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Red Rash On Belly And Under Arms


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Hi All,

My Stafford was swiming in my parents pond and laying in the grass (which he has done before) on the weekend and now has broken out in a red blotchy rash on his tummy and underarms ??

I have washed him in his tea tree wash and have got a stop itch from the pet supplier, it was going away yesterday but this morning it has flared back up.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas what this might be....

Yes i will be taking him to the vet if it doesnt clear up in the next day or two.

Thanks in advance for any advice

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Staffords are very prone to skin allergies, it could be anything in the grass causing it. Our pup has the same problem and our vet prescribed an antibiotic lotion to apply when it flares up. Some days are worse than others, depends where he's been.

You could try Bepanthan as well.

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Kyran has had it on and off for the last couple of months since the new spring glass has grown. I had to get antibiotics and wash him in Malaseb. It clears up pretty quickly.

Try a medicated shampoo which you can buy from the vet, be careful what creams you put on him, as he may be scratching to the point raw skin develops, and some creams may irratate it more.

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Yep 2 of mine have got it this year too. Contact allergy from the grass. I washed them both with allergroom and then rubbed betadine on. I left it a bit too long though, I think they'd had it a few days before I realised and Tag has little pustules. I am going to do it again today, hopefully it will settle it down and dry it out.

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Calendula tea wash :hug:

Natural, soothing and anti-bacterial (so helps to stop secondary skin infection). Can bath him in it or soak a flannel and wet him up in the affected areas that way, or put it in a spray bottle and wet him up that way. It's really cheap but I've found it to be really effective :).

Kirislin - you could try this too. My boy had hives (hundreds) that broke and scabbed but threatened infection. Within 24 hours of applying Calendula tea wash once, most of the hives had shrunk by at least half and the scabs had dried out. He also developed red pustulous (sp?) rash on the inside of his back legs and the Calendula eased that as well. Noticeable difference inside 24 hours but I did keep it up on the worst areas at least once a day for a few days until it was all under control.

I wouldn't use a shampoo - as I understand it, anything that froths has a degree of chemical in it. At least, I think I remember hearing that somewhere.

Edited by Erny
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Excellent, Thank you all for the info, Could you please let me know where i can buy the Calendula Tea Wash

Health Food Store. Mine came in a packet and cost around $8. I used a couple of tablespoons (approx) of it, put it in the toe part of a stocking, left that in a cup (as you would a tea bag) and poured boiling water over it. Left it there until the water had cooled to either tepid or stone cold. Used a flannel saturated in it to rub through his coat or sometimes put it in a spray bottle and sprayed it over him, then rubbing it through with my hands so it got to his skin (I used the latter method in his worst time so that it was more saturating).

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Mine goes through this every year. I apply some Neotopic normally but have run out. I also find that Sigmacort seems to work for her. It is usually cleared up within the day but it needs to be applied a lot in summer. I try and keep her indoors during summer but its not always possible so we tend to have a few flare ups.

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When my dog gets the allergies from the grass I wash in either pinetarsol which you get from a chemist or any of the oatmeal shampoo's you get from vets/pet shops Epi-soothe are oatmeal based and help stop the itching, if it's really red and itchy I've also used Solarcaine spray which people use for sunburn or insect bites etc, buy from chemist it has an anaesthetic agent in it and is cooling on their skin.

Hope this helps. :mad


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