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I don't think they will hold us down, it was just a scare tactic to get us to help out ;) If it's raining, I am not going. I have no issue helping, clearly as I book myself in for a bit of stewarding. I am already doing TWO FULL DAYS at the agility Nationals and a night at the State one, I think that is enough help for one person! :D Also helping at the SRAODC one, man I'm a glutton for punishment!! They already have an overload of people in Adult Foundation, so I can't see them keeping dogs down who don't deserve to be there. :thumbsup:

I don't want another term of lessons where our homework are things like stays and recalls, I do enough of those in obedience! :rofl:

P.S. Hope it isn't raining though so I can go down and help! Hope to see you there RFT!! (so much easier to shorten your name too :()

Edited by RubyStar
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Guest RosieFT

RFT is fine for me :-) RS :thumbsup: ....

wow, you will be a stewarding expert in no time :-) .. i will just rug up and go down if i don't hear otherwise, easier with no dog to get wet! :-)

i want to find out if we passed.. she stuffed the first run at aframe ..and then the *ahem* delay in the circuit... :-) .. was told had to get 80?? More than ready to move on now though LOL

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You'll be moving on for sure, I've seen you guys! Do we actually find out a score or anything tonight? I hope I'm moving up too!

I've done a bit of agility stewarding but have never been scribe, looks too hard :thumbsup: I don't particularly like being screamed at by the competitors for when they're in and how many before them, so gate steward I try to avoid. Gimme lead steward or backup timer :D

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RFT have you stewarded before? It is a really great way to learn how a trial works and the rules etc. I learned a lot when I stewarded.

Agree about being either lead steward or backup timer, the others are scary! hehe :thumbsup:

You usually get lollies too :D

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naww, Amy, thankyou. That is really lovely to hear. The number of people at obedience who used to refer to her with phrases like "uh oh, here comes that crazy foxie!" I would say, 'she is not like this at home!" .. answered with nods and smiles. Meanwhile it didn't matter that their dogs were not perfectly behaved. Ahh well. Won't try that again!

Thanks again Amy. :thumbsup:

I don't find Rosie crazy at all, she is just full of the joy of life like Jenna is, I like dogs that are that way they are fun to be around.

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RFT have you stewarded before? It is a really great way to learn how a trial works and the rules etc. I learned a lot when I stewarded.

Agree about being either lead steward or backup timer, the others are scary! hehe :thumbsup:

You usually get lollies too :D

And lunch or din dins!

I stewarded the western classic agility last year and we got a lovely dinner upstairs :rofl: For smaller ones like club trials, they usually put on food, too. It's always a lovely day/evening!

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Yes a severe weather warning, but don't panic, it's no where near as bad as the last storm... just possible storms and showers, with heavy gusts... no hail thank goodness! People appear to be panicking a bit but it's nice working in a place full of pilots... they know the weather :thumbsup:

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RS- how badly do you want that agility pass? the rain has just hit us over here .. and it is pretty windy too... ugh.

Mel was saying something about training being closed for a couple of weeks for all other than instructors and competitors till after the Nationals, so you might want to check before going out in the cold. Can't remember when it was starting as it did not effect Jenna and Mirrawee.

Hi Longdog, :thumbsup: to joining all us crazy dog people, Ruby looks sweet.

Plotomy and Bdazzeled, maybe you should let the dogs navigaite for you :D . Don't tire out those pups too much, they have to be fresh for the Nationals so that WA can kick butt.

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Mel was saying something about training being closed for a couple of weeks for all other than instructors and competitors till after the Nationals, so you might want to check before going out in the cold. Can't remember when it was starting as it did not effect Jenna and Mirrawee.

It's not normal training ozjen, tonight is supposed to be a closed club trial and the adult foundation people were required to steward in order to go up to the next class :thumbsup:

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Guest RosieFT

So my husband keeps telling me GR. It seems ok *now*, but they have even warned emerg dept to prepare!!!

AP - ( :thumbsup:) i have not stewarded before.. well in horses but not dogs! I can relate to many of the tasks.. scary to be the penciller (as we call it!) in dressage as so much happens, so much to write down. picking up the jump poles was ok. Being on duty to get people in on time and in correct order was ok, but only becuase i knew many of the horses by sight. It would be impossible for me with the dogs because i don't know who is who .. hee hee

Sounds better rewarded in the k9 world! No lollies in the equine world LOL

Ozjen - thank you :-) .. yes, never a dull moment with a foxie in the house :-) . always up for something, but pretty quiet and laid back when nothing is going on.

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Yes a severe weather warning, but don't panic, it's no where near as bad as the last storm... just possible storms and showers, with heavy gusts... no hail thank goodness! People appear to be panicking a bit but it's nice working in a place full of pilots... they know the weather ;)

Yes, the last storm was too recent! :thumbsup: Everyone is scared we are gonna suffer again :D I told my boss (thinking he might send us all home sooner like last time) but he couldn't have cared less today :rofl:

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Severe weather warning out for tonight guys! Storms and winds up to 125km an hour...... Someone just sent us an email at work with the warning.

Oh bugger.

So are you wanting to leave training tonight Mirrawee? It's a long way for you to come if the weather is no good. I've got to go down tonight anyway as Jenna is getting a DNA test done but must go find her papers. Looks normal enough here at the moment but who knows, last storm struck without alot of pre warning.

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Oh bugger.

So are you wanting to leave training tonight Mirrawee? It's a long way for you to come if the weather is no good. I've got to go down tonight anyway as Jenna is getting a DNA test done but must go find her papers. Looks normal enough here at the moment but who knows, last storm struck without alot of pre warning.

Am currently trying to find out if it is going to be cancelled or not. I know that it is bucketing down in Mandurah atm... looking at the radar it will probably hit you in the next hour if it is going to. And do ACWA have a severe weather warning rule? I know that Perth training is cancelled if there is a severe weather warning regardless of what the weather actually is doing at the time of training. The girls need training though :thumbsup:

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So far it looks like it is no over Southern River on the radar, doesn't seem to be moving towards it?

ACWA usually post on the website if training is cancelled due to rain / heat. Nothing on there yet though.

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Guest RosieFT

Amy - why is your state listed as qld? are you from there?

OH's turn to walk Rosie tonight and he was mumbling about getting wet, but he has come back without a drop on him. Maybe it will just miss us :thumbsup: . Kids in the bath, OH making dinner... if only i didn' thave to go out into the cold and wet... ahh well...

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ACWA usually post on the website if training is cancelled due to rain / heat. Nothing on there yet though.

Yes but unfortunately they often post on the website after I have already had to leave :thumbsup: Which is why when in doubt I often choose not to go as I have driven the hour before to find out that training had been cancelled :D

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