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Chattering Jaw


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I posted this in General but thought I'd pop it in here too.

Just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas about this. Will be taking Trix to my vet tomorrow evening but thought I'd see if any DOLers might be able to shed some light.

I first noticed on sunday that every now and then Trixie's jaw would start chattering. It seems to be when she's yawning or rolling her tongue etc and she does not seem to have any control over it.

She seems fine in every other way and doesnt look to be in pain but still its quite worrying.

Anyone had a similar thing happen or have any ideas what it might be?

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I am sure its not from her smelling anything. Thinking it could be a pain thing, she has terrible teeth I actually took her to the vey not long ago because the top of one of her front canines had snapped off! Most of her teeth are worn down to the gums :rofl: but she hadnt been in any pain. My vet said some teeth would need to come out eventually but they werent causeing her trouble at the time so it could be that I guess.

My poor girl :rofl: she just loves rocks

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It defianately isnt an excited thing, or a scent thing. There is something wrong, I have had her over 12 years now and she has never once done it before, you know when you just know that its not right?

Thanks though everyone for your responses, she might end up having to have some of those teeth out...which then makes me worry about that :rofl: I am such a worry wart with her but shes my special girl :rofl:

Anesthetic become more dangerous as they get older doesn't it? Takes them longer to recover?

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Anesthetic become more dangerous as they get older doesn't it? Takes them longer to recover?

They have better anaesthetic now - talk to your Vet about it. I'm not an expert (there are others here who would be able to explain better than I) but there are certain anaesthetic that is more kinder to older dogs. It's more expensive but I think worth it.

Edited by Erny
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I'd say a pain response.

As suggested, the other reason is a "flehmen response", which is a scenting behaviour.

I think you might be right, I'll watch her eat her dinner tonight and see if she looks tender.

Boodzey does the chatter thing when he smells some things and his tongue also sort of curls up and flicks in and out, it makes him look like a dirty old man :confused:

Yep Erny I think it'd definately be worth the extra money too :rofl:

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Yep Erny I think it'd definately be worth the extra money too :confused:

It can also be a good idea for older dogs to get blood tests before they go under anaesthetic (mostly to check that their kidneys and liver are functioning well still), and to put them on IV fluids throughout the procedure. Some vets do this as a matter of course, and some don't, so it pays to check. :rofl:

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Yep Erny I think it'd definately be worth the extra money too :rofl:

It can also be a good idea for older dogs to get blood tests before they go under anaesthetic (mostly to check that their kidneys and liver are functioning well still), and to put them on IV fluids throughout the procedure. Some vets do this as a matter of course, and some don't, so it pays to check. :D

Ah yeah I remember doing that with the cat, my vet knows how important to me she is, I know he'll look after her we dont call him Uncle Dereck for nothing :confused:

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Boodzey does the chatter thing when he smells some things and his tongue also sort of curls up and flicks in and out, it makes him look like a dirty old man :rofl:

Add to that the excessive salivating that my boy does, accompanied with a far-away glazed look.

Boys :confused:

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Boodzey does the chatter thing when he smells some things and his tongue also sort of curls up and flicks in and out, it makes him look like a dirty old man :rofl:

Add to that the excessive salivating that my boy does, accompanied with a far-away glazed look.

Boys :confused:

:D yes

Boodzey once did it after stealing someones underwear....weird just plain weird....

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China does it when she is excited. I had only ever witnessed it in the 'dirty old man' category before that. :confused:

Does sound like it is not normal for your girl though, and tend to agree that it may be a pain response (seeing as it is so out of character). Hope you can figure it out... Good luck! :rofl:

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Just got back from the vet and she has a little bit of gingivitis so got some tablets for that, he couldnt tell if there was a particular tooth causing trouble so we'll see if the jaw chattering stops after the gingivitis is gone otherwise she'll need to go in and have an x-ray to determine which tooth/teeth are troubling her.

Other than that though she has a clean bill of health :flame:

Oh he also said that the anesthetic wouldnt be a problem because she has a good heart.

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