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Settle down, it's probably nothing. Pups sometimes throw up and it is nothing to be concerned about unless it continues. Maybe a mild reaction to the vacc or the stress of the vet visit.

Keep an eye on her, she may have eaten something she shouldn't have (as pups do) and her body has already dealt with it. No need for vet unless she is obviously ill...ie. has symptoms such as lethargy, not eating, diarrhoea etc.

If she is happy and playing as per usual, leave her a few hours then give her another light meal later.

Edited by gareth
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Don't panic just yet :flame:

no food or water- keep her cool and rested for a couple of hours.

If there is any diarrhoea, and/or she vomits again...or continually tries to vomit- then contact the vet .

As said- if she is sad looking, looks very tired, is at all wobbly or uninterested in you, then call the vet!!

puppies do get nasty bugs, but they also swallow junk, or get hot & tired & stressed.... they also eat grass and vomit...

You know what she's normally like- if she really looks unwell..then definitely a vet visit is called for!!

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no food or water- keep her cool and rested for a couple of hours.

I agree with what Perse and the other posters have suggested regarding not panicking and keeping an eye on her for the moment. But Perse ..... not picking, however I would think that water should not be withheld. When dogs vomit they lose liquid and I would think dehydration is something to be concerned about. If it were me, I'd allow my pup water if he/she wanted it. Perhaps my thinking is wrong? I do agree about giving pup's tummy a bit of a rest by not offering food for a while, just to give things a chance to settle down. If my pup vomited in the morning I'd leave it until later that day to offer more, and only in small quantity.

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Oh- Erny- I was always told to withold water for a couple of hours- to avoid that vomit reflex..dog is nauseated.. drink, drink... Oops, vomit..drink, drink... vomit.

A couple of hours being kept cool and quiet and waterless shouldn't hurt ..and could well help to relieve the nausea.(Obviously, if there is an increase in vomiting and or diarrhoea they should be at the vet anyhow....)

Obviously after that, all being well, drinks in small quantities and frequently are the way to go- once again, to avoid a load in the stomach,and to provide small quantities which can be quickly absorbed :walkdog:

i am happy to be corrected if protocol has changed tho :D

Hope your little girl is feeling much happier now.

Edited by persephone
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Actually, I'm with Erny on this one.

One of the first questions a vet will ask is if the puppy is keeping down water or not. If water is withheld, you can't answer that important question.

Dehydration is one of the biggest killers of puppies so hydration is essential. Withhold food for 24 hours by all means, but NEVER withhold water. (Aside from anything else, that is against the law.)

Often too, if there is a bug present, even keeping down a small amount of water can help flush it from the system. And of course, it gives the poor animal SOMETHING to vomit, if it is still going to vomit. Better to vomit up a gutful of water than the lining of the stomach and even when vomiting water, some will still have been absorbed by the tissues.

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Thanks, ellz- I was only talking about 2 hours....

The 'against the law' bit is a tad confusing tho- what about pre-surgery fasting, or travelling in a car for a couple of hours? I'm sure many people would be then breaking the law?

Edited by persephone
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