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I stopped down to the Show N Go briefly last night, I had been out to dinner, and was wearing killer heels.. I promised OH i wasnt going to get out of the car, but saw Winpara with her BC babies and couldnt resist!!!

I love watching the dogs having sooo much fun!

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A dane with a tail injury is just as fun... the tail is like a whip = and kills when it hits your legs!!!

Takes a bit to heal, lots of wrapping, and rewrapping to try and get it to heal! depending on where she has damaged it of course, cause just the slightest wag and hit on something will open th wound again!

:laugh: Hope she's ok!!

Shes fine this morning - although she will insist on wagging her tail for anything!! And of course on the most innapropriate things - door frames, egdes of cupboards, makes me cringe! Im trying not to talk to her, so she doesnt get tooooo excited and start wagging!

C&N, the injury is about an inch from the tip of her tail, most awful spot to try and bandage ;) .

I discovered more blood this morning, smeared down the cupboard, more spots on the floor!

I think she may have initially done it on the folded up crate sitting in the dining area! Will have to move that.


Do you know how she did it?

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Had such a lovely morning on Leighton beach this morning with my family and Rosie. We met another SFT and it was SO lovely to see them running and playing together - magic. Made me want to get another one LOL

My 4yr old son and I were absolutely taken out by a huge dalmation, hee. The dog wasn't looking where he was going and just ran smack bang into us. Wow, makes me appreciate having a small dog LOL. Rosie did it to someone on the beach when she was looking at the ball in my hand, did a double spin straight into someone. You sure feel it when they are big!

There were some HUGE dogs down there, all very well behaved but HUGE! A malamute that Rosie ran up to say hi to, who was ambling up to us and it was like David and goliath! a really, really big Akita. I *think* a wolf hound??? long legs, grey rough coat on top, but smooth on legs, very tall. A gorgeous French bulldog - oh my the ears, hee SO cute.

Had a wonderful morning, even if my kids ended up swimming almost fully clothed *sigh* My mistake for not putting them in bathers to splash around in - thought it was going to be a cool morning. ahh well.

Rosie is currently fast asleep.

Do your dogs play the best with their own breed? or does it not matter? It sure was great to see the similar play tactics in action :-)

Are you sure you weren't at Hillarys?! Cos there this morning there were 3 Irish Wolfhounds and a puppy french bulldog!

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Anyone want a black kelpie? At this point in time he is available to ANY new home!

I brought Varda, my Finnish Lapphund bitch, back home yesterday after her spending the last few weeks at my parent's house. Both Banjo and Robi keep acting like she is in season (she is sterilised!) and so Banjo keeps beating up on Robi :cry: Not that Robi helps since as soon as I split them up Robs starts barking at Banjo! So Banjo has been locked in the house today while I am at work.

Please tell me they will settle down soon!

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Anyone want a black kelpie? At this point in time he is available to ANY new home!

I brought Varda, my Finnish Lapphund bitch, back home yesterday after her spending the last few weeks at my parent's house. Both Banjo and Robi keep acting like she is in season (she is sterilised!) and so Banjo keeps beating up on Robi :cry: Not that Robi helps since as soon as I split them up Robs starts barking at Banjo! So Banjo has been locked in the house today while I am at work.

Please tell me they will settle down soon!

Maybe she smells different, cause shes been away... Also, apparently sterlaised bitches can still put off an interesting smell - Cruise used to be in love with 2 x steralised goldie bitches everytime we went to OH's mums house!

Would they be re-establishing pack order? cause shes been away?

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Maybe she smells different, cause shes been away... Also, apparently sterlaised bitches can still put off an interesting smell - Cruise used to be in love with 2 x steralised goldie bitches everytime we went to OH's mums house!

Would they be re-establishing pack order? cause shes been away?

Banjo has always been the boss :cry: Robi is a woossy dog who backs down to Banjo if he even looks at him the wrong way. So I think it is more Banjo saying bugger off, she is mine. Although Varda tells both boys to wrack off - however that doesn't result in a scrap! Well unless Banjo then takes it out on Robi :mad

On another note though it is interesting to watch the byplay between the dogs when Banjo has a go at Robi... Kinta (who is boss dog) goes and jumps on Banjo and starts humping him...

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Hi all

we had an awesome time yesterday down at Kwinana beach for an OES club beach meet.

Char had a great time although he was rediculously obsessed with the girls - particularly the grumpy 11yo girls!! he had a swim and got very sandy and after lunch (broken bbqs btw, so don't expect to use them if you go down to Kwinana! the junior footy club let us use their bbq!) I spent an hour brushing out his feet and legs to get most of the sand out before we put him back in the car.

i did have the forsight to take a hose with jet water connection though, so i got most of the salty sandy water out of his coat!

it was a fun time though!! OES are great together and play well. we had two labs join in the fun although they seemed intrigued more than anything with the fluffy dogs!!

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Hi all

we had an awesome time yesterday down at Kwinana beach for an OES club beach meet.

Char had a great time although he was rediculously obsessed with the girls - particularly the grumpy 11yo girls!! he had a swim and got very sandy and after lunch (broken bbqs btw, so don't expect to use them if you go down to Kwinana! the junior footy club let us use their bbq!) I spent an hour brushing out his feet and legs to get most of the sand out before we put him back in the car.

i did have the forsight to take a hose with jet water connection though, so i got most of the salty sandy water out of his coat!

it was a fun time though!! OES are great together and play well. we had two labs join in the fun although they seemed intrigued more than anything with the fluffy dogs!!

Last (and only) time I've been to Kwinana beach, there were two ladies with two OES. Ruby had a good play with them, and the ladies asked me if she was a puppy :cry: They were the only friendly dogs on the beach I must add. After they left, some real ferals turned up with their feral dogs. I swear it must have been ferals day out with every aggressive dog out for the day! Yesterday I went to Hillarys though and the girls had a great time as usual!! Just wish it wasn't so far away, cos I love Hillarys!!

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Yesterday we went to better pets and gardens, they have a DIY hydrobath, which is quite handy $10 for 10 mins, gives shampoo, condition, flea and tick wash and blowdry, and at the end a disenfectant wash for the bath :D If I hadnt of been waiting and seen the previous people do a disenfectant wash, I would of done this first. You can add more $$ for more minutes.. It really is great to use... Only complaint is there was no towels, so take your own, cause trying to blowdry a sopping wet dog takes forever!

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Yesterday we went to better pets and gardens, they have a DIY hydrobath, which is quite handy $10 for 10 mins, gives shampoo, condition, flea and tick wash and blowdry, and at the end a disenfectant wash for the bath :D If I hadnt of been waiting and seen the previous people do a disenfectant wash, I would of done this first. You can add more $$ for more minutes.. It really is great to use... Only complaint is there was no towels, so take your own, cause trying to blowdry a sopping wet dog takes forever!

Oooh which one?

I bathed the girls yesterday after our beach trip and I do it in the clam shell pool out the backyard. Ruby is pretty easy, she stands there (biggest pain is her trying to eat the water out of the hose!) but Millie stands there scared stiff trying to slyly escape! So I have to hold her the whole time. Millie then rolled in the dirt once done!! :D So much easier when I used to get them hydrobathed, but I was told the one at the vet doesn't shampoo! So I didn't see the point. My house stunk like wet dog for several hours after, as I had to lock one in the sleepout to dry while the other was outside otherwise they both tear around the yard like lunatics to dry off, getting dirty again! ;)

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Yesterday we went to better pets and gardens, they have a DIY hydrobath, which is quite handy $10 for 10 mins, gives shampoo, condition, flea and tick wash and blowdry, and at the end a disenfectant wash for the bath :D If I hadnt of been waiting and seen the previous people do a disenfectant wash, I would of done this first. You can add more $$ for more minutes.. It really is great to use... Only complaint is there was no towels, so take your own, cause trying to blowdry a sopping wet dog takes forever!

Oooh which one?

I bathed the girls yesterday after our beach trip and I do it in the clam shell pool out the backyard. Ruby is pretty easy, she stands there (biggest pain is her trying to eat the water out of the hose!) but Millie stands there scared stiff trying to slyly escape! So I have to hold her the whole time. Millie then rolled in the dirt once done!! :D So much easier when I used to get them hydrobathed, but I was told the one at the vet doesn't shampoo! So I didn't see the point. My house stunk like wet dog for several hours after, as I had to lock one in the sleepout to dry while the other was outside otherwise they both tear around the yard like lunatics to dry off, getting dirty again! ;)

i used the midland one, but im sure if you enquire at Kelmscott and Canning Vale they will be able to tell u if they have it or not!!

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