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Older Dogs Struggling In The Heat

Zug Zug

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My dogs are 11 and 11.5 years old. Usually cope well in hot weather, with some simple precautions. But this latest heat wave in Adelaide has really knocked them around (me, too).

My bichon looked really sad on Monday morning after a pretty hot weekend, so I arranged to take him to my aunty's house in the air con for a few days. He had really bad diarrhoea later that day and overnight, and was really lethargic so she tells me. He picked up the next day (I called in - he was pretty happy), but then after I left started pining to come home and kept them awake all night. He's home again now. I have to go to work tomorrow.

Poodle cross is also pretty lethargic - I suppose that's sensible tho isn't it? But it's not like her to be so flat.

I'm a bit worried about them. They've never reacted like this before.

I am keeping them in their crate inside at night (like normal), letting them out in the morning, then calling in at home at lunch time to bring them back inside during the hottest part of the day. Teenagers then let them out for a toilet stop at around 4pm, then let them back inside again. Late evening (very late evening) walk has turned out not to be all that popular with my usually exuberant poodle cross - she just walks along looking pretty tired. Not like her. I haven't attempted it with the bichon - he's clearly not up to it and doesn't usually need the exercise so much.

We have lots of shade in the backyard, lots of water etc. etc. - but let's face it, it's really hot even in the shade.

Help? Ideas? Maybe some blocks of ice. I gave them some frozen bones the other day but I'm wondering if that is what led to the diarrhoea. Took the poodle cross to the beach for a swim on Sunday and have the scratches on my arm to remind me that she wasn't all that keen (she just tried to climb onto the top of my head to get out of the water).

How do other peoples' older dogs cope in the heat?

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I'd take them to the vet just to check that they aren't sick.

To keep them cool you could buy some cool coats, cool collars or a cool mat/bed. I keep the water in my dogs' bowl cool by standing a frozen water bottle in it and they seem to really like the colder water. My puppy likes having a big frozen 2L bottle to lie with at night. You can also freeze treats (carrots and stuff) in something yummy (yoghurt, stock etc) or just water. If you don't have aircon maybe find a fan that you can put on the ground for them. My mum has a big fan in her room (she overheats even with the aircon on) and the dogs are always stealing it, they love it. My older dog (12) copes with the heat by sleeping all day and I put a cool collar on her if she gets uncomfortable.

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How do cool collars work? Do they last all day or need topping up every couple of hours? That sounds like a really good idea.

I've frozen 2 bowls of water for them today - one for the morning and one for the afternoon. If they're still flat tonight I might head off to the vet.

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Can you get a doggie door? I have old dogs and they don't cope that well with the heat but I would never leave them outside in it, they come and go as they like and the house is cooler than outside.

I also have the air conditioner on timer to come on for a few hours in the afternoon! Same in the winter, comes on to heat.

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Can you get a doggie door? I have old dogs and they don't cope that well with the heat but I would never leave them outside in it, they come and go as they like and the house is cooler than outside.

I also have the air conditioner on timer to come on for a few hours in the afternoon! Same in the winter, comes on to heat.

My dogs are packing up and coming to live at your house in luxury Dogmad LOL!!

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I really feel for the older pooches. We have not had a lead up to get them used to the warmer weather. I dont think this helps. My two labs are still just shedding their winter coat so Mokha in particular is still in quite a thick coat. I hope the weather cools down soon just for a little relief. I freeze margarine containers with water and pop them out into their water bowls, frozen kongs and I hate to admit but while I was out today I left the airconditioning on just for the dogs. I would worry otherwise.

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Yep my guys are suffering in this shocking sudden heat too - particularly the old fella who's ten - he was very flat earlier in the week - I put it down to the heat - turns out he has a rabid, very painful ear infection... he's OK now but I still feel guilty that I missed it... so if in doubt get a vet check IMO...

Westiemum :)

Edited by westiemum
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My BM x is suffering from the heat too. He's 8. I agree that there being no Spring to speak of has really contributed to him feeling the heat more than normal (though 38 is pretty horrible for any time of year)

I Am trying to shed a couple of kilos off him to assist. He's not hugely overweight, but a lean boy would appreciate this weather better me thinks.

Will be freezing the blocks for the water etc. My prob is that he wont use the clam shell as he thinks it's a bloody bath. :)

I have considered the cool coats/collars, but worry that China would find them way too much fun to play with. Am thinking I'm going to purchase one and find out though, cause the old boy just aint happy. :D

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At the end of a long hot week, we seem to have made it through OK. Got in a routine of leaving them outside for the morning, then popping home at lunch to bring them inside into their crate. Then back outside in the evening. So they were inside for the hottest part of the day, and much cooler.

Also did the frozen water in a bowl trick. And an extra bath (they didn't like that bit so much but it was good for them).

Less walks than normal - one of mine is getting VERY ratty as a result. But that's just physical/emotional frustration. When it cools down that will be easily fixed. We went for a long walk tonight so hopefully that has helped to take the edge off.

Cooler tomorrow - hooray!

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Ollie has a cool mat - just a cotton mat with those water crystal things sewn into it. You wet it and it stays cool for ages and he lays on it to stay cool. He also has a clam shell pool with a bit of water in it and it stays in the shade so if he wants to he can lay in it. He loves ice cubes too, so I always put a few in his water.

He also has an air conditioner in the lounge (and has claimed the lounge seat right in front of it) and one in our bedroom where his bed is right below it - we have one cool pup.

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