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E Collar.


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Hi, How long do you need to leave the E collar on after an op? Is it right up until the stitches come out? If so, can I take it off for a few mins, my boy is going mad to scratch his ear and can't. I have been doing it for him but am obviously not reaching the spot....

ETA Are they easy to get back on is what I am really asking.......

Edited by joelle
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If it's only for a castration- by all means take it off for short times,and, if it is several days since the op,maybe take him for a little gentle onlead walk..or just let him relax :love: Just watch him, and if he tries to chew stitches.. then stop him.

With his ear- I am always paranoid of infections :(

floppy ears, restricted air circulation and warmer temperature in the 'mini climate' of an elizabethan collar are the perfect breeding ground for a number of ear invaders :)

Check to see if the ear is clean and cool and dry... :(

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My boy was juts desexed and doesn't have one. Depends on the dog, if he doesn't need it i.e. if he's not harassing the stitches then he doesn't need it on.

Yep, not all dogs need them. Mine never did, not even for major ops.

It isn't hard to get them back on, just a knack. You don't have to undo all the slots, just the one closest to the collar. Once you have done it a few times, you'll be an expert! :(

So where do we find pictures of your new puppy? Are you in the goldie thread? I don't visit there much coz I can't keep up with them all! :)

Will he be old enough to come to the next Dol meet in November? :)

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Thanks for the replies guys. It is for castration stitching which he had on Tuesday so its only 2 days, but he seems very much back to himself now. Ill take it off under supervision for short times. He hates it :rofl: Jake struggled with my new girl (not aggressive, just ignoring her and tensing himself - which is prob quite normal for an older dog and new pup) so I thought de-sexing would help. (I know I was lacsadasical....... should have done it before she came home and I kep saying I would but it was honestly no bother having him entire, no marking, no dominance, I always intended to have him done before Rosie came home but work, kids etc, I just kept putting it off :laugh: ) Anyhow he is done now and all seems good..Ill take off the collar in the yard when Rosie is having her nap in the crate. :grouphug:

Arty .....My goldie is in the goldie thread, Eta here she is............


her name is Rosie and she came home last Friday. 9 weeks old on Saturday.....I have no battery charger and no USb cable for the camera that does work. Im off to get one today

I was looking at the November meet and Im hoping to make it. Ive been wanting to come for ages with Jake but I always seem to have something else happening! Saturday mornings are no good for me, (thru summer) my sons play t-ball. Ill have to limit the dogs I bring, I have 2 here, 1 at my mams, 1 at my sons and 2 at my brothers who are all part of the pack! Only the 2 here belong to me but together are all their own little pack :rofl:

Edited by joelle
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The existing dog ignoring the new commer is pretty normal, just keep an eye on them :rofl:

thanks :grouphug: I thought it was but will closely supervise at all times anyhow. he woud have been de-sexed whether he liked her or not. :laugh: I just didn't want to take any uneccesary chances.

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My first dog had a bit of a play initially, then largely ignored our new pup for a few months!

They've been great mates ever since.

Both males, desexed.

Some vets use a spray to help hold stitches and deter chewing.

When someone says, "my dog didn't need one" this might be why..

Just persist with collar- is not long and I'm sure ripped/ infected stitches feel worse than those collars.

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My first dog had a bit of a play initially, then largely ignored our new pup for a few months!

They've been great mates ever since.

Both males, desexed.

Some vets use a spray to help hold stitches and deter chewing.

When someone says, "my dog didn't need one" this might be why..

Just persist with collar- is not long and I'm sure ripped/ infected stitches feel worse than those collars.

When I say my dogs have never needed one, they didn't have a spray of any kind, bitter or not. :walkdog: Wounds ooze and they need air to let them dry and heal. I had to clean the ooze for the first couple of days every time. Maybe I've just been lucky? I did have a dog who had to have half of his tail amputated and he had to have a collar and even then he managed to rip the bandages off. We sedated that one for a few days, poor mite.

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