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General Anthesthic After A Tick?


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My girl recently (less than a month ago) had a tick, I got her into the vets early and she's recovered pretty well.

She cracked a tooth (one of the molars along the side of the jaw) a while ago and it seems that the root has started to rot a bit and it needs to be removed. It's still firmly in place and not loose so it will need to be done under general anesthetic. It's bothering her a bit so I figure it will need to be done soon but I am concerned about the GA so soon after the tick, especially seeing as the tick poison and serum affects the heart and lungs.

She's just over 3.5 years old and is fit and healthy, the vet mentioned that it was a risk but said that she should be ok but I am a little worried about doing it so I'm after some further opinions.

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