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Music And Dogs


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I had the ipod on today while I was cleaning the house. It has a rather eclectic mix on it with rock, jazz, classical, new age, alternative and some meditations. Now my dog is not really worried by the vaccuum and is reasonably happy for me to vaccuum around her if she's sitting down, which doesn't happen often. :laugh: When I went upstairs to clean I fully expected her to go outside which is what she normally does and run around chasing flies, but when I came downstairs here she is absolutely zonked out between the speakers of the stereo while the Gyoto Monks drone on with their chanting (it goes for at least 1/2hour in deep droning voices)! Now I don't know whether it was the weather, the shock of me cleaning, the music or the stars in my horoscope but she was pretty relaxed for the rest of the afternoon too! Maybe I've found the secret to calm her down I just need to meditate every day now. I know there have been some studies about music and dogs but now my interest is piqued!

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Interesting that your dog enjoys Gyuto monks, my golden does not. When I first played the CD he started growling, and my two cats disappeared into the spare room. One hid behind the piano until it was all over, the other kept peering out from behind the door then eventually got brave enough to go down into the living room and check the speakers out.

I know longer have that CD, when we got our GSD puppy she destroyed it.

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Aiden, that's interesting that your Golden didn't like it! The voices are very low and almost growly in parts, maybe that has something to do with it for your dog. It's multi tonal and chordal in parts and has some surprise percussion parts so it's not necessarily totally peaceful music to listen to I find! I was actually quite surprised to see my dog laid out on the floor, she didn't even hear me come through the baby gate, she usually jumps up as soon as she hears it opening. She actually woke with a startle so she must have been quite deep in meditation! :laugh: There is obviously something in the saying "music soothes the savage beast". I might look into the music played on the some of the CD's on that Amazon site - see if I've got any of it at home!

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This isn't really music, but my dog is scared of storms. One day I was in the lounge and a big thunderstrike shook the whole house, so I went to see where the dog was hiding. He was lying, fast asleep, at OH's feet who was playing a video game! It was a shooter game, so involved a lot of bangs and rumbles, but obviously relaxed him enough to ignore the thunder!

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Mistral would be the most obvious with his likes for music.

He dosn't enjoy techno, it sets him on edge, he gets silly and starts pacing around the house trying to get outside.

Heavy metal however he loves and will often fall asleep with it playing. :thumbsup:

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Mistral would be the most obvious with his likes for music.

He dosn't enjoy techno, it sets him on edge, he gets silly and starts pacing around the house trying to get outside.

Heavy metal however he loves and will often fall asleep with it playing. :laugh:

With a name like his, I guess he really is a true heavy metal "fan"! (sorry couldn't resist :thumbsup: )

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I have an itunes folder for my dog. :laugh: It has relaxation music in there. Somehow, she seems to settle and zonk her out more when thats on, rather than her being interested in following me from room to room while I get on with household duties. People who see my computer say "WHAT!!!.... you have "Heidi's list" hahah.ahahh.....

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