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Guest belgian.blue
I posted in General but just realised this info may be more likely to be picked up in this thread :thumbsup:

A friend of my parents is a vet in Bunbury - he is reporting a Parvo outbreak and has had to put a number of (mostly unvaccinated) dogs to sleep of late.

Thought it worth a mention.

I heard it was going through Armadale too.

Is it a concern for dogs who have been vacc?

Vacc dogs can still get it

Any more helpful hints then?

no one else seems to be concerned about it ..

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Yes my hubby works in Armadale/Kelmscott area and thats where all the parvo is coming from. Im sure there are other areas affected. Puppies that had had 1 vaccination but were not old enough to finish the course were contracting it too. Be very careful with your babies and where you take them, especially if it is to areas whicc is not easily cleaned with viricide disinfectant.

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I have dogs entered at the Bunbury Open show and am slightly concerned about going. Particularly as we have a dog over from Queenland for a couple of months to show.

Will decide closer to the time I think :thumbsup:

Edited for spelling!

Edited by mirawee
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Guest belgian.blue

On a happier note .. just wondering if any one has taken their dog camping down along the south west coast? Though not as far as Albany.

My Dad and I want to go camping over Easter and I really don't want to leave Ivy behind, and he's OK for her to tag along .. now the hard part is finding somewhere.

At the moment I'm going through a few pet friendly websites but none have comments on what it was like having a dog there. Plenty are dog friendly, which is great!

So guess I'm just after some personal experiences ..

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Although we don't camp I know there are dog-friendly campsites in Dunsborough. We take our dog down when we go all the time and you always see dogs out and about - even see dogs with owners at cafes on the grassed area. I know the Shire of Bussleton has beaches that are designated off leash areas but you are also allowed to take your dog to other beaches as long as they are leashed.

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Guest belgian.blue
Although we don't camp I know there are dog-friendly campsites in Dunsborough. We take our dog down when we go all the time and you always see dogs out and about - even see dogs with owners at cafes on the grassed area. I know the Shire of Bussleton has beaches that are designated off leash areas but you are also allowed to take your dog to other beaches as long as they are leashed.

Ah thanks, stunning area too! I will do a search for Dunsborough.

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If anyone is interested, City of Gosnells are a crock of sh*t. Here is an email response I received after enquiring about the process one would need to take to get a 3 dog permit:

Further to your email regarding keeping of 3 dogs in the City of Gosnells.

Unlike most other Councils the City of Gosnells operates under a Town Planning Scheme which does not allow for more than 2 dogs on any property other than in the Kennel Zone.

There are no applications or fees that can be sought as there is absolutely no provision for any property (other than in Kennel Zone section of Southern River) to have more than 2 dogs on it.

An absolute disgrace :) There's no limit to how many kids one can have and the brats over the back fence scream in the backyard on a daily basis, yet I can't complain to council about them? My dogs are quiet and are kept indoors at night causing a nuisance to noone. I'm absolutely livid at their policy. This is why so many people don't bother registering their dogs and willingly break the law. How dare they rule how many "kids" I can have, I choose the furry 4 legged kind over 2 legged skin ones and that should be my prerogative!!!

Rant over, but still furious ;)

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aww thats not fair.

theres a lady up the road from us who has 3 dogs and 2 puppies *pups are about 5/6 months*

and she tells people walking there dogs oh dont walk on my side my dogs are aggressive.

my poor neighbour was walking her pup *8/9 months old * and you could hear this ;lady screaming at her not to walk her dog near her house coz of her dogs and pups being aggressive why she was aloud that many ill never know or maybe she hasnt told anyone but people have dobbed her in so you would think they would cheak it out :)

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RubyStar, I also find that very unfair, especially considering my folks are on the Armadale/Gosnells border (they're under City Of Armadale though) and they've got three dogs. All registered. ;)

They were going to get busted for it but they just went in and spoke to someone (had a whinge), they sent the ranger out to their place, ranger took one look at the dogs (which are all very well behaved) and said 'they're gorgeous, no problems, don't worry about it'. And they haven't had any problems since :) So maybe it's worth gaving them a call?

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Did they have to pay a fee or apply for a permit or something? Or simply had a ranger come? It might be slightly different if under Armadale's council. City of Gosnells suck big time. I'm sure if I called or went in to have a whinge, they'd just ignore me. I think it should be assessed on a case by case scenario. Or be sensible like NSW, no restrictions on dog numbers as long as they are well looked after and not a nuisance. Don't punish us all before hand in some sort of precautionary system to protect residents from ALL dogs that are quite obviously going to be neighbourhood nuisances (SARCASM TO THE MAX!) :)

I know some people won't agree with me, but each to their own. This is something I feel passionate about and it upsets me, because I am one of those responsible dog owners, being punished for the morons out there who aren't as responsible!

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Did they have to pay a fee or apply for a permit or something? Or simply had a ranger come? It might be slightly different if under Armadale's council. City of Gosnells suck big time. I'm sure if I called or went in to have a whinge, they'd just ignore me. I think it should be assessed on a case by case scenario. Or be sensible like NSW, no restrictions on dog numbers as long as they are well looked after and not a nuisance. Don't punish us all before hand in some sort of precautionary system to protect residents from ALL dogs that are quite obviously going to be neighbourhood nuisances (SARCASM TO THE MAX!) :laugh:

I know some people won't agree with me, but each to their own. This is something I feel passionate about and it upsets me, because I am one of those responsible dog owners, being punished for the morons out there who aren't as responsible!

It's such a crock of sh*t! I'm in City of Gosnells too, we have 2 Greyhounds and also foster Greys which we're allowed to do since they are temporary but I have a beautiful girl Grey who's currently racing and soon as she's finished she's coming home, stuff them and their rules, we have neighbours who were surprised to find out we had dogs cause they were so quite. Another reason we hate living in this area, we're wanting to move to the hills so we can get a couple of acres and have as many as we want (although haven't checked out their laws yet!)

I've been talking to a lady in Virginia USA who runs a Greyhound rescue group there, she sent me photo's of her place over xmas when she had 12!! Greyhounds in residence, all lying over the couches - they have no such stupid laws. (obviously!)

I sent City of Gosnells an email back in Sept to find out if I needed a licence for a business I run out of home, 3 email reminders later and numerous phone calls and noone has gotten back to me, typical!

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Hey RubyStar,

Nope, they wouldn't let Mum register their third when they moved to Camillo (even though in Maddington they had 3 and no problems?), so they kept sending her letters saying she could only have 2, so she went down there and was like WTF? and I think she kept telling them that the dogs were well behaved and not causing anyone problems so then the council sent the ranger out.

And hey, look what the Gozzy counsil are doing to that guy up in the tree... they really need to get their act together.

p.s. Went to the vet today to book Chester an appointment for when he gets here (5 days, yeah!) and they had an article taped to the counter about parvo and were asking everyone to read it. Big :laugh: for their vigilance I reckon. I'm seriously worried about Chester, don't think i'll be taking him out until the vaccinations are clear, or would it be ok to just carry him in my arms (maybe no? isn't parvo airborne?)

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How exciting! New puppy! Which vet are you going to? I'm in Thornlie, too. You can carry your pup around before vaccs, just don't put him on the ground until all vaccs are done (and then I think you need to wait a week after the last one? Can't remember exactly, it's been 3 years since my last pup).

I wish I was scary enough to go down to the council about 3 dogs. Knowing my luck they'd just fine me on the spot for having 3 (not that I do yet!)

jazzyrules, I too would love to move to the hills! I think they still have the 2 dog rule but I reckon they would be easier to get an extra dog (or two) permit for if you have a few acres? I only just bought my house and moving in this weekend, so I will be stuck in City of Crapnells for a few years at least. But when I do eventually move, I am investigating council areas that offer permits for extra dogs!!

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Yeh Yeh! I'm so psyched. I was going to take him to Applecross Vet Hospital (who were highly recommended by my boss' wife, who's a boxer breeder) but looked it up and decided it would be too far to drive with the little man so i'm sticking with Hanly, the family's been with him for years and he's awesome. And vaccs' are pretty cheap too :laugh:

Thanks for the advice, going to have to take him out and get him around people, no point being super paranoid like I am atm lol

Ha I only work in Thornlie, was the only decent username I could come up with at the time lol Living in Parkwood now, but we were in Gozzy for years, it's got a bad rep (just like Thornlie) but it's not a terrible place to live.

I wonder what they'd do if they received an email asking them to justify the 2 dog rule?

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