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Western Australian Thread


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I saw Tiggy and its no problem at all. :rofl: I am down Southern River way for classes/shows so when they arrive I will pick them up and let you know then bring them to agility. As long as you don't stay and watch if Toby is being terrible. :crossfingers:

Thanks :hug: .

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For anyone not on WAclick, tonights obedience trial has been delayed due to the heat.

Numbers can be given out at about 6pm and vetting will be about 6.15ish. If everyone is there and the weather is reasonable, we will start just before 7pm but not before 6.45pm.

There will be a break for dinner at 8.45 and all judging will cease till 9.30 when we will recommence again.

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Nup....just when it gets too hot!!!! Its too damn hot for me. They said they wouldn't start before 6.45 and if its really hot they will delay it. Unfortunately we all have to be there for vetting and there is no shade down at the obedience arena :hug:

Its 37.7 degrees at the moment, is it 36 or 38 degrees that they postpone the start time for?
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If anyone frequents the Mosman Park/Leighton dog beach can you please keep an eye out of a single Honda key? When I was there on Sunday with Leila I lost it. I was stuck in the middle of the day, 35 degrees with no keys, water and phone in the car.

So much for a quick 20 min dip!

A lovely couple let me use their phone and gave Leila a drink and luckily OH was able to bring me a spare key down (much to his annoyance). They even offered to give us a lift home because they lived in the next suburb over but they already had 2 kids, boogy boards and 2 dogs. It would have been cosy with crazy Leila and I in the car with them.

I'm not really expecting that it is found, just hoping :thumbsup: . There is no key ring or distinguishing features - just a grey key with a honda H on it. Luckily it was only the key and not the immobiliser - that would cost us a small fortune to replace.

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I know there were a few WAers interested in trying the tracking when it started up again and have just read that there is an intro day in Gosnells at the end of March, anyone going? I'm thinking of going along and finding out more about it.

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I know there were a few WAers interested in trying the tracking when it started up again and have just read that there is an intro day in Gosnells at the end of March, anyone going? I'm thinking of going along and finding out more about it.

Thanks for the heads up ozjen :laugh:

I've checked out the link... sounds interesting. I'll have to think about which dog to take :laugh:

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Heya everyone,

I'm brand new to the site and have just introduced a lab to our family (on Sunday afternoon). He's almost 5 and unfortunately hasn't had the kind of life a dog should have, but I'm hoping to change that.

We're going to Obedience on Sunday morning, and I think I'll be taking him to tracking. I'd love to do agility with him, but he's quite overweight at the moment, so I'll have to work on that.

It sounds like Perth has a pretty tight knit group of dog lovers, which is awesome.

Has anyone got any ideas how to keep him occupied during the day while I'm at work? This morning I froze some low fat treats in a big block of ice thinking that would keep him busy for a little while, he ate it in about 45 seconds :laugh: He has a Kong, which is filled with peanut butter, that I froze. I've also hidden some treats around the yard which I'm sure he'll find. I did get him some toys last night by they lasted about 5 minutes.

I'm walking him about 8km a day, at a fairly slow pace while he gets used to exercise again (which I also need to do :laugh:, we walk down by the river, 4km in the morning and 4km at night. I'm just really concerned that he'll be lonely and bored, and then become destructive and learn bad habits.

Any advice would be much appreciated, I'm determined to be a good dog owner and give him an interesting life :rofl:

Thanks in advance.

Kristen :rofl:

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Welcome Kristen and to your boy - what's his name? Good on you for giving him a loving home :rofl: (and good on you for choosing a Lab :)) You sound like you're doing a fab job already :laugh:

I'm not much help with keeping them occupied - I'm going through the same thing, trying to think of ideas because I am getting holes in the backyard when I leave my 2 alone all day. So for the moment while the new grass is trying to take hold, they're being dropped off at their grandparents each day for a day of luxury inside under the aircon. They aren't stupid, they know if they misbehave in the backyard they get to have a good day inside with human company :laugh:

Whereabouts in Perth are you? I wish I lived close enough to the river to go walking more regularly. Or I even wish I had the motivation to do that many km's a day! Maybe I should hunt for a walking buddy to get my butt into gear :rofl:

Edited by RubyStar
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I think you'd find that your dog would sleep most of the day after a good walk in the morning, plus the treats.....

I would also say some training in the morning after the exercise - wear our her brain a bit as well and have a beautifully behaved dog (eventually)

Instead of peanut butter in the Kong, if you are trying to get her to lose some weight, try smearing the inside with vegemite (make sure lots of water is available) or some cooked pumpkin, skin and all, and stuff that into the Kong.

We have a DOL meet this Sunday at Piney Lakes - 10am - it's a kind of a picnic - you are most welcome to come and join us (in fact we expect you to at some stage! :laugh:)

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