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Help Please....


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Hello everyone, I need some help!

My 3 year old rescue Ollie has started showing signs of aggression over the past 3 weeks. This all started about 3 weeks after we bought home a second rescue Penny. Ollie and Penny loooovvveee each other. From that perspective it has been a great decision.

Ollie has started getting very aggressive with other dogs tho'. We go to an off lead park and both Penny and Ollie have an absolute ball but on three occasions we have come across a single dog and Ollie has got very aggressive/vicious with the other dog (3 different dogs!). I have had to physicall pick him up and carry him off - could he be protecting Penny?

He has also started to get aggressive around his bones etc and yesterday when he and Penny were sitting on my lap he started to growl at her.

I am not sure how to go about this. I think the answer for the bones and Penny is to just tell him NO when growls. What do I do about the dogs at the park. I would like to still let him off the lead and deal with the behaviour rather than just keep him on the lead all the time.

I hope some one out there can help me out....Thank you :)

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About the bones at home, I would give them their bones separately - in different places. Such as in separate crates or one inside/one outside/laundry etc.

With aggression at the park, it is difficult to say what is going on without seeing the dog. I would suggest seeing a trainer/behaviourist.

What was Ollie like with other dogs at the park before Penny? Are the altercations when the other dog goes near Penny? Are there similarities in type of dog that he has a problem with?

Until you get it sorted out I would avoid taking Ollie to the offleash park as the more he practices this aggression, the more ingrained it will become and the more difficult it will be to stop. Have you tried taking them separately since you got Penny to see if the problem arises when he is on his own now? Maybe some more work separately and then some onlead work together would help.

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Thanks for the reply Kavik. The dogs are all different that he has had a go at. Penny is always in close proximity.

I think I will get someone to help me. I am concerned that it will become a problem that I can't fix. I am not very experienced with dogs so I definately don't want an out of hand situation.

So my next question is who do I go to. Is it simply a training issue? Can anyone recommend someone in Melbourne?

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that's a good suggestion to get a recommended behaviouralist. It worked wonders for me.

Sounds like to me that you need to in the meantime read up on NILIF (Nothing in life is free) and TOT (triangle of temptation). they are pinned threads in the training section I think. Ollie needs to learn that you are the top boss of the pack and that his behaviour to other dogs and to Penny is not acceptable. he probably is adjusting his role in the pack at the moment and if you make it clear for him he will be a much happier dog.

Good luck with it all :)

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Don't allow Ollie off lead when at the park. The more he practices this behaviour, the better he will become at it as well as escalate.

There are a number of trainers on this board (incl myself) who can help you, but it would depend on your location. Where are you located?

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Don't allow Ollie off lead when at the park. The more he practices this behaviour, the better he will become at it as well as escalate.

There are a number of trainers on this board (incl myself) who can help you, but it would depend on your location. Where are you located?

That would be wonderful...I am in Rosanna/Heidelberg but don't mind travelling a little to sort this problem out.

I can tell Ollie is a bit out of sorts....even tho he loves having Penny around I think he is taking some time to adjust. This might sounds crazy but it really upsets me too :eek:

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Dont worry most of us will travel to you :eek: seeing the dog in its home environment and maybe even taking a walk as well to evaluate what is going on is the best start to solving your dogs behavior problems.

Meanwhile I would not be taking him to dog parks and allowing him any more opportunity to scrap. Go for walks but NO offleash until you get some control and he is properly assessed by a professional. Sounds like Olly needs a bit of retraining as to what is and is not acceptable and to not be playing king of the castle. You now have a dog AND a bitch and this type of behavior can creep in if the dog thinks it is now 'his' bitch.

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