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my dog was put down 6 weeks ago and i am not coping at all. can anyone help me as to who i go to or phone for help i am in a deep depression

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What state are you in? Let us know and maybe we can find some local contacts for you.

Have you spoken to your GP? Your GP can refer you to a psychologist, psychiatrist or counsellor through Medicare so it's affordable; I'm sure your GP could make sure whoever you're referred to is a "dog person" who understands the grief of losing a beloved pet.

Hang in there *hugs*

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thankyou i just wanted oneperson tolisten. she was sick and had spinal damage and i am justt finding it really really tough.. thank you she was only 5

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I,m so sorry to hear about your loss. A lot of people on this forum have lost pets so you are not alone, would it help to talk about it on this forum. We have an older friend who lost his beloved companion rather suddenly due to a silly accident caused while he was helping out a friend. He suffered badly for weeks to the point where we became very worried about him. He was able to speak to his close friends and his vet, he had no family members. I believe you can talk to Life Line phone 13 11 14 about loosing a pet.

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What area do you live in, pumpitdog?

You can talk as much as you like about how you're feeling here on DOL, but maybe somebody to speak to in real life would help too. x

i feel so stupid but i am really suffering i might try lifeline. who would've thought a dog coould cause so much grief???? stupid dogs who would have them????

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What area do you live in, pumpitdog?

You can talk as much as you like about how you're feeling here on DOL, but maybe somebody to speak to in real life would help too. x

i feel so stupid but i am really suffering i might try lifeline. who would've thought a dog coould cause so much grief???? stupid dogs who would have them????

Not stupid at all. Grief is grief, it doesn't make it any less because it was an animal. :)

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What area do you live in, pumpitdog?

You can talk as much as you like about how you're feeling here on DOL, but maybe somebody to speak to in real life would help too. x

i feel so stupid but i am really suffering i might try lifeline. who would've thought a dog coould cause so much grief???? stupid dogs who would have them????

Okay so stop feeling stupid!! You obviously loved your dog very much and your dog's death has left you very upset. Nothing stupid there. There are lots of lovely people here who understand how painful it is to lose a beloved pet. I remember reading in a dog magazine in a doctors surgery a while ago about a man who was a funeral director and then he changed direction and started doing pet cremations and he did offer counselling for the owners. Do get some support but feel free to talk in here too :)

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pumpitdog, I am so sorry for your loss. I am going through the same at the moment. We lost our beautiful Angel Bindi on Tuesday. It was so sudden, and we are so devastated, we feel lost and totally heartbroken.

I know i am probably no good to anyone yet, because I cant see past my own pain. But I pray that with time, we can all start to move forward.

I know I have a LONG road in front of me...but I am lucky that I have family going through the same feelings as myself, and plus the wonderful caring people here on DOL have been a God send.

Please talk to someone...

Edited by I ♥ Bindi~Boo
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Dont you ever feel stupid!

We all feel the same way on the loss of a pet and who knows how long it affects us for, although we all have different leves of coping and levels of loss perception we all feel the pain you are feeling.

There is a great chat group on these links

Message board

Pet loss


What area do you live in, pumpitdog?

You can talk as much as you like about how you're feeling here on DOL, but maybe somebody to speak to in real life would help too. x

i feel so stupid but i am really suffering i might try lifeline. who would've thought a dog coould cause so much grief???? stupid dogs who would have them????

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pumpitdog- it must have been very hard to lose a dog at a youngish age like that :laugh::(

here are some links for you- I hope they may be of help.




it's sorta funnny cause when you lose a pet you think you are the only one to have experienced it. but in fact thousands of others have....

let me tell you about scrub dog she was very naughty.. she used to wake up at 5 am to go for a walk.... on weekends.... she used to growl when she sleeped and you touched her. she would take your undies and not give them back and she would wiggle her tail and her whole bum when you got home from work. she was my first baby..

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how absolutey sad :laugh:

you are not stupid, grief for a dog or any animal is real, they play such an important part in your lives

I like alot of other DOLers have gone through it and even many years later still miss my, after I left my childhood home, first little dog

but i remember things like you have started to, what a little character she was and the naughty and funny things she did, it does help a little knowing what a good life you gave your dog

plant a lovely tree in her memory

and ring Lifeline or see your doctor


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