an open treat bag is an open invitation in their eyes! They don't steal food generally, won't touch the little old dogs dinner bowl while she's eating it, and if their dinner drops on the floor while I'm serving it, 9 times out of 10 they will stand there just looking at it :thumbsup:

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I was always so smug thinking I had trained Kyzer to have perfect food manners, you could leave a steak on the floor and he would not touch it, but my smugness was shattered to pieces with the arrival of Trixie, who has no shame whatsoever when it comes to food, I am constantly telling her off for trying to steal stuff / jumping up to the benches etc, the other week I was eating a sandwich and she leapt onto the couch and tried to take a bite! :):rofl:

On the plus side it does mean she is a lot more food driven than Kyzer :thumbsup:

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Naughty Jenna! Hey it might be that Chocolate and Raisins are some of the only things she is not allergic to! :thumbsup: Did she eat much of it?

Hmm - so far she hasn't reacted outwardly - buts its the liver/kidneys I worry about :) probably only 5cm worth.

So the move has been interesting with Cider stealing mums bumbag and emptying its contents, and Scoota helping himself to my clothes off my shelf and bringing them to me waiting to be rewarding - never a dull moment!

Ah ok so not the whole bar then thank goodness!

Gee your lot must think the new place is awesome fun! :rofl:

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Mine is being a bit of a pain at the moment, since i started tracking he pulls like a steam train on his lead and in tracking you want the dog to be eager to go and you cannot get a lead long enough to keep up with Mason's running out on a track :thumbsup: I have decided that I am not going to do the Rally O seminar, it sounds fun but Mason is a bit too much for me for a whole day out.

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Mine is being a bit of a pain at the moment, since i started tracking he pulls like a steam train on his lead and in tracking you want the dog to be eager to go and you cannot get a lead long enough to keep up with Mason's running out on a track :thumbsup: I have decided that I am not going to do the Rally O seminar, it sounds fun but Mason is a bit too much for me for a whole day out.

That's too bad :rofl:

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Mine is being a bit of a pain at the moment, since i started tracking he pulls like a steam train on his lead and in tracking you want the dog to be eager to go and you cannot get a lead long enough to keep up with Mason's running out on a track :thumbsup: I have decided that I am not going to do the Rally O seminar, it sounds fun but Mason is a bit too much for me for a whole day out.

That's too bad :)

He is just being a bit of a ratbag lately and I wouldnt enjoy the seminar with him this year - his pulling is driving me mad I am on the brink of making him wear a gentle leader again and not care if his face swells as he rubs it on the grass the whole time with the leader on :rofl:

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Naughty Jenna! Hey it might be that Chocolate and Raisins are some of the only things she is not allergic to! :thumbsup: Did she eat much of it?

Hey Amypie!! Wasn't Jenna for a change, although if it was on my table Jenna would have grabbed it without even waiting for me to go out. :cheer:

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Naughty Jenna! Hey it might be that Chocolate and Raisins are some of the only things she is not allergic to! :thumbsup: Did she eat much of it?

Hey Amypie!! Wasn't Jenna for a change, although if it was on my table Jenna would have grabbed it without even waiting for me to go out. :cheer:

No the other Jenna! Beans' other name is Jenna :love:

Yes I know your Jenna would eat it if it was within reach too, I've seen how she operates :)

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Anyone heading to the All Breeds Show on the 22 May??


Me and Lincoln SHOULD be there but we might have to leave a little early cause I have to work. I don't know if you know but it starts at 12.30 now. We will also be there the next day for Gundog Club show. :D

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Anyone heading to the All Breeds Show on the 22 May??


Me and Lincoln SHOULD be there but we might have to leave a little early cause I have to work. I don't know if you know but it starts at 12.30 now. We will also be there the next day for Gundog Club show. ;)

Yes, I noticed all the ads throughout the latest K9 news. Which is why I thought I might head along. Im heading to Perth that weekend anyway, so it would be nice to spend the arvo at the dog show before heading further north to my brothers place.

And I may catch up with people I didnt get to see at the Western Classic! But I WONT be bringing cake :D :p


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Anyone heading to the All Breeds Show on the 22 May??


Me and Lincoln SHOULD be there but we might have to leave a little early cause I have to work. I don't know if you know but it starts at 12.30 now. We will also be there the next day for Gundog Club show. ;)

Yes, I noticed all the ads throughout the latest K9 news. Which is why I thought I might head along. Im heading to Perth that weekend anyway, so it would be nice to spend the arvo at the dog show before heading further north to my brothers place.

And I may catch up with people I didnt get to see at the Western Classic! But I WONT be bringing cake :D :p


It is looking more and more like we will be moving down south Rat, but it's not likely to happen for 12 months. We are ;) over Ferguson Valley!

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