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Food Question For Alaskan Malamute Owners...


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I have a 5 month old Alaskan Malamute and I was just wondering if there are any other mal owners out there if you could tell me your ADULT dogs weight and how much wet and dry food you give them daily. I'm just after an idea of what to expect as he grows.

Thanks :)

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hi kitten, Bourbon is at 22.2kg at his last vet visit (4mths). He will be 5mths on 3rd Jun.

He gets 2 big meals, at breakfast and dinner which consist of leftover rice (from our dinner) + sardines + a capful of ACV + raw chicken pieces (if any) + dry dog food (he's on supercoat puppy) + raw egg (not everyday)

.. and marrow bones from the butcher occasionally... :thumbsup:

any latest pics of Russell...? he looked soo much like bourbon ..

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Oh wow is that the latest pic of Bourbon in your sig?? He looks EXACTLY like Russell!!!! lol. I can't get him to sit still long enough to get a photo but I was going to try again very soon! He's got a real character about him now! I don't want him to grow up, he's such a cute puppy! lol.

How old is Twilight?

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Was it you that told me that Apple Cider Vinegar in their food stops weepy eye? How much Vinegar?

i put 1 capful in their meals..Does russell have weepy eyes? But best to have them checked by a vet first..

I get my ACV from a healthshop called Go Vita, Bragg Organic raw/unfiltered acv ..

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I can't give you a real idea of how much an adult mallie weighs (Zero's a sibe and is 59cms and at his ideal weight, is 26kgs but he's a solid boy) but most spitz breeds need less food than other breeds because they're bred to work for a long time on minimal food.

Zero only gets a cup of reduced fat kibble a day, raw meaty bones every couple of days and training treats and that's enough for him to maintain his weight in summer. In winter, I have to pull his food back because he gains weight on that diet.

Anytime i give him tinned wet food (only when he's ill and the vet is trying to get him to eat), he puts on weight like crazy.

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