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Raw Verses Kibble Only


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Cant comment on research but my breeder has been feeding Kibble only for over 30 years and all her dogs are fine, my two have Kibble only and are doing very well, ( Ok they have Carrots as chew toys!) but thats it! An odd Vege Pig Ear as a treat


No research as far as I know - and I've looked. :(

It would be hard to do that sort of study, since there are so many versions of a raw diet - if you test the long term effects of one person's idea of prey model, who can say that another person's idea of prey model is just as healthy, or that BARF is just as healthy?

And which criteria would you pick to say which food was "healthier"? The years the dogs live? The number of vet visits they have before they die? What they eventually die of? The number of dentals they need? The number of gut impactions or tooth fractures they experience? Which criteria you decide to pick would impact which food was "healthier".

There are a few studies out there where people analysed the nutritional content of "typical" raw diets to the NRC guidelines for what dogs "should" eat. All of the diets fell short of at least one or two nutrients, some very short, which had the anti-BARF lobby jumping up and down. Of course, then you have to ask, perhaps the NRC are just being paranoid, since most dogs do seem to thrive on raw diets regardless of what they're "supposed" to need in their diets.

There is plenty of research about the benefits of various different types of kibble on dental health. It would be easy enough to set up trials of that sort to investigate whether raw diets are as good (or better) for teeth as dental kibble or regular kibble is. Would just take someone with motivation and a scientific background, and a moderate amount of funding.

It would also be reasonably simple to pay to have one or two "raw" diets tested to AAFCO standards, which are rather basic - as I recall, 8 dogs kept alive on the diet for a few months without obvious changes in weight or serum biochemistry gives you the AAFCO tick of approval. Pretty basic.

But I can't see any huge long term diet studies being done soon. The commitment of time and money would just be too large. No one will step forward to fund it - no kibble company, and no group of raw feeders, has volunteered to fund such a thing so far!

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Bokezu - My boy got VERY sick on raw (all human grade, used before use-by dates). I don't know if that was the cause, but he is doing well on a presciption diet. Am I cruel for trying to keep the poor thing alive with a (very borking) diet that is working? A badly executed raw diet can be worse than a balanced kibble one.

I believe that raw is best for most dogs, but it appears that there is no evidence of it via research (and I'd like to know why!).

I find it interesting when people say they *know* something is better: how do they know? are the results independant? statistically significant? what is their definition of raw (BARF, old fashioned before Dr B got famous BARF, Prey??)? what measures define "healthy"?

I was saying I "know" raw is better for my dogs............and I think all dogs deserve a bone occassionally.

and no of course you are not cruel for giving him something that suits him and doesn't make him sick......I am speaking in general and yes if people don't know what they are doing of course they can get it wrong with both raw and all kibble as well, it comes down to what works for you and your dog, I'm not telling anyone how to feed their dog, just commenting and asking a question :thumbsup:

Edited by Bokezu
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Cant comment on research but my breeder has been feeding Kibble only for over 30 years and all her dogs are fine, my two have Kibble only and are doing very well, ( Ok they have Carrots as chew toys!) but thats it! An odd Vege Pig Ear as a treat

thats good to hear as long as they are healthy, I'm thinking you have a smaller breed? as a gundog would go stir crazy with a carrot as a chew toy, carrot just wouldn't cut it here I'm afraid

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