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Removing Sticky Clumps Of Hair


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Every now and then our Stafford pup gets small spots of sticky clumps of hair which i can only assume are from tree sap or something similar. what is the best way to remove them? i tried brushing them out with warm water/shampoo but that doesn't work, the hair almost feels like its glued together, very sticky.

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Eucalyptus Oil or De-Solve It, a citrus oil that comes in a spray bottle :)

Would that be safe to put directly on the skin (which is what you're doing with dogs with very short hair like a Staffy). Staffy's can also have very sensitive skin.

So I think I'd be doing a bit of research before I applied either to your dog.

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I tried all the stuff I could think of to get tree sap out of my dogs coat. Tried almost everything that I googled :thumbsup: (peanut butter, salad dressing, margarine and every other oil I thought could be safe) and none of it worked so I just scissored the hair to skin level. I grows back in about 4 weeks anyway.

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I tried all the stuff I could think of to get tree sap out of my dogs coat. Tried almost everything that I googled :hug: (peanut butter, salad dressing, margarine and every other oil I thought could be safe) and none of it worked so I just scissored the hair to skin level. I grows back in about 4 weeks anyway.

Ye, i did the same with the first two spots, but because his coat is so short it looked odd, that's why i'm looking at alternatives.

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