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Crate Games


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So I went back and worked on the first stages of crate games last night. I'm fairly sure that both my dogs really get this and have a strong reinforcement history in the crate. I still doubt that they would drive fast into it though! But I'm thinking that this is something that we may just have to build up to in time.

On another note I started a restrained collar grab game with both my dogs before our walk last night - I put them in a wait in the lounge room, open the garage door, go back to them, grab their collars and rev them up and on my 'go' cue let them go and they both really drive to the back of the car! woohoo :eek: (not exactly the nice quiet controlled exit out the door but oh well)

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Kiesha - once you've got them doing that with the collar grab and revving up for the car, perhaps you can transfer it to the crate, once they know that collar grab + revving them up = going somewhere good

Susan Garrett says not to stop until you've done stages 1-3 successfully, but I was naughty and stopped at stage 2 because Gypsy was struggling to get that I wanted her to go back into the crate since I wasn't saying or doing anything, and she's already learnt that "bedtime" means go into her crate so she was a bit confused I think.

So I stopped and then went back to it late last night with much better success :eek: Except that every time she walked out of the crate she turned around and went back in - which is good, it's what is supposed to happen, but what about when you're finished and you don't want the dog in the crate! :nahnah:

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Kiesha - once you've got them doing that with the collar grab and revving up for the car, perhaps you can transfer it to the crate, once they know that collar grab + revving them up = going somewhere good

Susan Garrett says not to stop until you've done stages 1-3 successfully, but I was naughty and stopped at stage 2 because Gypsy was struggling to get that I wanted her to go back into the crate since I wasn't saying or doing anything, and she's already learnt that "bedtime" means go into her crate so she was a bit confused I think.

So I stopped and then went back to it late last night with much better success :eek: Except that every time she walked out of the crate she turned around and went back in - which is good, it's what is supposed to happen, but what about when you're finished and you don't want the dog in the crate! :nahnah:

I did all 3 stages which was good. Then when I finished Kiesha went and sat in hers for a good 45 minutes after, just looking at me :heart: I felt bad. Chip went back in looked at me walk away and the look on his face, I swear he was thinking 'hey wait for me I'm coming too' and out he hopped :heart: and followed me outside to water the plants.

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