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Missy Is An Idiot... And I Just Saved Her!


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Missy (a little 5ish month Pom) was eating her dinner just now.

Just little bits of dry food thats puppy sized.

Next thing I know she is making a snorting noise and turning in circles while squatting...

At first I thought she and Fluffy were playing.

Then it hit me.. She was CHOKING!!

I shoved a finger down her throat (she hated that!!) and dislodged what was in there.

Then a little square of kibble falls out!!

The silly puppy choked on her food!!How does that happen??

Now Im scared about leaving dry food out for them during the day (due to working we cant do the all important midday meal).

Anyone else had puppies choke on their normal food??

She is all good now. Made herself at home in the doona next to me..

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The silly puppy choked on her food!!How does that happen??

Glad she's ok!

She is not silly...she is a puppy.

How does it happen?

It happens when food is the wrong size/ shape for the pup's age/eating habits....

Often a hungry pup will gulp small kibble .. and of course, they will often breathe at the wrong time , too !

Re the midday meal... why not give them a big feed in the morning.. one when you get home, and one at bedtime? :thumbsup:

leaving food out is not necesssary ...She doesn't really need 3 meals a day ... one in the morning, and one at night would probably be enough :laugh:

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My pup did the exact same thing the other day little piggy... He was just gobbling his food and next thing I was thinking about doggie mouth to mouth when he started flailing around with a bit of kibble that went down the wrong way.

I soak his food in hot water and make it softer for him as he's teething at the moment so maybe you could try that to make it a bit easier?

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Yeah.. I bit of water to soften it up sounds like a good idea.

She is known to make snorting noises when she gets excited....

She is just so much more sillier then Mr Fluffy... I think of her as a stereo typical blonde lol.. Very ditzy dog hehe.

Thanks for the replies. Got a bit of a shock.. And she tried to bite my finger off when I poked it down her throat lol

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I found with my dogs that if I took away the midday meal before they were ready they'd throw up at about 4 in the morning. Kivi was that way for ages. Even if fed him a too small midday meal, or too late. I started cutting him back to 2 meals around 5 months, though.

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Glad your pup is ok.

You really shouldn't be leaving food out during the day. Dogs aren't like Cats who will just eat when neccessary, dogs will just gorge themselves.

Allows dogs to graze on food throughout the day can also mess your your pack structure.

Speak to your Breeder but I'm sure your pup will do just fine on 2 meals a day, many pups start to refuse their lunch time meal as well.

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My little bitch used to do this alot.. till i brought a brake fast bowl.. i also soak there kibble in hot water the nite before.. now she knows not to guts her meals!!


Heya, just thought I'd mention one thing I found out when Dante was a pup was that soaking kibble especially in hot water breaks down the protein and destroys the Lactis (Good Bacteria) they spray on it.

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My little bitch used to do this alot.. till i brought a brake fast bowl.. i also soak there kibble in hot water the nite before.. now she knows not to guts her meals!!


Heya, just thought I'd mention one thing I found out when Dante was a pup was that soaking kibble especially in hot water breaks down the protein and destroys the Lactis (Good Bacteria) they spray on it.

Oh oks... well there's nothing eles i can do but soak her's

They dont just get kibble they get meat and yogurt also with the kibble... and Sardines on the odd days

Edited by TeamSnag
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeh,my little Pug man did that exact same thing,i stuck my fingers down his throat with no luck,straight to the Emergency Vet,$600 later they could not even find the obstruction.

We think it was his Kibble,so now i soak a little of kibble for him,and put dry kibble in his Kong,so only a couple of pieces fall out at a time,this way he cant gulp a mouth full.

I really try to realx him now before giving any food,it seems to work,if he is relaxed,he wont eat like a rabid pig.

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