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Snot. Un-currupted.


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These photos have been sitting on my camera for ages.

When I was importing them onto my computer the files got corrupted somehow :D anyway, I finally took my memory card into a camera place and they managed to have them copied onto a disc for me. I'm a bit disappointed at the photos but thought I'd share anyway due to how much frustration they cause me!

Sitting Pretty


The equivalent of asking a person to lick their elbow :rofl:


Curious birdy


Wrong focus point but I like it anyway :dropjaw:


"Helpz! The ground is falling!"


Edited by disorder
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Love em!

Now tell me are these straight from the camera or have they had extra processing. Mine never have this look about them but I like that contrasty, vivid, intense look that everyone but me seems to achieve.

Yep, all of those are straight from the camera. It was my first go using that lens, I borrowed it off my brother.

Glad you got the problem sorted. Is your camera ok? Did you find out what the problem was?

I haven't even put the memory card back into it yet... so I still don't know whats wrong if it will work..

Baby steps... otherwise everything becomes too over whelming for me :mad

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It's an older one, a Canon EOS 300D. I haven't touched the saturation at all.

I was about to say all of these were taken on auto but they weren't!

It's the first time Ive actually mucked around with the settings while having it on AV.

Edited by disorder
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