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Can Dogs Eat Fish?


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I have some fresh barra fillets and OH doesn't eat fish. Eating one now, really delicious, def won't get a chance to eat the other one before it goes bad. Can I give it to Atlas? Never thought of giving him fish before. If so, should I cook it first?

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He scarfed it down very quickly raw, especially as I'd just made him eat some yukky antibiotics. He is a love though, looks at the tablets in my hand, looks at me, looks at the tablets, then has a big sigh and licks them up out of my hand. :walkdog:

Reece said "your dad will have a coronary if he knows you fed that to Atlas" - it was dad's receptionist's hubby who gave them to him and he passed them on to us because HE couldn't eat them all, then I couldn't eat it all, what would be better - throwing it in the bin? Nah give them to someone who appreciates them, like Atlas!

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Mine had fresh sardines in their dinners tonight, out of the four of them only Tinny turned her nose up :walkdog:. She eventually caved but would not eat the head :D. I try and feed fish atleast once or twice a week.

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Erik says... Yes!


That was at about 12 weeks, I think. Straight into his little Whiting.

Kivi eats his fast so Erik won't get it:


I usually get Sand or Red Spot Whiting. Sometimes Leatherjacket. I wanted to get some Whitebait last week to use as recall treats. OH was not as amused by this notion as I was, so I passed. This time.

ETA Barra is my favourite. :) No dogs would be fortunate enough to get Barra in this house. ;)

Edited by corvus
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Lucky Atlas :cry: Pele had a tin of salmon tonight. I opened it for me but it had bones in it - yuck, so gave it to Pele. Pele gets tinned sardines or mackeral a couple of times per week. Jessie used to get fresh, raw fish from the fishermen at the beach. The old guys used to spoil her. Lyle used to save a fish for her and put it on his chair for her so that she wouldn't get sand on it :cry: They used to think that it was funny if the fish was still alive - head-first down her throat still wriggling :cheer: Chomp, chomp and it was gone - eeuughhh!!!

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So can I ask what fish everyone feeds? I guess it would be whatever was cheap and available. I can get salmon heads and spines very cheap are they OK? Willow loves her sardines and the occasional can of tuna but some fresh fish would be better.

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So can I ask what fish everyone feeds? I guess it would be whatever was cheap and available. I can get salmon heads and spines very cheap are they OK? Willow loves her sardines and the occasional can of tuna but some fresh fish would be better.

Salmon heads are fine! I feed whole leather jackets, red spot whiting, Bonito, Sardines, Mackerel, generally just whatever whole fish I can get at a good price.

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So can I ask what fish everyone feeds? I guess it would be whatever was cheap and available. I can get salmon heads and spines very cheap are they OK? Willow loves her sardines and the occasional can of tuna but some fresh fish would be better.

Salmon heads are fine! I feed whole leather jackets, red spot whiting, Bonito, Sardines, Mackerel, generally just whatever whole fish I can get at a good price.

yep anything that is cheap. i have tried pilchards, sardines all raw and fresh and others i cant remember.

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Same here whatever i can actually get & whatever is cheap :D. They have had Sardines, Salmon and various other 'scraps' that i get from the Vic Market in Melbourne.

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