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Puppy Getting Angry


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My cattle dog pup Banjo has started to get aggressive this past week when he is doing something wrong and we try to discipline him and other things (eg if he is going somewhere we don't want him and try to pick him up or guide him in another direction he will growl and jump around) He is 12 weeks thursday and he has started puppy preschool. We will be discussing with them tonight when we go about what we should do but what else should we be doing?

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Maybe he's decided it's a game? Is he biting you as well? Hard or soft? Barking at you as well? What kind of bark?

Or, he might be a little twerp like my puppy Erik, who DOES NOT like to be thwarted. Erik is expected to sit or down if he wants something. QUIETLY, please. Instead of coming right out and grumping at him or trying to move him physically, I distract him with a bright, cheery call. He comes running, I tell him to sit, he sits, I give him a belly rub or throw something for him to chase, he runs off to chase it and voila, he has forgotten what he was doing before that was so objectionable to me.

Whatever the reason for his behaviour, I love sits. Puppies are so good at them and so used to be rewarded for them that they soon become really dependable sitters and then you can ask for a sit whenever things are getting a little crazy and you have a few seconds to decide what to do next. I also like distracting because you achieve your ends without having to confront the dog or get cross with him.

It's important to teach him gently how to handle his frustration, though. Gradually ask for longer and longer sits, or longer and longer periods of quiet, or ask him to do things in more and more distracting environments. Do lots of desensitisation and socialisation with him so he gets used to being handled in ways he might not like. If he's getting grumpy about being touched on the sides for example, spend 5 minutes touching his side and then giving him a treat. Touch and treat. If he goes into a towering rage if you shut him in the kitchen when you're eating in another room (Erik), wait until he's quiet and pop him a treat. Teach him that he gets nothing when he grumps and all sorts of delicious goodies when he is quiet and calm.

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He is a sitting machine! He will come up and sit the breeder had taught him that, he sits and waits for his food etc so i suppose when i think of it it was a silly question cause he mainly only does it after or when he is playing and he does bark (play bark) and mouths but it isnt out of aggression i don't think cause he will bark and jump around and bite and jump around etc. But other then mouthing/this growling he is perfect except he has dug one hole but its out the backyard right in the corner and he only digs there so it isn't a problem.

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Hi DaveS, try to be proactive rather than reactive. Ask for what you want rather than responding to what you get. If you ask for what you want and reward it, you will get more of that (instead of what you don't want). A pup with an awesome sit is going to make this much easier for you.

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you have a cattle dog which is instinctively a barking, nipping, dominant breed - they have to be to herd cows!

how do you tell him off? Dont talk to the dog, if you catch him doing something naughty a quick 'ARGGHH HEY' and clap loudly to stop him then call him over to sit and be good.

if you tell them off/punish you MUST show him the alternative behavior. Also any real aggression at that age is incredibly rare, a one in a million. Your pup is simply trying out behaviors that he thinks get him results :D hence all the things you will see in the next 6 months :confused:

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I was doing what my puppy pre school was telling me to do. Firm NO and hold him by the scruff of the neck (not hard) and it has seemed to work, I did it twice and he hasn't growled since and is starting to not bite as much unless he tries to get my attention but he is learning not to do that now as well :laugh:

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