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Cut Toe (underside)


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I have been bad :cry: I was using the hedge trimmer to trim the hedge near the fence when the pup jumped up and hit the hedge trimmer before I could stop him or the trimmer.

As he didn't yelp I assumed he missed the blade but I have just found blood smears on the concrete.

On closer inspection I have found he has a cut on the underside of his toe but I can't get the bleeding to stop. It is not too bad ... but he is leaving blood smears behind when he walks. I have rinsed the foot off and confined him to the puppy pen.

I was going to bathe his foot with some warm salt water but should I do anything more?

How long will it take for the cut to heal?

Edited by Tilly
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You could apply pressure to the foot for at least 10 minutes and then bandage and keep confined.

If the cut is very deep then it might need stitches and/or antibiotics . Otherwise keep it clean and rest him for at least a week.

Edited by puggy_puggy
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It thankfully doesn't look too deep - it is on the pad part of the toe about 0.75cm from the toe nail. He isn't limping and walking on it fine.

I have him confined and have bathed it ... it is still bleeding a little but I think that is because of him standing on it. I will put a dressing on it now and put him in his crate for the night.

My poor baby isn't happy with me :cheer: And I feel really really bad for hurting him :cry:

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Bandage lasted all of 5 seconds. He won't let me touch his foot anymore and is being very difficult. I have left him in his crate and am hoping him keeping off it will help a bit.

I think there is also a cut on another second toe but I can't be certain ... he is being difficult and without a second person to hold him down I can't get a good look.

Well this rules out his day at the beach tomorrow ...

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The baby boy has been to the vet. With 3 of us we have managed to get a good look at the foot. There is 2 cuts about 1/2cm long on 2 toes. One has stopped bleeding while the other bleeds a little when he walks on it - this is because it seems to go around the side of the toe and isn't completely on the pad of the paw.

I have got some cream and antibiotics for him - they need to be applied twice a day. Bandaging is not staying on and the vet didn't have a boot big enough to fit his foot.

I will confine him to his crate for the next day or so - so at least he is laying down and giving the foot a rest. When I take him out to toilet I hold his foot up (and support him) and basically get him to walk on 3 legs - this has been working but is not ideal.

Not sure what I am going to do next week when I have to go back to work ... I can't leave him in the crate or puppy pen.

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The little boy seemed to be doing a lot better this morning so I let him outside for some outside time - after a while I decided to leave him to his own devices while I cleaned up the back veranda which still had some blood from his Friday night incident.

I was nearly finished when he let out an almighty yelp and then was crying big time. I raced around the side of the house and found him hanging from the dividing fence by his leg.

He had jumped up on the fence and his foot had slipped down between the gate and the gate post. As I was on the wrong side of the fence I could reach over and lift him up so I had to grab his collar and lift him up by that (all 34.2kg of him).

I finally managed to get his leg out as the neighbours all came running - I had one neighbour come over the fence (he had a ladder against the fence so he could keep an eye on the dogs for me).

When I first released him he wouldn't put any weight on the leg but after some gentle probing I can't find anything seriously wrong with it - so I am hoping it is just bruised.

I have brought him back inside and he is back in the crate ... he has put a little weight on the leg but he seems a little hesitant.

Bl@@dy dogs - who would own one!!!! He has just aged me 10 years :)

Is it too early to have a :D

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My word you have a little devil of a dog don't you! :D

Shyla cut her paw pad at OH's work on a pallet jack and the cut was 1cm and she left blood spots all up the stairs at his work. Vet said we can get away with not stitching it but she had to wear a bandage/booty on that foot for 5 days. Surprisingly she hardly touched the bandage apart from chewing at random strands coming off it, and she was limp on that foot on and off for about a week. When we pulled the booty off WHEW the smell was BAD LOL, like a really dirty old sock haha. But the wound I couldn't even see anymore! So having it covered up sure works on letting it heal without issues

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Tilly............these things happen - and sometimes even when us humans make all best efforts to prevent our pooches from hurting themselves. I can sympathise - my girl managed to half rip one of her toenails off in the garden last week and I came home to find it digging into her foot pad! An evening trip to the vet, sedation/anaesthetic, bandages, e-collar and antibiotics later.......it's looking good! I have to agree with Rommi & Lewis re the pet insurance - I've had to use mine a couple of times over the last 12 months (as you can imagine with a full-on GSD pup)......and it's already more than paid for itself.

Edited by Scarlet_GSD
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