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Crate Games


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Has anyone here trained Susan Garretts crate games? I started ages ago with my two but never followed through with it. Since its so hot here in Adelaide at the moment I thought that its time to dust of the DVD and get back into it since its something we can do inside :rainbowbridge:

My problem lies in getting my two to drive away from me into the crate. Susan grabs her dogs collar and when she lets it go they drive fast into the crate. With mine they mosy on in there taking their sweet time. How can I get faster drive into the crate?

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I was doing this on the weekend with my pup.

For the stage where you stand on the leash, call them out and let them find their way back into the crate, she says to be patient, but MAN! I was waiting for about 10 minutes I'm sure! :rainbowbridge:

Can't help you with you query though, she hasn't progressed that far, but my other dog drives in, I didn't do 'crate games' with him but did teach him 'in your crate' and he knows what it means.

What treats were you using? Was it something they were crazy about?

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I was doing this on the weekend with my pup.

For the stage where you stand on the leash, call them out and let them find their way back into the crate, she says to be patient, but MAN! I was waiting for about 10 minutes I'm sure! :rainbowbridge:

Can't help you with you query though, she hasn't progressed that far, but my other dog drives in, I didn't do 'crate games' with him but did teach him 'in your crate' and he knows what it means.

What treats were you using? Was it something they were crazy about?

I haven't got the CD but mine have to get in their crates to be fed so they pop on in. To start with I used very high tempting foods, such as heating up wet food so it smelt really really good, or using their fav treats.. now they don't care and will hop in quick smart just in case a treat follows.

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10 minutes feels like an eternity as well :rainbowbridge: Mine didn't take quite that long but they did take their sweet time with that too. I was using a mixture of treats that they are completely crazy about... roast chicken, BBQ sausage and garlic prawns. Still no fast drive in though

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I only started watching it today, so I'm the armchair expert at this stage :rainbowbridge: but could it help to go back to the beginning, and 'remind' them that being in the crate is AWESOME?

Gypsy sleeps in her crate at night, and once she realises we're going to bed she can't get into it fast enough, because she knows she gets a kong or something else she otherwise doesn't get. I've yet to see how that works outside that specific context, but it might be an idea?

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I'd love to hear how it goes. I've been thinking about getting the dvd, but got the Control Unleashed book this time around instead. Maybe next time, though.... (about to start a new job that pays three times what I currently make..!)

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I'd love to hear how it goes. I've been thinking about getting the dvd, but got the Control Unleashed book this time around instead. Maybe next time, though.... (about to start a new job that pays three times what I currently make..!)

Pretty much ditto although my new job only pays about half of my current salary more! :offtopic:

I've been meaning to buy it too but just haven't got around to it yet!

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I got control unleashed + crate games at the same time :offtopic: I've spent WAY more than I should have recently on dog things.

I'm happy to lend it if you want to borrow it? I don't know how re-watchable these things are, borrowing them probably makes more sense really.

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I got control unleashed + crate games at the same time :offtopic: I've spent WAY more than I should have recently on dog things.

I'm happy to lend it if you want to borrow it? I don't know how re-watchable these things are, borrowing them probably makes more sense really.

I would LOVE to borrow it! :rofl:

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Congratulations to you both for finding jobs that pay lots more! Where can I find me one of those?

I've decided that I'm going to start again from the beginning tonight to build some more value for the crate. This time around I'm also going to be more patient and make sure every step is cemented 110% before moving on :offtopic: Hopefully we'll have more success over the next few weeks.

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Back on topic Keisha - have you played any other sort of restrained collar grab games. While I haven't worked through crate games I have taught Kenzie to drive after toys etc by holding on to her collar and only releasing her when she is pulling towards the object. You can do it with food as well. Place food on the ground show the dog take the dog back a few paces and release when they are driving hard. Make sure they are being released when they are pulling forward and into their collar though.

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I got control unleashed + crate games at the same time :offtopic: I've spent WAY more than I should have recently on dog things.

I'm happy to lend it if you want to borrow it? I don't know how re-watchable these things are, borrowing them probably makes more sense really.

I would LOVE to borrow it! :rofl:

:rofl: Quick response! Will PM you.

Corvus - I can lend it to you next if you like

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Back on topic Keisha - have you played any other sort of restrained collar grab games. While I haven't worked through crate games I have taught Kenzie to drive after toys etc by holding on to her collar and only releasing her when she is pulling towards the object. You can do it with food as well. Place food on the ground show the dog take the dog back a few paces and release when they are driving hard. Make sure they are being released when they are pulling forward and into their collar though.

No I haven't but I definately think this would work with Chip since he is much more enthusiastic and has more drive - especially where food is related :offtopic:

Yet with Kiesha even for food she would still probably just stroll over to it and definately wouldn't pull on her collar :rofl: thats not lady like :rofl: The only thing that she really really really drives for is a bird (not really reliable training reinforcement) and the back of the car when I open the garage door and release her from her mat to go for a walk. Bingo... this could be the start of our collar grab games, might see how it works.

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I love crate games! It is a well produced dvd and everytime I watch it I find a new thing in it. Her 2x2 weaves and Success with One Jump dvd's are great as well. She is such a fun character.

I also have borrowed a copy of Control Unleashed from my club...and Lesley is great...but the sound is appalling and she mutters and sniffs the whole way through it. If you can cope with it - it is good, especially with stressy, easily distracted dogs. Her "Look Away" game is really good. But seriously the sniffing is enough to make you want to send her a box of kleenex.

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Corvus - I can lend it to you next if you like

That would be lovely! :offtopic:

Last night I practised an emergency recall for Erik when he was all worked up because he knew I was eating delicious food in the lounge room away from him. He came tearing around and took a flying leap at my hand from about 70cm away from me. Last week he nailed my thumb twice in the space of a few days in his eagerness for rewards (and not just food rewards). Guess who's biggest training priority at the moment is to bring the drive under control rather than encourage it? :rofl:

Still, it amazes me that he can take a running jump and snap his jaws down on my hand without breaking my skin.

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Back on topic Keisha - have you played any other sort of restrained collar grab games. While I haven't worked through crate games I have taught Kenzie to drive after toys etc by holding on to her collar and only releasing her when she is pulling towards the object. You can do it with food as well. Place food on the ground show the dog take the dog back a few paces and release when they are driving hard. Make sure they are being released when they are pulling forward and into their collar though.

No I haven't but I definately think this would work with Chip since he is much more enthusiastic and has more drive - especially where food is related :rofl:

Yet with Kiesha even for food she would still probably just stroll over to it and definately wouldn't pull on her collar :rofl: thats not lady like :rofl: The only thing that she really really really drives for is a bird (not really reliable training reinforcement) and the back of the car when I open the garage door and release her from her mat to go for a walk. Bingo... this could be the start of our collar grab games, might see how it works.

I think that's going to be my problem too - Gypsy waits nicely for everything, the only thing she'll pull to get to is another dog (which is just as much use as birds, sigh). She won't try to get food on the ground either unless I'm not around, she has to wait for her dinner, etc. I've spent a lot of time teaching her NOT to throw herself at food. She'd throw herself at food on the ground if it just 'appeared' but as soon as I grab her collar she'll relax back into me because she knows it means she can't have it, complete opposite reaction.

I love crate games! It is a well produced dvd and everytime I watch it I find a new thing in it. Her 2x2 weaves and Success with One Jump dvd's are great as well. She is such a fun character.

I also have borrowed a copy of Control Unleashed from my club...and Lesley is great...but the sound is appalling and she mutters and sniffs the whole way through it. If you can cope with it - it is good, especially with stressy, easily distracted dogs. Her "Look Away" game is really good. But seriously the sniffing is enough to make you want to send her a box of kleenex.

I heard the DVD was bad, so I got the book instead, no sniffles in the book!

Corvus - I can lend it to you next if you like

That would be lovely! :rofl:

Last night I practised an emergency recall for Erik when he was all worked up because he knew I was eating delicious food in the lounge room away from him. He came tearing around and took a flying leap at my hand from about 70cm away from me. Last week he nailed my thumb twice in the space of a few days in his eagerness for rewards (and not just food rewards). Guess who's biggest training priority at the moment is to bring the drive under control rather than encourage it? :rofl:

Still, it amazes me that he can take a running jump and snap his jaws down on my hand without breaking my skin.

Gypsy's done that to me a few times. Most memorably at around 10 weeks she took a flying leap during the zoomies and got my arm between elbow and shoulder. I had bruises surrounding slightly broken skin from her teeth the size of 20c coins. I'm amazed she didn't do more damage. Good thing she's mine and she didn't do that to someone else :rofl:

Gypsy does bitey recalls sometimes, apparently biting me is a pretty big reward :offtopic: She does it gently though, well, she doesn't do any damage anyway. I don't mind at this stage, if it means she comes back

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