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Guest belgian.blue
I'm in the process of finding a good vet clinic puppy school.

Was wondering if anyone could please share some recommendations?

I took Lincoln to Train a Pup time and found it absolutely brilliant!

Link Here

Had a quick look at their website and looks great!! Will give them a call tomorrow.

Where are the classes held? Couldn't see that on the site.

Oh someone else asked .. I'm in Vic Park and willing to travel within 3Okms

Its near K9 in Southern River. I can't recommend her highly enough and happily traveled all the way from Helena Valley every Saturday to get there.

Just read her website some more and sounds fab!!! I'm going to book him in tomorrow. Very reasonable price too and Southern River is close to me. Yay. Just hope she has room for my little man :) What age did Lincoln start there?

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I'm in the process of finding a good vet clinic puppy school.

Was wondering if anyone could please share some recommendations?

I took Lincoln to Train a Pup time and found it absolutely brilliant!

Link Here

Had a quick look at their website and looks great!! Will give them a call tomorrow.

Where are the classes held? Couldn't see that on the site.

Oh someone else asked .. I'm in Vic Park and willing to travel within 3Okms

Its near K9 in Southern River. I can't recommend her highly enough and happily traveled all the way from Helena Valley every Saturday to get there.

Just read her website some more and sounds fab!!! I'm going to book him in tomorrow. Very reasonable price too and Southern River is close to me. Yay. Just hope she has room for my little man :) What age did Lincoln start there?

He started at 9 weeks old. She runs a few courses at a time so you should be able to find a day/time that suits.

Did I miss something though? When did you get a new pup?

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Thank yo all for the behaviourist suggestions after research I have finally gone with a very well credentialed gent called Garth Jennings, he is very well qualified and

seems to know his "stuff"

Also I dont tolerate people who dont return phone calls ( pet hate of mine!!)

Thanks again


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Just what are you on, RosieFT?! I want some :)

ps did i tell you my oh's oh so funny april fools joke was to ring phone and pretend there was a agility person wanting to speak to me re the other night? LOL.. i was not fooled...

What other night? That night we trained with jumps? :laugh:

Do you have your own equipment to practice at home?

Well done on your front cross tonight! Wahooooo!!! :)

My blondie deserves big rewards for a job well done tonight. No training, throw her into the agility assessment in Millie's place who has been doing the classes all term and Ruby blitzes the exam :rofl: Goes to show they just don't forget! Last time she saw agility equipment was 2 years ago and it was baby stuff. She'd never done an A-Frame before! Gosh I love my blonde girl so much :p

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Lovely photo vCBR :laugh:

I have just had a massive thunderstorm go over here and looking at the radar and the clouds outside there is more to come :) I don't do lightning :rofl:

So I am being a woose and not going to training tonight... not that I think it will hit Canning Vale, but I don't really want to drive in it up this way. So much for practise for the States and Nationals (sorry OzJen - bring Jenna down on Sunday and hopefully it won't rain/thunder then!)

We saw some lightening down here, but the storm never hit. Hope it's passed where you are! I hate thunder and lightening too, scares me! :)

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Still waiting........ :) :) Will be interesting what you end up with. You've hit the nail on the head with Jenna and Brooky :rofl:

Bedazzledx2, I really don't think I classify as a better handler :p Just a sillier one to run 4 dogs :p How is your kelpie hunt coming? I have been informed that I am having pick red/tan bitch from a show lines litter coming up later this year (red/tan bitch x black/tan dog) :p Would love to but will see what happens closer to the time :eek:

OzJen, Jenna isn't feral any more... she is just noisy :laugh: She and Brooky are the perfect couple, although both are so busy talking they would never listen to the other ;)

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Welcome DoodleBliss :rofl: Any pictures of Ozzie? What breed is he? :)

Perth Training and Obedience Dog Club trains on Wednesday nights at Raphael Park in Vic Park http://www.perthtraining.webs.com/

Thanks for the suggestion Mirawee. Ozzie's a poodle X, a multi-gen labradoodle actually:) I hope I won't get any dagger flying my way having now reveal Ozzie's breed (I've had one in my intro post). I come in peace :) Here's a pic of him, wat do u reckon? ;)


Hi DoodleBliss :laugh:

Welcome to DOL!

Cloverdale Canine Companions would be my recommendation. I have been there in the past with my dogs and will probably be heading back there soon.

They do obedience every Monday 7pm to 8pm and then Agility on Thursdays 7pm to 8pm.


Hi Golden Rules.. Is this the one that trains near Abernethy Rd? I'd ring them them up anyhow. Thanks! :p

Welcome DoodleBliss.

Thanks greatly for the suggest of VetWest, I will also give them a call tomorrow. Their website looks great.

I can suggest Perth Training and Obedience Dog Club .. My older girl and I go here Wednesday nights.

Thanks b.blue. I'll def go check the club out :p Train a Pup looks great! I'd have given VetWest a miss if I'd came across Train a Pup earlier :eek:

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Everybody who's interesested:


April Meet

Lol I am interested but seeing as I have tracking on a saturday and obedience on a sunday I say my chances of making it to a meet slim to none unless its on the Anzac Monday :laugh:

Anzac Monday sounds good, I didn't realise we got that off!

I hope we do, I have it listed in my diary that its a holiday?

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First of all - RosieFT you are exhausting me just reading your posts! I'd love to know what you are running on and where to get some?!! :laugh:

ValleyCBR I love that photo of Lincoln... similar to the one of James pulling a face in my avatar...

I'd love to come to the next meet... but it will have to be on the Monday for me... i think! I also plan on heading to tracking but only if Ari doesn't come into season this week... which is actually what i am hoping for so she doesn't come in smack in the middle of the national!! She is due but she is trying to kill me i am pretty sure...

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I am so blonde.... Amypie.. i was about to leave to go to agility but i had to hop on here to berate myself. i think my own brain switch was set to 'off'. turn into dog.. as in, turn in towards, not actually become the dog. ROFLMAO

oh dear. Does not bode well for a pass tonight. oh my... hehe

alrighty, better get my skates on.

I was wondering what you were on about! :shrug:

Maybe I should have said 'Turn inward toward your dog' :rofl:

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was just thinking - our thread has really taken off, and yet no one else from other states has tried to start a state thread? I guess we are just feeling the isolation enough to start a thread... or we think we are so important we need our own state thread!!

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