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What Treats Do You Use For Training?


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Hi All,

For those of you who use food treats during training sessions, what do you use?

Up until now I have been using cheese and frankfurters cut up really small, or carob reward drops, or sometimes those Nature's gift "trainers" which I cut up into 3s.

What do you use?

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Hi macka

For training i use a wide range of food from Cheese,Kabana,Liver treats,Natures gift. I use pretty much anything that my dogs will respond to.

I have an 11year old Staffy Cross and a 3 month old Border Collie for the Border Collie because she has just started training i am using Cheese and Kabana as they are really tasty for a little puppy as for my 11 year old i don't really give her treats anymore as she is fully trained so don't need to give her treats all that much anymore, I only give her Cheese or Kabana if she has done something really well sort of like a jackpot for a good training session.

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All sorts of things cut up, I change it around:


4 Legs

Black pudding

Chicken breast cooked and cut up

Raw sweet potato

Natures Gift (I buy a bag of the kibble, it's just like their little treats used to be, dog loves it and it lasts for ages)

Leftover roast meat




That's all I can think of at the moment :thumbsup:

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Things that are soft and smelly - cooked pork or beef sausages (you can get a huge pack from Coles/Woolies quite cheaply - I find the dogs go wilder for it than frankfurt/kabana). If we have left over meat (roast beef/pork/lamb, or chicken, rissoles etc) I often use that too.

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I mostly use dog food. I like the VIP sausage-packed stuff, Mega Bite, Chicken & Rice etc Cut into cubes, bag up, then freeze. Microwave for about 10 seconds just to break the cubes up and you're good to go.

In the last few years I've never had to go out of my way to find a "special" treat, and that includes with the reactive and aggressive dogs in my classes. If they don't eat this stuff, something else is probably the matter.

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fruits (apple, melons, oranges, banana... yes hands gets very sticky)

liver treats

chicken roll

roast chicken


his dry dog food (this is when he hasn't had any for a while)

but it's mostly fruits and liver treats... the others he lose interest in it, but he can't get enough for fruit and liver treats.

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For training at home I either use kibble or dog treats, such as Nature's Gift or straps.

At the obedience club I use Chunkers. You get them from the dog food fridge at Woolies & Coles. They are little meat balls. I can get about 10 treats from one meat ball by using my finger nail to break little bits off. Tilba loves them.

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* Kibble for clicker work at home

* Chopped pre-cooked sausage for tracking and very occasionally when we need high power treats for out-and-about in high distraction environments

As Aidan says, if the dog's not interested in the food, then I think there are other issues for us to work on - I'm asking too much of her in that environment and we need to move further away from the distraction, or she's getting too much attention and praise at home for doing nothing - and I tend to focus on fixing that rather than going searching for new and exotic foods to tempt her taste buds with.

We do most our training with toys or play/praise anyway, though. I'm lucky that she's pretty easy to motivate (although still very distractable, like any little puppy!)

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... if the dog's not interested in the food, then I think there are other issues for us to work on - I'm asking too much of her in that environment and we need to move further away from the distraction ...

I agree - I often use food treats as a "stress thermometer".

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I mostly use dog food. I like the VIP sausage-packed stuff, Mega Bite, Chicken & Rice etc

Seeing as I train at VIP I quite often get their rolls of food (as prizes/thankyous/giveaways etc) & I find that as training treats their dog rolls crumble to bits :confused: . I guess if you only had a small amount in a bag it may be OK, but when you've got a treat bag full of cubes & you are putting your hand in there constantly to reward, by the time I get to about a third left most of it has become crumbs.

I do however recommend their Chunkers, as someone else said you can break them up with your fingers (I break mine into 3 or 4 pieces, Im not so tight :thumbsup: ) & my dogs will dance the Cha Cha for them :laugh: .

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I mostly use dog food. I like the VIP sausage-packed stuff, Mega Bite, Chicken & Rice etc

Seeing as I train at VIP I quite often get their rolls of food (as prizes/thankyous/giveaways etc) & I find that as training treats their dog rolls crumble to bits :laugh: . I guess if you only had a small amount in a bag it may be OK, but when you've got a treat bag full of cubes & you are putting your hand in there constantly to reward, by the time I get to about a third left most of it has become crumbs.

The trick is to freeze them, then only thaw just enough to break the cubes apart (about 10 seconds in the microwave).

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I mostly use dog food. I like the VIP sausage-packed stuff, Mega Bite, Chicken & Rice etc

Seeing as I train at VIP I quite often get their rolls of food (as prizes/thankyous/giveaways etc) & I find that as training treats their dog rolls crumble to bits :laugh: . I guess if you only had a small amount in a bag it may be OK, but when you've got a treat bag full of cubes & you are putting your hand in there constantly to reward, by the time I get to about a third left most of it has become crumbs.

The trick is to freeze them, then only thaw just enough to break the cubes apart (about 10 seconds in the microwave).

Thanks, I'll try that next time I get some & see if it's any better :D .

Rommimum, have you tried a different flavour? ETA - Chunkers I mean.

Edited by MrsD
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Rommimum, have you tried a different flavour? ETA - Chunkers I mean.

Yep all of them, she trains for them at home, but not when we are out.

Both my other dogs were trained and turned inside out for chunkers, she is just a little bit precious!

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