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Newbie Needing Some Advice And Information.


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Hello all,

Recently my brother gave me his 6 months old lab retriever (Milo), very cute looking dog... Have some questions:

1) Is there any good obedient school that is close to Southside brisbane Macgregor? Hoping it doesn't damage the pocket too much, as we only have moved place a few months ago.. The puppy have finished his puppy school and started obedient school before it arrived in my house, so I would like to continue it if possible.

2) Need the same advise with Vet around our area too, as my brother has told me he already have all the required vaccination, desexed recently (a couple of weeks ago) and I have his papers... But I don't whether it is complete or not.

With his behavior, its good most of the time and shocking sometime.. The only commands which I managed to get him to listen to most of the time is sit, lay down, toilet and stay. Its not consistent tho and no command works when he plays.... he just completely looses it. Thinking of using K9's triangle of temptation to reinforce the commands, is it a good idea? The only consistent behaviour I can get him to do is around food time, I can get him to sit and wait then I'll say come and he would then come and eat..

Lastly I am having great difficulty in telling him what is bad.. The trick of saying NO then turn around and ignore him doesn't work reliably... he would just go an destroy things anyway or goes and gets a stick to munch on. Is there a way to let him know what is bad when he does a bad thing?



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Hi and welcome!

I definitely recommend K9force's TOT (triangle of temptation), it's a very good way to start out with a new dog.

As for obedience schools in your area, Southside Dog Obedience Club trains on a monday night at Runcorn on the soccer fields although our last training night is Monday 30th Nov for the year but we'll be back again early January I believe.

Not sure if there are any other clubs private/other nearby but someone else may be along with some suggestions for you.

As for vets, I used to use greencross vets at Macgregor (opposite the woolies petrol station on Kessells road). If he's been desexed and had all his vaccinations you probably won't need them again until he needs his 12 month old booster shot.

A good idea is to take treats with out on walks so you can reward him with something that he likes when he does what you tell him. Train him to come, sit and stay etc all at home in your lounge room or backyard where it's quiet and has fewer distractions and when he understands properly at home practice this out on walks etc and always reward him for doing the right thing.

How long have you had him for now?

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Hello Seita,

Thanks for the welcome and information.

Monday night... cool, bummer on the last one for the year tho.. but I will still rock up on monday (if I can get him into the car ok, will have to see and try). What time does it start normally on mondays and what are the cost involved?

With the Vet, I know where it is now I will go check em out tomorrow or day after. Problem is I am not sure if he have had all his vaccinations yet, my brother told me he has and I have all his papers but i have no idea what I am looking for/at to confirm.

When I take him out for a walk, I do take treats with me but I have only given him when we get home and I try to get him to do sit, stay and down before giving him the treat. I have given him treats before while on the walk (when he has done something good), but as soon as we get home he would go nuts when I try to unleash him. :S So now I only give it to him after I unleash him. Btw what are some good treats that I can get for him?

I have had him close to a week now, he arrived last wednesday. So I'm still learning and he's still settling I'm guessing...

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Southside training starts at 7:30 on the soccer fields, you can't miss it there are cars and dogs everywhere!

If you are looking for his vaccinnation information you should have a vaccination card or vet report of some sort which should have little stickers on it that say things like C5 or C3 etc. You will need to have his vaccination certificates with you to enroll at any obedience club. If you can't find them try and ask your brother what vet he used for the vaccinations and try and get a copy of the dog's vet records from that vet.

Training costs at Southside are pretty reasonable, it's $10 for a year's membership and then it's $4 each night that you come along.

As for treats, trial and error will find you what he really likes. Try small peices of cheese, kabana, cooked cold sausage, etc (cut into peices about the size of your little finger's nail). Soft treats tend to be better to train with that dry treats and dogs really like things that are really smelly!

As your pup is still growing I wouldn't recommend really long walks just yet, shorter walks to practice walking on a loose lead are good, I think a half hour max would be good. As well as offlead running time if you have access to a safe area to do so, otherwise pop him on a long line and find a quiet feild to let him run abit while still having control over him - this way if he ignores you and doesn't come you can pull him back in without risking him running off. The other important thing is training, teach him tricks, games, fetch etc at home to make him think a bit this will tire him out just as much as a walk.

I take it this is the first time you've owned a dog? If so, I recommend lots of reading up and research on dog training, dog ownership etc. Also do some research into Labs and problems you might need to look out for. There is loads of info on this site, but for more articles try dogstardaily (google it).

ETA: just re read your post, no need to make him sit and stay for a treat, if he's doing the right thing (like walking loosely on the lead, or came when you called) then tell him he's a good boy and give him a treat. No need to be stingy or tough with treats while he's still learning. Don't give them away for nothing but when he does what you asked him to make sure you reward him!

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With the certificates I have two infront of me now... one is Vaccine * Canine 5 in 1. It does have next vaccination details of 01/09/2009 Distemper Hepatitus Parvovirus Kennel Cough. I am asking my brother to check wether he has had that done or not (IE. he may have forgot to sent me the papers, as he was in a rush to head overseas due to inlaw family emergencies). The other certificate is Vaccine * Protech Duramune C4++BB, with a next vaccination of 26/8/09 Distemper Hepatitus Parvovirus Kennel Cough. Last one I have is Certificate of Sterilisation. So its possible he is due for one more vaccinations... going to wait for me bro to get back to me before I call up the local Vet..

With the training cost. If I pay the $10 this coming monday (assuming no issue with vaccination) does it mean the due date for membership afterwards would be next year 16/11/09?

Ok thanks for the info on the treats.

I have been taking him on a between 30 to 45 min walk.. as he just keeps going otherwise :S Tho this is him walking and stopping alot on sniffing and stuff tho. Anyway I'll make sure its only 15 minutes out then back.

This is the first time I owned a dog yes, the last one was really looked after by my old man a long long time ago. With books, reading, etc. I have started reading who's the boss by Val Bonney. So i'm still reading up slowly. :)

Thanks again for the info and advice.

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What are the dates that those vaccs were given? Cos puppy would have had a 6/8 week old vaccination, then normally another one around 12 weeks and then another around 16 weeks. Sounds like puppy might have had his 6 weeks vacc and his 12 week but hasn't had a 16 week shot. although those dates are only a few days apart which is confusing. As long as pup has had his 12 week vacc he "should" be ok for intake at a club but again I'm not 100% sure here on what the club's policy is.

Membership was just due so if you join on Monday your membership will be due again around October next year which is when they are normally due. I don't fully understand why they don't just make it from the start of the calander year but they don't.

30-45min might be alright, maybe check with the people on the lab thread about what they would recommend for a 6 month old lab pup. I just worry about putting too much stress on growing bones with pups so I tend to let my dogs have more offlead time if possible with more focus on lots of brain work. Labs are prone to structural probs like hip and elbow displaysia which can be partially caused by too much exercise early on and also being

overweight. Your walks sound ok though seeing as you allow stop and sniff time... you can increase the time gradually as the pup gets older.

Did your brother get the puppy from a registered breeder? And do you have his pedigree papers... as his breeder could give you information on raising and training a labrador.

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He would need time to settle into his new home. Everything will be different for him. When I check vaccination certs I usually look for the next vac due. Usually the next year. He should have completed his vaccinations at about 16 weeks old.

A good website to find out about everything dog is


You can search for whatever you need to know. There are also videos to watch & radio programs to listen to.

Good luck, I hope you have fun with him.

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All good, I just called the vet hospital that my bro used to take the lab to and they tell me the next vacc is not due till next year aug. So he has had all the vacc. :)

Ah so its based on the membership period not based on joining date. ok thanks for the details.

Will check the lad post soon.

I am not sure where my bro got the dog from.. I only see a receipt for the dog in the folder of doc he sent me and it doesnt contain any details of where my bro purchased it from.. pedigree papers.. I dont see anything with the pedigree with any of the papers I have, so I assume that would be a no. :S With the lab thread you meant this one yeah? http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...rador+retriever

Thanks again.

Thanks luvsdogs, I will check out that website too.. just saw the other post so have download the two pdf Before and after you get your puppy.

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