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This Is My Cute Little New Puppy, Georgea

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ILBB... Where Georgea came from doesn't make her any less less special then any other puppy, just keep on loving her and when you next give her a hug rememeber that you are her are the innocent ones in this situation..

So don't beat yourself up any more..

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Sadly, only the RSPCA has the power to do that and provided she complies with their directives, which she apparently has, they won't/can't touch her.

I think you can possibly rest assured that many eyes have been opened in Australia, but it won't stop her from breeding and exporting en masse to the Dealer from Hawaii.

It's probably only fair to point out too though, that she isn't the ONLY breeder exporting to that dealer and you would be very surprised to discover how many "important" and well known longstanding breeders and judges who also sell puppies via that avenue.

Hug your new baby, keep her safe and keep telling yourself that you did a GOOD thing by rescuing her from that place! :)

That is so sad and makes me so angry. Those poor dogs. :laugh:

Huski, will take some more photos I promise. :happydance:

Ok I am off to the vets for a complete check up. Will ring the vet that vaccinated Georgea , to confirm that she has been Vaccinated, as I dont believe a word this lady has said to me. I have the paper work, but....

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If I was going to purchase a purebred puppy I would have done exactly the same as BB and looked to listings on DOL for guidance. Never in a million years would it have occurred to me to look at exports and I too have no idea who Mr McDougal is.

Same here!Definitely not you at fault, here, BB :laugh:

Georgea is a very pretty little girl,bindi boo- no matter where she is from :) I am looking forward to photos and stories of all the puppy carryings-on :happydance:

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Ok have just spoken to the vet office where Georgea was vaccinated. The receptionist was shocked to hear what had happened.

Georgea was given a clean bill of health, and was vaccinated. So that atleast is something. But I will be taking her to my vet now to have him go over her with a fine tooth comb.

Thank you Miss molly. Georgea is a very much loved little girl and is jsut the sweetest little angel. She is very clever and is nearly house trained already.

I will be doing obedience with her, and I think she will pick things up very quickly.

Ok thanks everyone, I have to go hve a quick shower while she is asleep :laugh:

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Ok have just spoken to the vet office where Georgea was vaccinated. The receptionist was shocked to hear what had happened.

Did they have their head buried in the sand? I find it surprising that this womans vet would not be more aware of what was going on.

Pleased that is legit though Bindi :laugh:

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Ok have just spoken to the vet office where Georgea was vaccinated. The receptionist was shocked to hear what had happened.

Did they have their head buried in the sand? I find it surprising that this womans vet would not be more aware of what was going on.

Pleased that is legit though Bindi :laugh:

I daresay there was probably more than one vet.

But definitely proof of the old saying that "what is in the shop window, isn't necessarily the same as what is behind the counter".

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If a breeder is engaging in puppy mill practises then perhaps they shouldn't be listed on a site that is opposed to this?

I actually think that's a really valid point.

Perhaps the requirements for placing a litter listing on DOL should be stricter?

I PM'd Troy about this some time ago (when the Dogs ACT August Gazette came out). I listed each of the breeders who have exported dogs to MacDougal who also list on DOL. Some of them have BIS dogs, too, so it's not just people who have a registration just so the pet shop in Hawaii can say they sell registered puppies.

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Karen, im sure Georgea is going to be fine. I think you just need to put this whole ordeal behind you now and enjoy your little munchkin :laugh: and yes, please show us more piccies!! after all, this is the photos thread :)


Edited by Bellatrix
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Who is Mr McDougal? :laugh:

He buys entire litters of puppies from breeders here in Oz, then ships them to a chain of pet stores in Hawaii.

Hes based in Honolulu.

Not always entire litters and always a real mixed bag of breeds.

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BB Gorgea is a gorgeous pup. Not let all this stress affect you. I'm sure that you will have many happy years with your pup.

What I would recommend though is that you do some heavy socialisation with your pup. Due to the fact that she was probably quite isolated from so many things she's going to encounter in your life as a pet. So I'd be heading down to the local shops and meeting as many different people as possible (elderly, young, men with hats, etc) , bikes, prams, post office trucks etc. This will just ensure that she doesn't develop any fears of new experiences.

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Big Hugs to you

I was devastated when I saw the show and have only just found this segment

I really feel for you. I had a similar experience when I rescued a Whippet, I found out later through being a real sticky beak that she was intended as a puppy farm bitch but she ate the chooks - clever dog. he he

She is gorgeous and i know she will be spoilt and looked after

As for vaccinations you may be better off redoing them b/c how will you know if it was actually her vaccinated

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Bindi Boo after all your recent heartbreak loosing Bindi you dont deserve to be going through this. You do not need to apologise for anything. I am sorry the joy of getting your new puppy has now been overshadowed by this sad sorry story of where she came from.

She is a beautiful puppy no matter where she started her life, and I wish you both many happy years together.

Edited by Kirislin
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She is lovely.

Is her name spelt Gorgea or Georgia, as you've spelt it both ways? I do like Gorgea though for something different.

It is spelt Georgea, TeGz with ea. It is going to take me a while to get used to spelling it like that, as i am used to ia. :mad

Thank you everyone :mad

I took Georgea to my vet and explained everything to her. She is very anti-petshop and anti-puppy farmer, and she was worried that I might have received a puppy with problems.

But after a very thorough examination (physical) the vet said that Georgea was in perfect health, her heart sounded great. Her knees were great and she had no hernias. No mites, no fleas, no rashes. Eyes are clear. Nose is clear.

She said I was very lucky.

Coincidentally, just before we went into see the vet, the door opened and in walks my mothers cousin, who I have not seen in years, with a little baby cav.

I noticed that Di, had the same forms as me, and said did you get your puppy from such and such. Yep, she watched the show last night and was also worried about the health of her puppy and wanted to get her checked out thoroughly.

We found out that they were litter mates. Sisters. :thumbsup: and they seemed to recognize each other too.... :cry:

Apparently she paid $100 less then me, because she did not want the papers. :rofl:

I tell you this week just keeps, shocking the hell out of me.

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Coincidentally, just before we went into see the vet, the door opened and in walks my mothers cousin, who I have not seen in years, with a little baby cav.

I noticed that Di, had the same forms as me, and said did you get your puppy from such and such. Yep, she watched the show last night and was also worried about the health of her puppy and wanted to get her checked out thoroughly.

We found out that they were litter mates. Sisters. :laugh: and they seemed to recognize each other too.... :grouphug:

Apparently she paid $100 less then me, because she did not want the papers. :crossfingers:

I tell you this week just keeps, shocking the hell out of me.

Things happen for a reason. You were destined to have this pup. I'm glad for you both that she is healthy and doing well. Best of luck with her - you deserve it!

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But after a very thorough examination (physical) the vet said that Georgea was in perfect health, her heart sounded great. Her knees were great and she had no hernias. No mites, no fleas, no rashes. Eyes are clear. Nose is clear.

She said I was very lucky.

Thank God for that. I hope it brings you some peace of mind.

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Gawd, $100 less for papers - and she's a registered breeder....... :laugh:

Isn't there something in canine authority rules in QLD/NSW (not sure where she is registered) about registered breeders selling unregistered pups? Could be yet another nail in a coffin....

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