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Alternative Medication For Sore Tendon


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I was hoping i could get some info on alternative medications for dogs.

My pup and my boyfriends dog were playing together about 3 weeks ago.

The next morning my bf noticed Buddy limping from his rear leg. He left it for 2 days- keeping an eye on him to see if it would get better.

It didnt so we took him to the vet.

The vet said he has pulled a tendon in his leg- around the doggy knee area.

We were giving anti-inflamitories, told to keep him away from other dogs for 3 weeks to rest up.

That was fine, and then she mentioned the very slight possibility of surgery! My bf asked about pricing and was told close to $5000. Buddy is a Pointer x dalmation x something BIG!

My bf then freaked out saying he couldnt afford surgery if it come to that and thought of re-homing buddy. I went nuts at him as we had rescued buddy and i wasnt going to let him be given away again, just because my partner is living week to week.

Buddy's leg seemed to be fine- so after the 3 weeks of rest my bf took him for a walk around the block and he has started limping again...

Is there any alternative things we can give him to speed up the recovery? Or to simply help his leg heal? I know you can give dogs, human anti- histimines----- what about anti-inflamitories? Or some natural healing tablets?

The last vet cost $200 and i hoped theres something we can give him to keep the costs low so my bf doesnt start to re-think keeping buddy. as then i will have to move to a bigger rental and take him with me and my pup!! i would never let him be given away again. Poor dog has been rejected before and once is more than enough!

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how were you keeping him? with a problem like that I would only keep to crate/laundry and small leash walks.

I would also consider seeing a chiropractor. My dogue had a limp which one vet said was a shoulder problem and required $1800 worth of surgery ... well turns out he had a bad disc in his back and what you paid for the vet paid for multiple chiro visits.

dogs will limp, it stops the leg being further used and more damage. He's also probably limping because the anti inflammatories have worn off. I dont like using them a lot, if there is a small amount of pain that is good for me as it stops the dog using the leg and causing more damage because he cannot feed the bodys natural 'whoah settle down' mechanism.

I would still limit his interaction with the other dogs and short leash walks to prevent muscle wastage over the long term.

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I would find a chiro,acupuncturist or trigger point therapy practioner who deals with animals.

My girl has HD and i find she gets really bad trigger point when she is not walking correctly, or if she has pulled something, and through inactivity, it seems to "set" in the wrong position.

I had taken her to see a friend who has tiles inside and whle she was running around she pulled her quad. Shen then sat outside on the pavers with us, and then we had 1 1/2 trip home. By the time we got there she couldn't walk. Took her ot the trigger point vet the next and she was fine.

Good luck

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